New to the site Interested in Islam


Hi, I have been studying Islam since Ramaadan of this year, and will take my shahada at some point, I am not sure when. I came to Islam because I met a wonderful man who is a Muslim. He never pushed me about religion, but in order to understand his I began to study Islam. I found out that during Ramaadan a Muslim is requiered to rad the Quran so I decided to read it too. I felt such a calm and peace when I was reading it was amazing to me. Anyway the more I learn the more I see that Islam is the truth. I still have some questions and things I need to resolve within myself before I take my Shahadah. oh and the Muslim man is now my fiance!!!

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

Welcome to forum. Hopely you will find here answers to your questions. Sisters and brothers here are glad if they can help you in any way.


um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member

Welcome to the site!!!! Inshallah there are plans for you, Allah has planned the day for you to take the shahada and I pray it will be soon!

Feel free to ask any question!