New wonder drug cures major life threatening illness


Junior Member

New Wonder Drug Cures Major Life Threatening Illness!

By Suhaib Webb

If you raced to this article praying and hoping to find that a cure for cancer, HIV, the bird flu or any other life threatening was discovered, then you’re wrong. The disease I want us both to think about is even more deadly. It is highly contagious and, unfortunately, cannot be found with a CAT scan, blood test, or a visit to the Mayo Clinic. This disease kills millions everyday, but it is never mentioned on Oprah, Dr. Phil or the nightly news? This is the disease of the heart, and if we’re not careful our heart could be dying before our very eyes.

Ibn al-Qayyim noted that this disease and its offshoots are rooted in two primary infections:

1. An infected intention
2. An infection in knowledge

The former relates to those who “earned wrath”; the latter to “those who went astray.” The stable condition for the patient is “those who You have favored.”

He states that the cure for this illness is found in the double dose wonder drug “It is You alone we worship, and You alone we implore for help.”

The first dosage

“It is You alone we worship”

Contains the Mixture:

1. Servitude and worship is due to Allah alone and nothing else
2. This servitude is employed based on Allah’s orders and His Sharı̔ah alone
3. This servitude is not based on the whims, genius, protocol nor customs of people

The Second Dosage

“It is You alone we implore for help.”

Contains the Mixture :

1. Aid and assistance is sought from Allah alone
2. No one should feel independent and free from Allah; thinking him/herself rich, autonomous
3. One should not rely on his/her talents and gifts trusting them to aid him instead of Allah

Start Praying and Take the Prescription

In order to restore and maintain the ideal state Allah [the Most High] prescribed for us, a simple 7 mg antibiotic that must be taken no less then 17 times a day, at five specific time periods.

This wonder drug works to remind the servant of Allah, His attributes, actions, the servant’s reality; encouraging him to seek the way of the people of the “straight way”; warning him from the way of those “who’ve earned anger” and “those who have gone astray.”

Composition and Instructions

This drug is composed of six important substances, divided into two dosages, taken 17 times daily at five distinct time periods. There have been no reported examples of overdose nor contradictions. The best time outside of the five major ones is shortly before dawn. Physicians noted patients who did so enjoyed a sense of light and joy, wideness of chest and an over all improvement in character and charm. Some even noted an improvement in marital relations and wealth!

Our faith is filled with so many blessings; the only thing we need to do is stop and appreciate them.

“Allah praise be to Allah who guided us to this, for without His guidance we would have never been guided.”



Mashaallah sister this is very beneficial, especially since my iman has been waning (Probably coz i dont stay up after fajr) so inshaallah this has sort of motivated me to stay up after fajr and read Quran hopefully it should work inshaallah.
