new zealand


New Member
salam alaykom warahmato allah wabarakato

is there any muslim comunity or muslim people in new zealnd that could guide and help anyone who would like to stay in new zealnad cause i'm planing to stay there and i dont know anything about the islam there how is it and how is the muslim comunities and muslim kiwis there, so if someone can help please your welcome

and thank you , baraka allah fekom


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum wa rahmet Allah Wa barakatu

Welcome to the site.
Im sorry i wish I new anyone from New Zealand but insha Allah i will ask a couple of my friends and insha Allah i will get back to you.
welcome see this link it's a good link perhaps you can find some useful informations :

Someone in the website has already visited NZ exaclty Wellington :).
For me i know some friends from Christchurch but i have never been there.
I hope for you good luck.


New Member

salam alaykom warahmato allah wabarakato

thank you very much and baraka allah fekom for your replay both of u its nice from you :)
i tried to enter the site u gave me but its open a white web page saying vdeck 403 forbidden , so there is no way i can enter the site :(


a lonely traveller
North Shore Islamic Centre
2/19 Ashfield Road
Tel: 09 - 441 2493
Al Manar Trust
P O Box 10203
Dominion Road
Mt. Eden
Tel: 09 - 827 5750
Avondale Islamic Centre
122 Blockhouse Bay Rd
P O Box 19339
Tel: 09 - 828 0786

East Auckland Islamic Trust
5B Cortina Place
P O Box 251 019
Tel: 09 - 577 5030
Jamii Mosque
921 Heaphy Terrace
P O Box 665
Tel: 07 - 855 0567
Lower Hutt Islamic Centre
14-20 Hunter St
Lower Hutt
Tel: 04 - 970 2925

Masjid Al Huda
21 Clyde Street
P O Box 6288
Tel: 03 - 477 1838
Masjid al Noor
101 Deans Avenue
P O Box 8272
Tel: 03 - 348 3930
Masjid Umar
185 - 187 Stoddard Road
Mt Roskill
Tel: 09 - 626 2800

Palmerston North Islamic Centre
81 Cook St
P O Box 1482
Palmerston North
Tel: 06 - 357 8362
Papakura Islamic Centre
12 Tironui Station Road
Ponsonby Mosque
17 Vermont St
P O Box 91504
AKL Mail Center
Tel: 09 - 378 8200

Porirua Islamic Centre
58-60 Waihora Crescent
Porirua East
Tel: 04 - 235 6637
South Auckland Mosque
26 Mangere Road
P O Box 22 807
Tel: 09 - 276 6725
Wellington Mosque
7-11 Queens Drive
P O Box 14503
Tel: 04 - 387 4226

West Auckland Mosque
31 - 33 Armada Dr.
Tel: 09 - 833 9072


a lonely traveller
The above are the islamic centres in New Zealand...As you said you cant enter the site so I thought it to be my duty to help my brother
Walaikum as salam wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu
Just try again brother to enter to the website. It's true the website is so slow but incha'Allah an other time you can visit it.
Good luck