

muslim sis
Asalamualeykum wa rehmtullahi to all

i am Nadyah, a muslim sister from pakistan. i have recently left work to spend more time learning about my faith. and have Allhamdullilah joined this forum site with the same niyaah (intention) of growing in deen with every positive input. i have just viewed some videos posted here and must say they were a very inspiring watch Mashallah

to finish off with a prayer :)
May Allah SWT put barakah and hikma in all we say to each other and guide us all in this life and al-akhira. ameen


New Member
welcome sister to your familly, thank u so much for your prayer, and i'm so proud about what you did "leave work to learn more about islam", i hope that allah accept your done, and that he well-pleased with you and mackes you with the successful in jannah inchallah.