Nothing ever goes my Way


New Member
i currently go college and its nearly coming to an end. However i failed my maths which is having a big impact on me as i probably will struggle to find a job as most placed nowadays require you to have a 4 (C) in maths same for University. so one of my issues is that i wont be able to go uni until i pass my maths. And with college coming to an end the last maths test is in May. So this is the MAKE or BREAK. I also struggle to find a job and just feel so behind. I pray when i can and i wont lie i do miss it some of the time but i pray and read quran/surah yasin when i can. My duas are never accepted and it feels as if they go unanswered. My life has been very hard from secondary where i was picked on i had no friends and same goes in college. I have tried many different things and it just doesnt work i keep at it still but same result. I just feel like a failure im dumb, no friends, nobody! I make dua after praying and even try different methods, i find different duas, say them in english and NOTHING! i feel very depressed, anxious etc my chest (heart) area hurts. i know that suicide is haraam but i think about it everyday. Make dua for me and Help…… Let me know your opinion……