Numbers of rak’ahs in Taraaweeh prayer


Junior Member
jazak Alllah for sharring this, it was inevitably. sometimes we should just do something without questioning to much (Just remember surah al baqara, the storry with the cow....) thanks again.

nori suja'i

Junior Member
actually the taraweh prayer is 8 raka'ah (even) plus 3 raka'ah (odd) of sunah witr so if combined together all
become 11 raka'ah. our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had
done so but permitted Sahabah Saideena Abu Bakar Al-
Siddiq to perform taraweh prayer for 20 raka'ah (plus
3 raka'ah for witr means altogether 23 raka'ah) when
His Sahabah asked. hope these explanation helps.


Junior Member
actually the taraweh prayer is 8 raka'ah (even) plus 3 raka'ah (odd) of sunah witr so if combined together all
become 11 raka'ah. our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had
done so but permitted Sahabah Saideena Abu Bakar Al-
Siddiq to perform taraweh prayer for 20 raka'ah (plus
3 raka'ah for witr means altogether 23 raka'ah) when
His Sahabah asked. hope these explanation helps.

nope. taraweeh prayer is 2 -2 rakat and not 8 rakah. there isn´t any specific number regarding this. and the practise which is done by khulafai rashidin and in both harmain-sharif is the sunnah. and that is 20 rakah.

Ramadan is holy month, so let us pray more as much we can do.


Junior Member
welcome brother sword of sunna. I see from the comments that some people did not read the post carefully and so missed to take "the lesson". Plz brothers/sisters read acarefully there is something u can learn!

nori suja'i

Junior Member
after reading the message for 2nd times now i realised
what it means, mashaaAllah. the confusions here were not
because of 8/20 or 2-2 but its about able or unable/times. La haula wala qoowata illa billahil aleeyil