Of Spare Time And Self-Ineptitude.

Abu Fauzi

Junior Member
As-Salaam alaikum,
Your delay in performing good deed till you find time and vacancy from being occupied with worldly affairs is counted as self-Ineptitude, or thoughtlessnes, as this indicates preferring this world over the Hereafter.

Worldly affairs never end, and no one is ever sufficed of them... a finished matter only leads to another. And some said : we move here and there for our affairs, and the affairs of anyone living never end.

And it is further said: Time is like the sword, if you don't cut it, it cuts you. And we find in the Hadith : "There is not a day except that it calls: 'O son of Adam, I am a new creation, and a witness for your deeds!! So, sieze of me (all benefits you can), for I do not return till the Resurrection Day".

From :. Ibn Atta'illah's "Hikam.. The Book of Wisdom".