Opinion's of younger generation!


A Believer In Heart
What is your fear as Islam for younger generations or what do you think of the younger generation living in countries such as USA or England?

I personal fear for younger generation because i live in American and don't get me wrong but it is the land of freedom as they put it but I fear it is too much freedom. I have younger sibling and they are boys which for me creates this fear about who they will become because I believe boys are more like to become bad then girls. In the state I live a lot of the brothers’ act like Americans than Muslims. I fear for them and I am trying to get my parents to do the same as my Aunt who took her children to this Arabic country which name I can’t recall. I am not saying Muslim countries will help them but as least they will be surround by Muslim and will grow up (hopefully) to be good Muslim. I believe the knowledge you get as a child will remain with you as you grow up. I know it did for me. I am the person I am today because I was rise in my country for the first 12 yrs of my life and attending Muslim school 24/7 which was good.



it's very difficult to be a muslim in america today. not that what america itself stands for is bad, but there is such a huge loss of decency here. we muslims in the states are constantly bombarded with the haram. there are times when i have to constantly lower my gaze because women are very often scantily clad. tv is loaded with haram material, there is a huge lack of respect for god fearing people. evil has become good and bad has become good. i am 26 years old and it's hard to fight these things, that's why i worry about our future children. i fear that our children will become totally accustomed to the lack of morality that seem to be rampant in america. there will be many people trying to block our kids from entering jannah. i pray thay Allah swt protects these children.


Junior Member
in my country, i fear that muslims of my younger generation are getting more and more secular because of our cosmpolitan nature of life.

sm parents dont send their kids to religious schools as they think emphasis in world education is more impt than hereafter, some of the muslims are just islam by the name only..they still go clubbing,have tatoos,dont cover their awrahs,casual relationships,open intimacy,celebrate valentines day etc..im afraid its been getitng out of hand because its the muslims in my coutnry that have the highest number of rate when it comes to premarital sex..religious education is not seen as impt to sm muslim parents here..:(

in fact sm of the non muslims are considerate of other's fafths that they reminded a muslim brother he shouldnt be eating pork because its forbidden in their religion they still do it and i was shocked when my mum told me she heard sm of the muslims in the bus saying they are ashame of being muslims..plus christian missionaries esp fromt he charismatic movements are trying to convert pple of other faifths to their religion(charismatic churches in my opinion are just cults)

also its no suprise that a number of non muslims(there are majority buddhists,hindus,christians here) whove left their faifths and are becoming free thinkers and abandoning their religions and to them becoming religious is deemd as too fanatic. as a result it makes these muslims think that having a religion is "backward"

may allah guide us all and give hidayah to these pple to strengthen their faiths


Junior Member
It is wrong to blame the younger generation , all this is the result of parents neglecting their duty in giving their children a proper upbringing .Instilling in them good islamic teachings and manners and teaching them right from wrong.
The past two generation of mother's have particularly been negligent hence the state of the ummah .I myself grew up without any sort of Islamic teachings , it was after I grew up that I searched for the truth.But being in the UK aided me because I had an independent thinking mind and went against the whole of my family and relatives when I wore a headscarf and caused uproar when I wore a veil.
Now you see many women wearing headscarves and veil but not when I wore it.The UK has changed drastically over the last 16 years or so .With more youngsters searching for the truth.I found it was easier to bring my children up in the UK because I could turn around and explain to my children that their classmates and teachers etc were non-muslims and should not be immitated .Later on my children went to Islamic schools that's when it became difficult. Because now muslims were behaving as non- believers and it was the norm , it was harder , much harder to keep my children from going astray.I think it would have been alot harder to bring my children up in a muslim country because they're muslim but their unislamic influence is far deadlier then the west.
Music, dancing ,tv, free mingling of the sexes and hijab which is mostly worn as a formality just to show the piety of a family is the norm now even in UK amongst the so-called practising muslims .I am talking Leicester , dewsbury, blackburn, london,etc.
I have heard so much criticism of the Pakistani's .I have found they are the best because if they practice they do it because they care about Allah and do it properly if they don't ,they won't wear a veil just to show they are pious.


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

Well pretty much everything said so far covers it all.

The young generations coming up are forgetting about Islam and baiscally just want fit in and be one of the cool people. What i find slightly shocking is i have never talked to an individual the same age as me who practises. Also the media play a part as well, personal opinion.

Although i didnt go to a muslim school and it was tough i have to say, because including me and the teachers there was only 5 muslims and 4 of us practised. I personally think going to a non-muslim school can help as long you dont get influenced in what they do or want to become cool. Having it tough when your young can help in some ways, as you can get mentally stronger and not be afraid to say yes or no. Although you need your parents there too. But now i would be reluctant to send my children to a non muslim school, because of how everthing is.




Junior Member
i honestly dont see anything wrong with going to a non muslim school but im really worried when parents dont set priorities for religious education just as important as secular education(science,maths etc) so much so that the kids ar ejust muslim by name.but that doesnt mean i blame the parents and their children respectively.i mean who knows allah knows best who he wants to give hidayah..


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

Yeah i see what your saying, but when i was in Primary School, my mother said that i had to read the Quran and be good etc, (otherwise it was a smack across the head :) ) But in the end primary school finished and i had not read the Quran, although i wasnt a bad person, probably because my brothers were there to ensure that i didnt turn out bad. Eventually my mother gave up on me and let me be, although it came to Year 9 or 10 i think when i started to change Alhamdulilah, as my mother expressed about starting to read Salah, and i started to take more interest, so i took it from there, i learned the actions first, then how many rakah's and baiscally continued. Now Alhamdulilah im doing well and inshallah will increase my Iman. And Alhamdulilah this happend while in a non-muslim school. What im getting at is, i dont think parents should force, as i think that drives the younger generation away as well as talking to other young friends. Inshallah i would promote it to my children in a fun way, but i guess i cant judge from a parents position, as i am not one, and its probably more harder than it looks.

Alhamdulilah Allah (S.W.T) guideth whom he wills.



A Believer In Heart
Assalamu alaykum,

Thank you all! I real agree with some of the things some of you said and I do agree with the fact children are more like to be/become good Muslim when they are in non-Muslim schools because they know the students are not Muslims and they shouldn’t be doing what non-Muslim does ( depending on how the child was/beening rise). But the problem is Muslim parents don’t know that their children are more like to be influence weather in
bad/good way by Muslim than non-Muslim. Some parents don’t communicate with Muslim school than they do with non-Muslim school which is sad. And for me it is sad to see parent take non-Muslim schools rule to come to parent-teacher conference than visit their child Muslim school. I definitely agree with sister Hafz. Allah knows best.

May Allah guide, protect, and giving as strength to live and rise our childrens in non-muslim contries!



Slave of Rahman
being muslim

first of all i understand that beeing young muslim in usa (or other west country) is not deferent from the turkey. 90/100 peple is muslim here. but they do not know their religion. cultural emperializm to impress our children. they want to be like madonna, brad pit, etc... now the muslims in the turkiye strugling with it. the younger mostly have got imitated "iman" (believe) not real iman. (they say "yes i am muslim" but they dont know anything abaut islam. they dont know MUHAMMED :saw: THEY DONT KNOW ALLAH)




New Member
in Turkey i m with korgan. i agree

nobody know Quran surah and other important islamic things.

girls reading "cosmopolitan, go girl, ...." like capitalist magazines.
boys reading sports magazines and newspapers.

Love my islam

Junior Member
In my opinion it doesn't matter which system our kids go to what matters is how we raise them. We should educate ourselves and be example. We need to watch for what kind of company they keep and be friends with their families. A child in islamic envoirment at home where child sees all rules are kept quraan and sunnah being followed most likely will respect islam. I live in Canada and I visit Pakistan from time to time. In both countries I have seen its the envoirment at home that effect the young mind in most cases.
Put love and fear of Allah in their hearts and alway pray for them.
I read somewhere that its easy to build a child than to repair an adult.
Ofcourse when Allah gives hidaya age doesnt matter.

May Allah have mercy on our coming generations. May Allah make us strong in imaan so we can guide them gently to the right path. Ameen


Junior Member
resposibility and education aside, what really worries me is this:

a "muslim" who only behaves like a muslim in front of his/her parents or in front of religious people at broad daylight but becomes a "secular havoc" int he night time with his/her close friends etc

this is what im currently seeing righ tin front of my own eyes in my country


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

I agree this happens where i live too and probably around the UK, a lot of people act like this in college, i know it seems like im guessing because i wont know what they act like at home, but you can just see it. I dont know what to say, i guess all we can do is Dua for them and Allah (S.W.T) guides them to the straight path.



resposibility and education aside, what really worries me is this:

a "muslim" who only behaves like a muslim in front of his/her parents or in front of religious people at broad daylight but becomes a "secular havoc" int he night time with his/her close friends etc

this is what im currently seeing righ tin front of my own eyes in my country


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum,

I agree part of what everyone. But I personally think Muslim kids rise in non-muslim country like American is are going great leaders in Islam in the future because they grow up with people with different religions, cultures, traditions and they know how fortune they are to be muslims. To be honesty with when I live back home, I did not know how luck I was to have a true religion. These kids that are been rise here in American, are likely to bring peace to Islam than a kid that is rise in Islamic country because they face a lot things that made to be better individual and good muslim but if they will be good muslim or not is up how the parents in American rise them in Islamic way. for instance, after 9/11 happen Muslim kids in American face a lot of harsh things, like racism and dealing with word the terrorist, these made some kids realize where Islam stand in American, and some of them willing to change the negative view of non-Muslim about Islam and what it stands. I grow up in Islamic country and comparing what I knew when I was ten in Muslim country and what a ten year old kid in American knows about Islam is way different, they know better than what I knew. My parents pay lot of money for my little brothers to go to Islamic school the seven days of the week and the time they spend with my little brothers telling story and how to be good Muslim is more than they ever spend with me or my big brothers and sister in back home, and it is not only my parents but lot of muslim parents. Because they did not have anything to worry about back home but in America there is a lot of things to worry about. I really have so much hope for kids that are been rise in here. But my fear is that some parents will forget to tech their kids about Islam and its rule. In American, it is not only about send your child to the best Islamic school, but spending time with them at home and telling about Islam. In American, both parents and teachers work together to make these kids great muslim. In American, everyday our believes are been challenged but back home I did not have to worry about what I knew of my religion.
I pray for all our future generation to great muslim and to fight Islam.


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

Yes i agree also with that, i personally found it difficult as well in England when 9/11 happend and 7/7, going to a non-muslim was really difficult, although i always try and defend Islam, to the ones i wasnt scared of, although there were some nasty pieces of work at my old school, so you could not say anything as they would threaten to hit you or verbally abuse you more. Looking back those days were really difficult.

But i guess thats what makes a muslim even more resilliant. I think the problem would be is whether the muslim who went to a non muslim school would send his children to muslim school or non muslim, i think thats a problem Inshallah i will be faced with.




Signing Out.....

I've been living in London for nearly all of my life, but sometime in 2003 we left the UK. I spent a year in Saudia and another in Egpyt, and in all honesty, It completely changed my life. I had always prayed, fasted and everything else, but I had never truly understood the real significance of it all. Before that, I took everything at face value and I never really knew how blessed I was to be a muslim. After two years abroad, I came back looking like a burnt samosa....



Junior Member
ok ive to also admit ive to look on the positive sides too..mebe it isnt so bad living in a non-muslims country..i realise that living in a non muslim country(islam is the 2nd dominant rleigion inmy ocuntry) it has teach tolerant and religious/racial harmony between other races and im really proud of this :)