Our Hatred Has Increased Towards You, Isreal


Jazakallah khair brother.

This hatred has increased in both the Muslim & non-Muslim world. Our hatred should not be towards the (Orthodox) Jews that live in Israel, because they are being oppressed by the Zionists as well.

The Zionists do not want to create divisions in Israel because the world will know The Truth, so when one goes against Israel they label the person as anti-Semitic, when in fact Zionists are the Nazi's of yesterday. The Holocaust museum in Washington is used to remind people (especially Christians) of their sorrows. What the Jews went through was a terrible tragedy, but the Zionists have politically used the Holocaust & the Holocaust museum to invoke & justify the ethnic cleansing and war crimes against Palestinians.

They have a internet based Palestinian Holocaust museum but one day inshallah we will build a Palestinian Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. and show all the innocents, as early as the 1917 Balfour Declaration, that have been massacred.


New Member
This hatred has increased in both the Muslim & non-Muslim world. Our hatred should not be towards the (Orthodox) Jews that live in Israel, because they are being oppressed by the Zionists as well.

Very well said! Palestine will be free... InshaAllah!!!