our hero, A Q KHAN


New Member
Salam... To clear most misconceptions, I would say that it was India first who test fired missiles and launched the nuclear programme in 1974.Indian government then tried to pressurise Pakistan which would have caused extreme damage to the national integrity unless and until Pakistan did not do something serious for her survival.Indian government was already then threathening to destroy Pakistan in a "matter of few days".A Q khan is a National hero.He saved Pakistan from being destroyed.He sincerely worked for Pakistan and has a staunch pro Islamic personality.My point is that Pakistan would've been existing if he hadn't been there.Moreover, it wasn't Pakistan who first went for Nuclear programme.And you can see that it isn't clearly Pakistan who's doing multi milion dollar deals with Israel, Russia, America etc but the neigbour.Most ppl even regard Pakistan as the equal of Israel.Even most Non Pakistani muslims have a unfavourable image about Pakistan and think of it to be able to be a failed state.but then there's so much intensity in propoganda against Pakistan, these days.It's no less that a miracle that Pakistan is existing today.Small issues are exaggerated and cultural issues are exploited to defame the country and the religion.It's like as we're left alone to fight for our integrity.

marzuki mohamed

Junior Member
hmm..in my little knowledge opinion we can have Nukeclear Technology :SMILY206:
whetzer for R&D to specialist in any are(Energy/research/Science/power/etc) for developing our country or for our country military defense unit(s) force.


we cannot NOT blame Nuclear tech for our wrong doing i think's.

it's just that we must NOT used it for bad purpose (even we know the consequences of having/produce/enrich one)

"..same goes to a knife.we need it in a kitchen to cut vegetable for food to make our job easy and store it back in protected place.but if we used that knife to harm people then its wrong.."

bro afnan it's normal to be proud of National interest'(people/fighter/etc),but

i think it's is wrong my bro to put a name such " islamic bomb " for reason

maybe to gain a support by entire muslim comunity . I agree with bro amer-

muslim43 "-I would like to say first we shouldnt use terms like "Islamic bomb"

its the same as using "Islamic facism" or "Islamic terrorism" or "Islamic

militant", islam is a religion and not a "thing" these terms which people make

up are silly and have noting to do with islam"

correct me if im wrong too.

"..let's have a good disscussion among us.. "

