Our Islamic Identity!


Servant of Allah
:salam2: Dear brothers and sisters i'd just like to bring to your attention of some things i noticed in my muslim peers. Muslim youth are changing their islamic identity. What do i mean? i mean that Mohammad has now become Mo., the name has been shortened to just Mo or Moe because people are afraid of that name. one incident is my own brother...he was a telephone answerer in a company. so everytime he called a house or something and he would give his name and say my name is Mohammad, they would hang up on him. so the company told him to change his name to "tom brown" when he talked to the american people on the phone. sadly he did and soon after he quit. anyways to continue my point...People honestly think that changing their names from Mahmud to Mike is gonna make a difference. let me tell you, it does...the difference it makes is it turns you from an islamic respected person to a foolish idiot.
another thing is that many of the school girls and boys (muslim) say that they are "too young to act upon the deen", they say: We will become religious and good people when we reach AT LEAST 30. Execuse me, is it me or have these people been guaranteed that they will live that long. They could die within that second and they know that, yet they enjoy themselves while they can. you know it's sad that Muslims are changing their islamic identity to fit in. i know of so many muslim youth who talk to me and be all nice and then later they backstab me or someone else and make fun of islam because their non muslim friends do that. So parents pay attention....teach your children who they are. Give them confidence in who they are...and you young adults and adolescents out there...stop being ashamed of being a Muslim, because that is the best gift in Life. And those of you who make execuses for not wearing hijab or not practicing the deen...then end the execuses because it's time you realize, not only realize but recognize that Islam is the medicine of the human being. It's a medicine that Allah prescribed for All those who believe in him. and guess what...IT CURES DISEASES, SPIRITUALLY, PHYSICALLY, AND VERBALLY. Get over the non sense of "i'm too young". your not young if you are able to recognize right from wrong. peace. asalamu alaykum.:tti_sister:


New Member
I agree with what you have just said. I am 19 myself and I am also from a community where people with the name Mohammed - call themselves Moe.

I have a friend who is named Muhammed. He wants to change his name only for work related reasons.

He says when I put my name on my resume - not 1 single employer has called him. He changed his name on his resume to Michael and he started to receive calls about employment.

From what he has experienced - I find it normal for him to change his name for employment reasons. Here in Australia - majority of people don't like muslims because of the bad name we have (associated with terrorism and all) and they choose to stay away from us in most circumstances.

From a religious point of view - obviously it isnt accepted by god to change it to Moe.....

But i just want to know - Is it really that bad from a islamic perspective for my friend Muhammed to change his name for employment reasons??

Is this acceptable?

Thanks in advance....


Art is my Expression
:salam2: Dear brothers and sisters i'd just like to bring to your attention of some things i noticed in my muslim peers. Muslim youth are changing their islamic identity. What do i mean? i mean that Mohammad has now become Mo., the name has been shortened to just Mo or Moe because people are afraid of that name. one incident is my own brother...he was a telephone answerer in a company. so everytime he called a house or something and he would give his name and say my name is Mohammad, they would hang up on him. so the company told him to change his name to "tom brown" when he talked to the american people on the phone. sadly he did and soon after he quit. anyways to continue my point...People honestly think that changing their names from Mahmud to Mike is gonna make a difference. let me tell you, it does...the difference it makes is it turns you from an islamic respected person to a foolish idiot.
another thing is that many of the school girls and boys (muslim) say that they are "too young to act upon the deen", they say: We will become religious and good people when we reach AT LEAST 30. Execuse me, is it me or have these people been guaranteed that they will live that long. They could die within that second and they know that, yet they enjoy themselves while they can. you know it's sad that Muslims are changing their islamic identity to fit in. i know of so many muslim youth who talk to me and be all nice and then later they backstab me or someone else and make fun of islam because their non muslim friends do that. So parents pay attention....teach your children who they are. Give them confidence in who they are...and you young adults and adolescents out there...stop being ashamed of being a Muslim, because that is the best gift in Life. And those of you who make execuses for not wearing hijab or not practicing the deen...then end the execuses because it's time you realize, not only realize but recognize that Islam is the medicine of the human being. It's a medicine that Allah prescribed for All those who believe in him. and guess what...IT CURES DISEASES, SPIRITUALLY, PHYSICALLY, AND VERBALLY. Get over the non sense of "i'm too young". your not young if you are able to recognize right from wrong. peace. asalamu alaykum.:tti_sister:


hmmmm I guess you're right, but it also depends on the way you look at things.



Servant of Allah

I agree with what you have just said. I am 19 myself and I am also from a community where people with the name Mohammed - call themselves Moe.

I have a friend who is named Muhammed. He wants to change his name only for work related reasons.

He says when I put my name on my resume - not 1 single employer has called him. He changed his name on his resume to Michael and he started to receive calls about employment.

From what he has experienced - I find it normal for him to change his name for employment reasons. Here in Australia - majority of people don't like muslims because of the bad name we have (associated with terrorism and all) and they choose to stay away from us in most circumstances.

From a religious point of view - obviously it isnt accepted by god to change it to Moe.....

But i just want to know - Is it really that bad from a islamic perspective for my friend Muhammed to change his name for employment reasons??

Is this acceptable?

Thanks in advance....

Asalamu alaykum. well i've heard that it is bad. I mean we imitating the kuffar when we do as they do. if they don't accept us for who we are then that's their problem. Brother don't you know that when one door is closed another is opened for the believer. so if your friend just uses his name mohammad(and i know he changed it for employment) and sticks to it whether his rejected by companies or not then who knows Allah might open another door for him. This world is full of obstacles and hardships but if we change our selfs for someone else, then what have we become? I swear that if i were to find the highest paying job and they asked me to just change my name i'd refuse. because soon they're gonna go as far as wanting you to change your faith. The islamic name you have represents you, it distinguishes you from those who have disbelieved in Allah. Rizq(provision) is only from Allah. We should rely on Allah not on the kuffar by changing our identity to let them hire us. It's the same thing with hijab. they say...take it off and the niqab, and sadly some women do so just to be employed at their dream jobs. But if we refuse, soon they'll change the rules. we must not only think of ourselves, we must think of our future generations who will face the same problems, but if we set an example for them...then they'll follow and soon our ummah will be strong and unbreakable. but it's things like these, these small changes that lead to bigger changes. Do i make sense brother? asalamu alaykum.


New Member
Asalamu alaykum. well i've heard that it is bad. I mean we imitating the kuffar when we do as they do. if they don't accept us for who we are then that's their problem. Brother don't you know that when one door is closed another is opened for the believer. so if your friend just uses his name mohammad(and i know he changed it for employment) and sticks to it whether his rejected by companies or not then who knows Allah might open another door for him. This world is full of obstacles and hardships but if we change our selfs for someone else, then what have we become? I swear that if i were to find the highest paying job and they asked me to just change my name i'd refuse. because soon they're gonna go as far as wanting you to change your faith. The islamic name you have represents you, it distinguishes you from those who have disbelieved in Allah. Rizq(provision) is only from Allah. We should rely on Allah not on the kuffar by changing our identity to let them hire us. It's the same thing with hijab. they say...take it off and the niqab, and sadly some women do so just to be employed at their dream jobs. But if we refuse, soon they'll change the rules. we must not only think of ourselves, we must think of our future generations who will face the same problems, but if we set an example for them...then they'll follow and soon our ummah will be strong and unbreakable. but it's things like these, these small changes that lead to bigger changes. Do i make sense brother? asalamu alaykum.

Aleykum selam - yes i understand.

It makes alot of sense.

Is there any verse in the kuran for changing names? or anything along those lines?

s.a brother


New Member
Palestine - a reply to your pm. Your inbox is full so it doesnt let me send it.

Thanks for your pm. Yeah i have told him before, but he does not practise so it didn't bother him much.

Although you have good points. Thanks for your input and for caring. I appreciate it.

Take care selama waleykum


Junior Member
MashaAllah:) All of You have great points! I have to agree with all your statements, but Palestine:)-it's great you mentioned these problems:)Maa el salama


Junior Member
it seems those words came from your heart ... i too feel the pain when i see muslims around me do the same sometimes ...... great post .....thank you for sharing....jazakallahu khairan