Past times


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum brothers and sisters

Here I am back once again from a long hiatus with my every curious self. And yes, I have learned to slow done and take things step by step. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to articles that state proper past times for Muslims. I mean I know clubbing and bar hopping are no nos. So I am wanting to know what past times are ok. And if no one minds, could you share with me so past times you enjoy? I have learned many things that I am striking from my list of things I do, but in particular I am curious about games that allowed to be played. For example, I am rather fond of an Asian board game known as Go. I also enjoy word games and trivia type games. Thank you in advance for your kind responses.


La ilaha illa-Allah.
Assalamu alaikum Sister, it's encourged to stay away from any types of games. But if its not distracting you away from Allah Subhanau Wa Ta'ala and your not missing your prayers over it then in my opinion I think it's ok, i'd be wiser to search the web for your answer though. Some of my favorite past time games were chess, xbox, playstation ect ect ect ect.....


Junior Member
Thank you, brother, for your answer. I have been searching the internet for answers but it is proving difficult. I decided to post a thread here in case someone else has an idea of where I can look for the answer. Mostly I am just wondering if it is permissible to continue with my mind stimulating puzzle type games. I don't mind laying down my xbox and computer games that do nothing for me. The games I want to continue playing are more like puzzle games (word puzzles, number puzzles, ect) that are meant to stimulate one's brain. The board game Go is a brain stimulating game that helps with problem solving.


Assalaam walaikum brothers and sisters

Here I am back once again from a long hiatus with my every curious self. And yes, I have learned to slow done and take things step by step. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to articles that state proper past times for Muslims. I mean I know clubbing and bar hopping are no nos. So I am wanting to know what past times are ok. And if no one minds, could you share with me so past times you enjoy? I have learned many things that I am striking from my list of things I do, but in particular I am curious about games that allowed to be played. For example, I am rather fond of an Asian board game known as Go. I also enjoy word games and trivia type games. Thank you in advance for your kind responses.

Wa 'alaikumassalam sister,
I find Sudoku extremely fascinating,you could try that as long as it does not lead to wasting of time insha'Allah.
I like reading and writing in my past time.I like thinking within myself,that's my favourite past time and sleeping.(I know it's boring lol)Talking to my family,going out with my family,meeting friends and relatives,playing games in TTI games section.
With regards to crossword puzzles here is the ruling.



Junior Member
Thank you, brother. I will keep that in mind. The article said that crossword puzzles that have useful information is ok, I think. It used the word makrooh, which I do not know and am going to look up. Sitting here reading the article, I think crossword puzzles would be interesting if they are self made. I mean, for mean trying to learn Arabic, the clues could be in English and I would have to figure out the Arabic transliteration (I think that's the right word). I think that would be very neat. On Sudoku, I have played a few Sudoku puzzles and am not as fond of them as I am word puzzles. I understand words better than numbers. Thank you for that link and responding.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaykum,

why do we call this "past time." Doesn't past time mean, what you USED to do but no longer do?

Anyway,..Islam is not complicate it guys. There is nothing wrong with playing games, reading novels, writing and whatever that you enjoy doing. Simply because you embraced Islam does not mean you quit doing EVERYTHING you did. I mean, halal is clear and haraam is clear. Take the road between....Islam isn't some restricting system in which you can't "enjoy life." There are halal ways to have fun and enjoy life, playing games does not make you less of a Muslim.

Just saying, I really do not intend to hurt anyone, if my word are harsh, do forgive me please. I just hate it when people make Islam look super duper complicated. It is easy,


Junior Member
Thank you for responding sister. I was merely asking because, like the article kashif gave me says, I know a lot of the word problem I like to work often have content that would be considered haram liking talking about music and celebrities. I believe it would be right to avoid these puzzles. I also asked because I was curious on what other people did in their spare time. I just now realized that I used the wrong term. It's not past times. It should have been pass times as in the things one does to pass time.


make dua 4 ma finals
Thank you for responding sister. I was merely asking because, like the article kashif gave me says, I know a lot of the word problem I like to work often have content that would be considered haram liking talking about music and celebrities. I believe it would be right to avoid these puzzles. I also asked because I was curious on what other people did in their spare time. I just now realized that I used the wrong term. It's not past times. It should have been pass times as in the things one does to pass time.


I am sorry sister....I was angry about other stuff I think I took out on you. I should probably go sleep now, it is 1:50 AM brain isn't functioning right! I apologize.....if I seemed rude. :shymuslima1:

On a lighter note: I love reading novels in my spare time. Anything from Nicholas Sparks. I also use social media A LOT. So yea.


Junior Member
Oh wow, it is the same time here. You did not seem rude at all. I just figured that I wasn't as clear as I should have been because I used the wrong words.

I enjoy reading and writing in my spare time. Once I used to would read and write fantasy. I am still looking for information on fantasy novels. Once again thank you. Have a good night.


I enjoy reading and writing in my spare time. Once I used to would read and write fantasy. I am still looking for information on fantasy novels. Once again thank you. Have a good night.

I was looking up an opinion on fantasy novels,I found this opinion hope it will be helpful,insha'Allah.
I would love to write for children someday,insha'Allah.
There are so many things among all I like thinking and writing the most.


Junior Member
Thank you, brother kashif. *scratches fantasy novels off the list* Ok, I still enjoy biographies and stuff like that too. One of my favorite books is called "Where the Wild Things Were" and is about the disappearing populations of animals in the world. Oh, I have actually written a few children's stories. The characters were animals, but they taught good manners and proper hygiene and stuff like that.