Pictures/Statues in Islam


Junior Member
:salam2: Brothers and Sisters. Hopefully all of you are in good health and imaan.

I realise that questions of this nature may have been asked before. But here goes anyway:

1. What is the Islamic view of having statues of animals within the house?

2. What is the Islamic view of having fake plants as decorations within the house?

3. What is the Islamic view of having pictures of Animals and/or plants on your clothes, as decorations in the house sometimes even on crockery?

4. What is the Islamic view of taking pictures? Can pictures be displayed openely in the house or should they be locked away?

I realise that I've asked quite a few questions. But these are a few of the questions that have been annoying especially when I look around at my own house.

Again answers supported by the Quran and the Hadith would preferable. Thankyou.


Smile for Allah

I'm sorry, I have to be brief here....

There is a hadith that "Angels of Mercy do not enter a house in which there is a dog, or a picture."

Another hadith mentions that it's fine to paint things/make images of things which do not have a soul - such as plants, trees, rocks etc. But not to make things/paint images of animals or humans or things with souls. As every imagemaker will be in the HellFire, and it will be said to them on the Day of Judgement: bring life to the thing which you used to make. And they won't be able to do so.

Based on this, having any displayed thing with animals is discouraged and will stop angels from entering your house. Plants are fine though.

1. No statues of animals should be in the house.

2. Plants as decorations are perfectly fine, based on the hadith that those are things without souls.

3. Pictures of animals on things are again discouraged, on clothes, crockery etc. Plants are fine.

4. I won't go into the topic of taking pictures, as its a hot topic. But displaying pictures of people/animals/animate beings is wrong.

I'm sorry this is brief. InshaAllah, someone can give the relevant hadiths with their sources.


Junior Member

Heartfelt thanks sister. I was afraid no one would reply to this thread. I will try and do some research on this topic again. Thanks again.


I came across this years ago so I can't remember where I found it but I would not have kept it if it was not a good source. Hope this helps.

Drawings, Photographs, Live Broadcasting & Video Recording

This post renders a compilation of advices obtained from Sheikh Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari, based at the Darul Iftaa, Leicester, United Kingdom. It is pretty comprehensive InshaAllah. I have also included some additions.

First of all, let us start by knowing that there are separate issues relating to picture-making (taswir), hence it would be good to understand each issue separately and the Shari'ah ruling on it.


As it is common knowledge, there are countless Ahadith narrated from the Messenger of Allah (SAW) that strictly prohibit painting pictures of animate objects.

Some are narrated here:

"Jabir RA narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) forbade the keeping of pictures at home and making them." (Tirmidhi)

Abu Talha RA narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

"Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture." (Bukhari)

Due to these and many other similar narrations, our Ulama have explained that painting and drawing pictures of humans and animals is unlawful and sinful. The Ulama state that 'picture-making' (taswir) of human or animal life has been explicitly forbidden by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and as such it will be sinful.

The position of the vast majority of classical scholars is based on the fact that there is no distinction in the various Ahadith between a tangible and intangible picture. The Hadith indicating the permissibility of intangible and non-solid pictures refers to pictures of other than humans and animals. (Al-Mugni; Takmila Fath Al-Mulhim)

Based on this, the reliable and mainstream opinion of the classical jurists is that picture-making is unlawful, whether by painting a picture on an object or making a sculpture.


In view of the mainstream and majority position of classical scholars, the question arises as to whether photos of humans and animals fall under the type of picture-making prohibited by the Messenger of Allah SAW in numerous Ahadith. Camera photos were not in existence when classical scholars were discussing the issue of picture-making, hence one will not find an express ruling regarding photography in their works. As such, it was left to contemporary scholars to determine whether photos held the same ruling as that of painting and drawing pictures.

Contemporary scholars have differed on this issue:

a) The position of many Arab scholars and the overwhelming majority of the Ulama of Indo-Pak is that photographs of human or animal life are not permissible for the very same reasons that paintings of these are not permissible.

They state that the ruling on picture-making does not change by changing the tool with which the picture is produced. Whether an image is produced by painting it or using a camera, as long as it is an image of a human or animal, it will remain unlawful. This is the position of Sheikh Mufti Taqi Usmani and many frontline traditional Ulama of today. It is, without doubt, the more precautious and arguably stronger opinion.

b) The second position on the issue, held by many Arab Scholars (from all four Madhabs) and some from the Indian Subcontinent, is that there is a difference between photos and the prohibited picture-making (taswir).

Sheikh Muhammad Bakhit al-Muti'i of Egypt, a 2oth Century scholar known for his knowledge and piety, wrote a whole treatise entitled Al-Jawab Al-Shafi fi Ibahat Surat Al-Photography in support of this view of permissibility.

His basic understanding is that the reason behind the prohibition of painting pictures in the words of Ahadith is challenging Allah in His Creating of living creatures. In camera photos, however, one does not produce an image through one's own imagination; hence one is not challenging the Creating of Allah as such. It is merely a reflection or "shadow" of a living being already created by Allah Most High.

These are the two positions of contemporary scholars on the issue. They are great scholars of knowledge, wisdom and piety on both sides of the fence; hence, it would be wrong to criticise anyone for following any one of these positions.

It is a matter of genuine and valid difference of opinion. Not like the fragile, ill-equipped self-proclaimed do-it-yourself "Mujtahids" of recent years.

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kauthari mentions:
(a brilliant advice, for weaklings like us, my brothers and sisters)

"As you have asked about my personal stance, firstly I am by no means in a position of having a 'personal' opinion as such. I follow my teachers and learn from them. I have teachers in the UK and the Subcontinent who prohibit photos, but I also have teachers in the Arab world permitting them.

The position which I follow is that of my teachers who prohibit taking photos, for that is a more precautious and safe position. However, I have complete respect for the position (and practice) of those who permit taking photos.

As such, my practice is that I do not willingly pose for a photo unless there is a genuine need like for a passport or something similar. If I am asked, I politely refuse. At the same time, if someone is taking photos and I am also in attendance going about my own business, I do not go out of my way to prevent him taking my photo. Thus, if you did come across a photo of mine, it is probably because I may have been present in a place where photos were being taken. The recent photo of mine you have referred to was taken in the same context. I had knowledge that photos were being taken and that I may appear in one, but I did not willingly pose for a photo. I hope that makes sense."