Planning To Revert


New Member
Salaam Alaikam, i'm new to the site. I've had a very keen interest in Islam for many years. I was wondering if anyone could help by informing me on any classes around birmingham to help revert sisters to learn more about islam, pray, etc. Also my daughter is 5, she is half pakistani i have brought her up aware of her race and religion, only feed her halal, etc as her dad left her life but i was wondering are there any classes she could attend. She can only speak english. Thank you xx

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
wa alaikom,,

welcome tot he website:)hope you enjoy your stay.i can see you are pretty much motivated and are ready to start a fulltime hard work thing once you revert.inshallah.

i hope someone here will give you the required info inshallah:)


Salaam Alaikam, i'm new to the site. I've had a very keen interest in Islam for many years. I was wondering if anyone could help by informing me on any classes around birmingham to help revert sisters to learn more about islam, pray, etc. Also my daughter is 5, she is half pakistani i have brought her up aware of her race and religion, only feed her halal, etc as her dad left her life but i was wondering are there any classes she could attend. She can only speak english. Thank you xx

Salaam Sister.

Your quite lucky living in Birmingham where there is a large diverse Muslim community, Just click on the link below where there has been another Sister from TTi that inquired aswell, Hope it helps.

Tariq Rahman

Practising Muslim
Assalamu alaikum WRWB (May Allah (SWT) blessings & mercy be on all of you)

Mabroook/Congrates on beautiful thought of reverting back to your actual faith May Allah (SWT) guide you to the straight path of truth Ameen!

Welcome to TTI family hope you'll enjoy your stay and learn more about our beautiful religion of peace & love insha Alah, I hope somebody will provide you with information on classes but the word of Allah (SWT) "Quran" is not that tough it is said in "Quran"

Chapter (54) sūrat l-qamar (The Moon)
And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? (translation - Yusuf Ali)

Jazak Allah Khair..
May Allah (SWT) forgive all our mistakes/sins and guide us to the straight path, the path of those who have received his grace & mercy Ameen!


New Member
thank you for your replys. I am lucky to be in birmingham, i no there are alot of muslim areas with masjids, book shops etc. I live in a prodomanatley white area and it can be very lonely with nobody around sharing the same views to help or guide you!

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Hello and welcome here ..
see this site it may help you , sister :
(( sorry sister but the link follows another wrong group ))

I apologize , Fatima :)



welcome to the forum.may Allah help you and I am sure brothers and sisters here living in UK will also help you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wa`alaykum us-salaam

Welcome to the forums Tasha!

If you're in Birmingham, then you probably won't find better support, welcoming and learning than at Green Lane Mosque, Small Heath. There website can be accessed at Maa shaa' Allaah, fridays through to mondays, they have a lot of classes for women, I'm not sure about their children's programmes though.

Hope it helps.



Welcome to TTI and Islam, try green lane mosq inshallah. May Allah make things easy for you.


New Member
Thank you all for being so welcoming. I looked on the green lane masjid site and they offer alot. Inshalla i past my driving test in 10 days so i could get there easily and regularly lol