Please help: can a woman work as a laywer?

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Junior Member
Assalamolaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

I thank people who respect the scholars. The scholars are the protectors of this Uma. We have always to turn back to this trustworthy scholars, because Allah says: " فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَِ

You have to explain to them your situation. Like we know there are differend rules regarding differend situations.

As long as the scholars are alive you can direct to them your Questions.

I have to say:
" If you explain to scholars your situation, they will be able insha Allah to give you an answer which applies to your own situation. Also when you are in a non-muslim country they are able to give you a proper answer, but you have to explain in detail your situation"

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,


Happy 2BA Muslim


Would you be so kind as to give suggestions as to where we can get a true answer for my question?

:wasalam: Sister,

As previous Brothers have mentioned, we have lots of people who are knowledgeable of the Quran and Sunnah. Even in North America and the UK. I can`t pinpoint a specific scholar, as I feel that would be unfair to other well-reputable persons. Islamic scholars are not limited by a certain geographic area, or certain race or ethnicity. Isn`t there a Fiqh council of North America that people can refer to?

I will try to find an answer to your question. I will keep you informed in sha Allah.

With TV, satellites, internet, etc. .... the world is becoming like a small town. More and more Islamic scholars in the Islamic countries are becoming aware of the way Muslims live in the West. So we should be careful not to generalize that all or most Islamic rulings coming from the East are not applicable to the West ( I know nobody said that, but I thought I would still mention it).

I would also like to clarify that what is being said on this thread does not degrade the IslamQ&A website or Shaikh Al-Munajjid in any way. IslamQ&A remains one of the best websites issuing Islamic rulings, if not the best. The answers given are according to the questions asked (some answers have to be taken in context of the question).

And Allah SWT knows best.


umm hussain

Junior Member
Assalamolaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

I thank people who respect the scholars. The scholars are the protectors of this Uma. We have always to turn back to this trustworthy scholars, because Allah says: " فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَِ

Walaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakhatu

There are also many evil, wicked and sexist scholars as well out there. Scholars who pass fatwas for the dodgy Governments also known as scholars of the dollar. They use their 'knowledge' for worldly gain. Some will quote authentic hadith and give a twisted meaning to suit their agendas. I am not going to go to specifics. Other scholars have no idea what happens in the real world and do not understand people and just speak out of ignorance passing fatwas while drinking a cup of tea in the most luxurious houses, palaces or private jets and also tend to pick and choose what they want . They live off the deen and definitely not by the deen

I think for most to judge one of the best scholars is that they are incarcerated for speaking the truth or are being watched big time and are only surviving out of prison because of Allahs will. Some are also paid to appear extremist because it is amazing how some are openly extremists yet are free to roam around yet those who call for Tahweed in every sense of the word are arrested.

There is also a hadith that says something like. The prophet Muhammad(salalahu alahyi wasalm) was reported to have said I fear for my ummah something worse than the dajjal and somebody asked what is that and the response was the wicked/evil scholar.
Maybe someone can help me with this hadith. Inshallah if I find it I will post it.


Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Umm Hussein,

It's better to read the ahadiet and Quranic verses which talks about the ulema. So please have respect for scholars.

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "(Religious) knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious scholars) ignorance (in religion) and afflictions will appear; and Harj will increase." It was asked, "What is Harj, O Allah's Apostle?" He replied by beckoning with his hand indicating "killing." (Fateh-al-Bari Page 192, Vol. 1)

The trustworthy ulema are the protectors of this Uma. They protect her from ingnorance.

I think you have to be specific to clear all misconceptions. This site is build to clear misconceptions instead of acquiring more misconceptions.

Insha Allah i will start with naming the ulema and you say if they are followers of the dollar.

I start with:
abdul Aziz el A- Schaich, the mufti of saudi of Arabia

This is one of the videos he is giving a ghotba

listen please to the ghotba and inform me is he following the dollars.

wassalamo alikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



شَهِدَ اللّهُ أَنَّهُ لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ وَالْمَلاَئِكَةُ وَأُوْلُواْ الْعِلْمِ قَآئِمَاً بِالْقِسْطِ لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُِ


New Member
Yes she can be a lawyer! The purpose of law is supposed to be fairness and equality for all, obviously people abuse that in today's society, but if she works to bring rights to those who don't have them, she is using her knowledge for good. We definately need more lawyers (both male and female). There are a number of Muslims who are being affected by the Anti-Terror laws & extreme home arrest procedures in the UK, many of these brothers don't have UK nationality so they can't protest at their treatment. The dispatches program ('At Home with the Terror Suspects') is really good in showing the way our brothers are treated (even though they haven't been found guilty of any crime):

There are two prominant human rights lawyers in the UK: Gareth Pierce & Louise Christian. Both of them are women and both have a number of Muslim clients in Gunatanamo Bay detention centre & Belmarsh prison. So women can help our brothers in these prisons. Women can also offer legal help to other women who are facing domestic abuse (which is still a major issue in many Muslim marriages). There are countless other injustices that they can try to amend. Allah (swt) is JUST, so if you work to spread justice on earth, Allah (swt) will love you.

Women are very intelligent (mashAllah) and can do a lot of good if they use their knowledge to help the good people in society. If you're a woman and want to be a lawyer, go for it! But don't go to work in the big city firms, which help rich ppl get richer, instead use your knowledge to help others. Remember that one thing we'll be asked when we die is what we did with the knowledge that we acquired, so do something with your knowledge that will increase your chances of meeting Allah (swt) in Jannah.


Context of Mustafti & Mufti!

Asslamo Allaikum,

I have a rather simplistic explaination for things:

We have affairs in Islam which are CLEAR in Qur'aan and Sunnah i.e:

1) Belief in one Allah
2) Finality of Prophethood
3) Five times prayers etc.

We have affairs which occur and require guidence from Qur'aan/Sunnah according to Social & Technological evoultion e.g:

4) IVF Therapy
5) Meh'r (dowry) of women
6) Voting in Non-Muslim governed lands
7) Adoption, foster parenting etc.

Please note that these affairs are NOT CLEAR in the Qur'aan/Sunnah because of the infinite Mercy and Wisdom of Allah (SWT) i.e. these things change due to changing circumstances.

The answers (Fatwas) of Scholars differ according to the context and situation of the Mustafti (i.e. the one who asks a question)

Unfortunately, we in the West take the Fatawa of Shcolars from the EAST (which are given in an Eastern situation & Eastern context) so sometimes they match our needs and sometimes they don't. This is neither the fault of the Mufti nor the fault of the Brothers/Sisters who propogate these Fatawa in complete sincerity.

First and foremost we MUST realise that in Islam in issues of Ijtehaad (deductive reasoning which is done when a matter is not clear in the Qur'aan/Sunnah) there is BOUND to be difference & opinion!

Secondly we must realise and list the context in which an Ijtehaad (Fatwa) is given

Thirdly we must respect difference of opinion.

Jazakullah Khairun

P.S: I have written absolute gibberish and obviously confused everyone...To read the same in an scholarly manner; I again present you the link:

P.P.S: Lastly and don't shoot me for this! Sister is absoluetly right; there have been and always will be EVIL and WICKED Scholars and we find this CLEAR in the Qur'aan/Sunnah!


Junior Member
Assalmoalikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

brother GlobalPeace,

You have made your point very clear about the differences in fiqh etc.... And also i have read the article you have mentioned before.

If you mean by this the scholars of the EAST are not able to answer fiqh questions which arises in the West. I have to say i don't agree with you. There are scholars who know the west very well. And also if someone is able to tell this scholars about the situation which they are in insha Allah they will answer his/her Question.

It's not shooting on people with Questions, but it is more clearing misconceptions.

The question i have asked to sister Um Hussein is now also directed to you.

Because many people this days are blaming scholars to be followers of the dollars and i know many of them. Some of them made Takfir on this scholars and also on me. Yes also on me.

I don't know if you know the importance of Ulema , so i want you to listen to this video.

take care all of you

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



W-Salam warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

:astag: :astag: :astag:

NO Brother:

1) I am not disrespecting Scholars
2) I am not saying Scholars from the EAST are INCAPABLE of answering questions
3) I am absolutely not doing anyone's Takfeer
4) I am not advocating they Muslims should disregard Scholars and start dealing with matters themselves..
5) And :astag: :astag: :astag: :astag: on doing Takfeer of anyone let alone Scholars

If you have read the article carefully then it makes my point very clear and you and anyone else obviously have a right to disagree, Insha'llah.

This is not a debate where I have to win.

Assalmoalikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

brother GlobalPeace,

You have made your point very clear about the differences in fiqh etc.... And also i have read the article you have mentioned before.

If you mean by this the scholars of the EAST are not able to answer fiqh questions which arises in the West. I have to say i don't agree with you. There are scholars who know the west very well. And also if someone is able to tell this scholars about the situation which they are in insha Allah they will answer his/her Question.

It's not shooting on people with Questions, but it is more clearing misconceptions.

The question i have asked to sister Um Hussein is now also directed to you.

Because many people this days are blaming scholars to be followers of the dollars and i know many of them. Some of them made Takfir on this scholars and also on me. Yes also on me.

I don't know if you know the importance of Ulema , so i want you to listen to this video.

take care all of you

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

jazakallahu gairan for your explanation. I want jazakallahu gairan a clear answer from you about the Scholar i mentioned.

Do you think he is EVIL and WICKED?

Because you agreed with Um Hussein, i directed to you the same question which is directed to her.

Please answer the Question. Very simple Yes or NO.

Why are you insisting on answering the question?

because it's very important to clear the misconceptions people have about some scholars. I and you will be asked by Allah about this. We are able insha Allah to clear this misconception.

I know people who said bad things about the ulema of saudi Arabia. They said the same things which have been said by sister Um-Hussein:

- Government
- Dollar
- etc...

Most of this people are from the Ghawarij who also made takfir on Ulema. This Ghawarij want to kill innocent people. They want to attack buses and Hijack planes and bring Fasad on earth, but this Scholars say clear to them: "It's not allowed"

Terrorising innocent people is not allowed. Blowing buses with innocent people in England, Spain etc.. is not allowed"

I want to clear misconceptions. We are not allowed to kill innocent people. We are not allowed to do Takfir on muslims. That's one of the reasons i insist on answering my Question.

This is a link to a muhathara given by shaick salih bin fawzaan el Fawzaan about the importance of the ulema.

insha Allah you will listen to this muhathara

wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,




By no means did I have any intention of starting a debate about scholars. I was struck by the original post.

Women, especially poor women, of all nationalities have had to work. This is a fact. They will continue to work ad infinitum. Trust me if I could, I would be so much more productive if I did not have to work for a living.

I was seeking a universal Islamic answer to the my question. I will seek an answer and share it once I come across it. Everyone here has taken out precious time to do research. Indeed, we are blessed.

I strongly feel that we need to be singular in our replies to topics. I am feeling that we are spreading into other areas. Some of the issues are too personal to be written. No-one is at the same point in their commitment on faith. That is very personal. We live in very explosive times. Our emotions run high.

Is this the time for us to return to a common Kalifa?


unnecessary Ta'weel of Statements!

W-Salam warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Habibi! Now I think you are putting words in my mouth and making Ta'weel that I didn't intend!

I was stating that there are CLEAR warnings against EVIL & WICKED Ulama in the Qur'aan/Sunnah; I didn't imply it to be any Scholars that you are mentioning; I have also not said anything about Ulama of Saudi Arabia or anywhere else.

With the greatest respect; I beleive that you are being unfair.

Just beacuse I am CHOOSING not to debate with you on this issue; doesn't mean that I can't!

Jazakullah Khairun

P.S: I also don't think that the sisters have said anything extra-ordinary...They are stating their opinions & they have a right to do so.

Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

jazakallahu gairan for your explanation. I want jazakallahu gairan a clear answer from you about the Scholar i mentioned.

Do you think he is EVIL and WICKED?
Because you agreed with Um Hussein, i directed to you the same question which is directed to her.

Please answer the Question. Very simple Yes or NO.

Why are you insisting on answering the question?

because it's very important to clear the misconceptions people have about some scholars. I and you will be asked by Allah about this. We are able insha Allah to clear this misconception.

I know people who said bad things about the ulema of saudi Arabia. They said the same things which have been said by sister Um-Hussein:

- Government
- Dollar
- etc...

Most of this people are from the Ghawarij who also made takfir on Ulema. This Ghawarij want to kill innocent people. They want to attack buses and Hijack planes and bring Fasad on earth, but this Scholars say clear to them: "It's not allowed"

Terrorising innocent people is not allowed. Blowing buses with innocent people in England, Spain etc.. is not allowed"

I want to clear misconceptions. We are not allowed to kill innocent people. We are not allowed to do Takfir on muslims. That's one of the reasons i insist on answering my Question.

This is a link to a muhathara given by shaick salih bin fawzaan el Fawzaan about the importance of the ulema.

insha Allah you will listen to this muhathara

wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

The only thing i want is respect for trustworthy Ulema. Like i said before I will Quote:
I thank people who respect the scholars. The scholars are the protectors of this Uma. We have always to turn back to this trustworthy scholars, because Allah says: " فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَِ

I wanted to know from you if you think this scholar i mentioned is Evil or Wicked. If i knew you think he is evil and Wicked i wouldn't ask you. I don't blame you or put any word in your mouth, so i'am not unfair to you.

I know you are able to debate with me, but is there anything to debate about?

This is a website to clear misconceptions. That's why i want a specific answer. I didn't said you or umm Hussein don't have the right to give your opinion.

But the opinion of a muslim has to be clear, based upon Hikma. We don't want people to think bad about trustworthy scholars.

maybe you intend something else, this gives me the right to oppose you or oppose Um Hussein ( i mean by this clear misconceptions). I have also this right.

If you know ahadieth and verses mentioned about Evil and Wicked Ulema. Please come with this evidences and apply them on the ulema which you think they are wicked and Evil.

If someone is following a alim who is Evil and Wicked please advice him not to follow this alim. Warn them.

be specific please................................

And also if you read what i have written carefully, you would see that i didn't said anything about you blaming saudi scholars. But there are people who blame them and they use the same things which are used by sister Um Hussein and you agreed with her. This does not mean i blamed you.

Take care

Wassalmelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,



Signing Out.....

This thread has gone way off-topic. It started off with a simple question and now it's a pointless debate about scholars.
This thread is closed as of now


Happy 2BA Muslim


Yes, the thread has gone way off topic.

As Brother Imad mentioned, we should have respect for our scholars. Sister Umm Hussein and Brother Globalpeace showed no disrespect to any scholars in their postings, and are correct that there are evil scholars who are really not true scholars. Those are the ones who follow their whelms and desires for worldly gains (money, power, fame, ...etc.).

The scholars of the Muslim Ummah are still in possession of a lot of goodness. No era ever goes by without there being those who establish Allah’s arguments on Earth. There are still a number of them – though maybe small – who give and who take nothing in return. They are as al-Dhahabî once said of Ibn Taymiyah: “As for the common people, he would devote himself to their service night and day, with his words and with his pen.”

Indeed, we as Muslims, take pride over all other nations of the Earth in that we are privileged to have among our numbers this matchless sort of people whom we refer to as our scholars. No other nation can honestly claim to have anyone quite like them. We must see to it that we as a Muslim Ummah – from our scholars to our students to our common folk – rally in their support, uphold their honor, and afford then the respect that they deserve.



This thread has gone way off-topic. It started off with a simple question and now it's a pointless debate about scholars.
This thread is closed as of now

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