Please pray for me

Salam brothers and sister,

Alhamdulillah everything is fine with you and your family. I just like ask a favor from each and every one of you, can you please include me in your prayer to help me find a good job.

Thank you so much, I am positive that Allah will give the job which I deserve. May our dear Allah bless your good heart and beautiful soul brothers and sisters.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Wa aleikum salam sister

May Allah grant you what is best for you in this Life and in the next one.

Nureyni Amir

Junior Member
Walaikum Asalam Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuh sister,
May Allah swa make the path to Halal job easy for you.

I was actually looking for work too but most of the places that I wanted to work at expect me to take unveil myself.
However, just yesterday a friend visited me and told me about an opportunity. I was not interested in the opportunity and I had doubt whether she will hire me or not as I have just graduated. So we just walked into the building and I asked the boss "I heard you're hiring" and she said, "Oh someone just took the position". I nodded my head and told myself "well I wasn't expecting it anyways." Then all of the sudden she said "I have work for you, can you please start tomorrow?" Out of happiness I sat down and asked her what am I to do?She said "this and that" and I told her I can't do that as I don't have the license for it. She said "well, just do whatever you can." Subhannallah, I was smiling until I reach the Masjid. :)

The Qadr of Allah is very mysterious and unexpected so put your trust in Allah and have certainty that He will grantee you something.

PS: Make du'a for others and the angels will say likewise for you.
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ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah,

Ah, job-hunting... It can be a headache sometimes. May Allaah `azza wa jalla make the process easy for you.

Keep up the positive thinking, sister. Inshaa'Allaah you'll find a good, halaal job.