Please, pray for my success


New Member
Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First, sorry for my bad English.

I'm living in Indonesia. My mother and my brother have three catering business.

Bad news is, all of them will going to bankruptcy.

Good news is, Allah is The Merciful and I love His plan to turn my family life into some catastrophic situation. Alhamdulillah.

Maybe some of you will think I am crazy. Yeah. Crazy indeed :D

But let me tell you why I love it. First, one of my idol is Abdurrahman ibn Awf. I really want to become like him, so one of a time I pray to Allah so I have some quality of him. And I think Allah answer my pray. After that, disaster after disaster came to me. Of course, some are terrible one, making my cry, sad, furious. But I try to endure them all. My mind is always "Ya Allah, what will Abdurrahman do when he face this?". I really believe that many of that disaster will actually make me strong, make me wiser, make me closer to Abdurrahman character. After all, I don't believe Allah will change someone overnight :p (althougt, yes, He can do it :D).

Sorry for my brag, back to the topic.

For any good action, need a good plan. I have a meeting tonight to completely change my mother and brother business system, so we will going out from bankruptcy. The obstacle is, this is just a plan. It need an action. And there is where your, dear reader, help is.

I need you to pray for me, for my success. I really feel this is one of the "success or fail" situation. If this is going well, all is going well. But if this is going worse... the worse situation in my mind is... my mother going into depresion and suicide... BRR!!! No bad thought, no bad thought. Go away you bad thought, hush hush.

Well, actually, I'm kinda excited for this situation. So maybe my mind is not in the right place. But... yeah, my adrenaline is pumped so hard. I really like this situation.

Sorry for my long post. But really, your pray to me is very precious one. Jazakallahu khairan kathira.

Wassalaamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


Junior Member

Firslty, you seem to be in the Eureka mode. May you be able to convey your thoughts smoothly in a way everybody in your family sees it with same clarity you see. And if incase your plan has its own flaws, then May Almighty Allah give you and your family time wisdom and patience to fix the flaws and bring it to good execution, that earns Halaal income... Ameen

Next, Am unable to grasp why you want your family to go bankrupt, are you feeling super human? thats my concern, its usually not good, to be floating high in air, being grounded and just is good....

and lastly, since you look up to Abdurrahman ibn awf, you will be knowing a lot of stories about him, and I am eager to hear about it from you.


New Member
Waalaikumussalaam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


Firslty, you seem to be in the Eureka mode. May you be able to convey your thoughts smoothly in a way everybody in your family sees it with same clarity you see. And if incase your plan has its own flaws, then May Almighty Allah give you and your family time wisdom and patience to fix the flaws and bring it to good execution, that earns Halaal income... Ameen

Ameen. Of course my plan is not perfect. And Allah is The Almighty indeed. He show me in our meeting the weakness in my plan, and together with my family we tried to eliminate the weakness.

Next, Am unable to grasp why you want your family to go bankrupt, are you feeling super human? thats my concern, its usually not good, to be floating high in air, being grounded and just is good....

Hahahaha. Sorry for misunderstanding. :D

I love my family. It is a heartbreaking situation to see my mother and brother fail in their specialized way. But life must go on.

It is not the bankruptcy that make me excited (like I said, it is rather herat breaking). But the... hmm... how I can say it?

Okay. Picture this. Your closest one have a nice business. Suddenly, it going bankrupt (I now the business going bankrupt in just one hour after subuh. Very sudden.). Now, feeling that your precious is too shock too handle all this, you step in. Suddenly, you realize that the business is in worse condition than bankcruptcy. Like for example, unknown to you, your family has a LARGE loan from the bank (and of course with riba~). And this loan is faaaar mooooore than you can handle.

Then, picture what I feel? Down? Hehehehe, I'm sorry brother, but I believe Allah give test depend of the power of His believer. I really feel THIS IS MY CHALLENGE! The time to PROVE MY WORTH! Time to show WHO IS THE MAN!!! YEAAAAAAH! After all, I'm not dying right now~. A wise man says "Whatever that not kill you, it makes you strong". So~, I'm going to be stronger than before~. Pray for me~. :D

After all, this is nothing if compared to Abdurrahman. He suffer violent action from Quraish. He lost ALL of his wealth when hijrah to Madinah (I still have my house~ and my motorcycle~ and my car~ and my purse~). And yet, he still manage to hold the title "The Most Rich Sahaba". So, tell me my brother and sister. If one of sahaba who I look up is suffer more than I am, why should I sad? :D:D:D

and lastly, since you look up to Abdurrahman ibn awf, you will be knowing a lot of stories about him, and I am eager to hear about it from you.

Woow~ Okay :D If there is a time, I will tell you story about him, what lesson I can learn from him. :D

Wow, this is rather long reply 0.o
Sorry if this is bother all of you :)
And very, VERY thank you for all of your pray. Because somehow all of the problems is fixed one by one. :D Alhamdulillah.

Thank you for all of you once again. Thank you very much.

Wassalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.