Politics and nationality mean nothing

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Junior Member

Recently I've noticed an increase of nationalistic ferver among our little corner of the internet. I see brothers and sisters puffed up with pride and defensiveness over political figures that share their same background. I am mystified by this behavior as I feel it foolhardy to attach your admiration and pride to anyone aside from Allah, His prophets and the companions.

And this need to claim the bit of soil you are from as somehow superior or permanent. Borders of countries are imaginary and can be erased and redrawn with the passing of the tide. So who cares if you are from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, INdonesia, Fiji, Anartica or even Mars. We all have the same blood of Adam and Eve (May peace and blessing be upon them) and we will NEVER be questions about our ethincity or nationality on judgement day.

I usually avoid political discussions for the reason that every politician, regardless of background, is a sinful and flawed human. Putting your trust in them is utterly foolish and will only result in dissappointment and maybe even shame. Waving a flag of your country will not give you blessings in the hereafter and may even create more fitnah among the ummah. The only thing you should hold with pure trust in your hands is the Qu'ran, it is perfect and permanent....flags and nations are not.

We are brothers and sisters in this ummah and need to remember that fact. If someone types something that angers you to the point of name calling and insult, you need to ask yourself why? Why are so angry? What is your emotional investment coming to? Are you angry because the Prophets or companions have been insulted? Or because some lowly president/prime minister/leader of country was poked at? We need to rethink what is important and how we can improve our ownselves first. We used to be the most mighty people on the planet, now we squabble over useless and meaningless things. Sigh.

salam alaykum

are u talking bout the thread that got locked in the news and current affairs corner?.....well u sure need a nationality or u can live in the desert or on a boat drifting in the sea.....


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum
Everyone has nationality which is a form of pride or love, :) u offcourse love ur home that fed you and raised u and protected u :)
but u r right tthat we shudn't divide the ummah based on Nationality infact our deen is above all :)


Slave of Allah
If someone asks me "what are you?", the answer will be I am a Muslim

If someone asks me "where do you belong?", the answer will be Islam

Only when asked what is your nationality, shall I answer that I am Bangladeshi.
If someone asks me "what are you?", the answer will be I am a Muslim

If someone asks me "where do you belong?", the answer will be Islam

Only when asked what is your nationality, shall I answer that I am Bangladeshi.

lol...i didnt know people ask those questions...they ask u where u from usually...


Junior Member
Ahhh the worship of culture. No country feeds and shelters a person, only the Blessings of Allah swt does such a thing. To put your faith and pride into a human created institution is silly and foolish. My pride and love is rooted in Islam and being Muslim. There is nothing in this dunya that can even come close to that pure center in my life.

You live on this earth, on a patch of land that has been given a title by man. But you will die and all the emotional vestment in that love of land/natinality will be an utter waste. How about you sink that same pride and love into being Muslim? Because to waste such devotion on one's country of origin is a horrid fallacy.


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu Allaicum

First of all I must say that I agree with the statemant of sister Shyhijabi that lately many threads regarding " nationality and nationalism" have been brought to out attention, wether they were exposed publicly or only alluded. Offcourse that we all Muslims are or should be against any kind of nationalism becouse it can lead to discrimination and devision between Muslims.

If we look on nationality only like on "need" than we will see that there is nothing wrong in being part of certain nation, but if nationality leads to discrimination than it can and it is disastrous for one society all the whole world.
It is the same with a "kneefe",if we are useing kneffe for cuting food etc. than it is for good and usefull purpose,but if we are useing kneffe for killing people or any other harmfull actions than it is offcourse wrong!

We must make difference between "nationalism" and "loving my home land". Loving my home land is not nationalism.

Thinking or claming that my home land is superior and better than others is nationalism that can take different forms.

Mixing notations and not clarifying them in their real sense can lead to misunderstanding of certain things.

And Allah knows the best




New Member
Staff member
Salamu alaykum

Allah sva says
"the closest once to Allah are those who fear him the most" close translation.

The prophet :saw: said in a Hadith that ab Arab has no superiority over a non Arab and nor white over black. But superiority is in taqwa of Allah.

Omar ibn alkhatab ra when conquered alquds (Palestine/Jerusalem) said that "we were the lowest of people and Allah raised us and gave us honor in Islam. Whoever ask for honor in other than Islam , will be humiliated".

Look at the state of Muslims!!!!

I advise u and myself to fear Allah and speak only good.

Ahhh the worship of culture. No country feeds and shelters a person, only the Blessings of Allah swt does such a thing. To put your faith and pride into a human created institution is silly and foolish. My pride and love is rooted in Islam and being Muslim. There is nothing in this dunya that can even come close to that pure center in my life.

You live on this earth, on a patch of land that has been given a title by man. But you will die and all the emotional vestment in that love of land/natinality will be an utter waste. How about you sink that same pride and love into being Muslim? Because to waste such devotion on one's country of origin is a horrid fallacy.

well nationality , using it in terms to b racist is wrong.....but thats how the kuffar have divided us....if u listen to ex-intelligence officers they say the best and most fun way do destroy a country is using the method of "divide and conquer" meaning they divided us and when we fighted between ourselves they bcame the third party and sat on our heads and now the sad fact is yes they(kuffar) are in power.......Actually theres nothing wrong to love the piece of land u live on cause it wasnt taken for granted . thousands of pakistanis died when pakistan was formed(there are some people on this forum that take it for granted) and we thank Allah(swt) for granting us that piece of land......and ur country is jz like ur house without a house where do u think u will live?....

i mean u even had a dispute with some1 in this thread bcause he was offending jews...



Junior Member
Brother Podolski,

That thread has absolutely nothing to do with nationalism. I was speaking out against the false information being spread and the generalization of an entire group of people. Go back and re-read that thread and notice that I don't mention one wit about where a person comes from, birthplace and land aren't even mentioned. And the kuffar need not focus their attention on creating dissension among the ummah, we Muslims manage that quite nicely on our own.

On this very forum I see brothers and sisters hurling insults at one another (I believe someone told a brother to "Go back and drive your cab") without any fear of how that will burn us on judgement day. :astag: Taking care of the land you are on, using it for good, that is right and admirable. But to think that land cannot be taken as easily as given, to put pride in a piece of land over the dignity of your fellow brother and sister....that is disgusting. People die everyday in wars over land (Muslims and kuffar alike)....but how many die trying to live a proper life in Islam? How many fight the Greater Jihad everyday against the temptations and whispering of shaitaan?

I care not one bit if I die on the land I was born and raised. All I care is that Allah swt forgives my sins and reflects that my life was not wasted over issues of the dunya. I know He will not care what flag I raised...but He will definitely look at how I treated the beautiful brothers and sisters of this sacred and perfect religion. When the sun rises in the West all flags will burn, all lands will crumble, and pride of the dunya will be the very molten lava that destroys the sinner. Every word we speak and write will testify for us or against us. Think on that before jumping in a brother or sisters face over something as petty as a flag or chunk of earth that you can't take with you to the grave.
Brother Podolski,

That thread has absolutely nothing to do with nationalism. I was speaking out against the false information being spread and the generalization of an entire group of people. Go back and re-read that thread and notice that I don't mention one wit about where a person comes from, birthplace and land aren't even mentioned. And the kuffar need not focus their attention on creating dissension among the ummah, we Muslims manage that quite nicely on our own.

On this very forum I see brothers and sisters hurling insults at one another (I believe someone told a brother to "Go back and drive your cab") without any fear of how that will burn us on judgement day. :astag: Taking care of the land you are on, using it for good, that is right and admirable. But to think that land cannot be taken as easily as given, to put pride in a piece of land over the dignity of your fellow brother and sister....that is disgusting. People die everyday in wars over land (Muslims and kuffar alike)....but how many die trying to live a proper life in Islam? How many fight the Greater Jihad everyday against the temptations and whispering of shaitaan?

I care not one bit if I die on the land I was born and raised. All I care is that Allah swt forgives my sins and reflects that my life was not wasted over issues of the dunya. I know He will not care what flag I raised...but He will definitely look at how I treated the beautiful brothers and sisters of this sacred and perfect religion. When the sun rises in the West all flags will burn, all lands will crumble, and pride of the dunya will be the very molten lava that destroys the sinner. Every word we speak and write will testify for us or against us. Think on that before jumping in a brother or sisters face over something as petty as a flag or chunk of earth that you can't take with you to the grave.

well if u started this thread bcause u thought i was nationalistic about what i said in some OTHER thread then i want to say i am not even 1 bit nationalistic(in pride as in im superior to u or something).....

u r rite i said " go drive ur cab to a user" and it was very RUDE of me but well when some1 calls a hero of a nation A KAFFIR plainly without any proof jz because hes probably reading some book written by hindus who never like that pakistan was formed...i mean i kept on saying gimme proof that hes a kaffir but instead he kept on calling the person who saved us from the hindus that is Muhammad Ali Jinnah and world known famous poet( 4got his name again :p) a kaffir..........how would u feel about if the person that cares for u and provides u that is ur husband would b called KAFFIR without any proof jz bcause some guy is saying so??.....can u tell me will u accept that allegation or will u rather question him whats his problem with ur husband?.....thats what i did but instead this guy continues to go on saying KAFFIR AND ON AN ON SAYING HE IS KAFFIR as if he has some rubber stamp to label whoever he wants as kaffir or not......i said it as it is that this man is nothing but a man that has engulfed in pride and forgot that even his parents or grannies mite have once lived in pakistan and come here to escape the hindu oppression.........

this land was not taken for granted and I thank Allah (swt) that he gave us this land and made us a nuclear power which no other state even the blessed arabian states that have been blessed with black gold couldnt achieve something that this 3rd world country like pakistan has achieved...the question is everything is already predestined as said by Allah (swt) then ever wonder why although we are cornered by India ,USA , Israel
yet we still continue to go on even in the most dire situations?.....i mean pakistan aint got money like the arabs nations who can buy their way out of any situation....only Allah(swt) knows what plans he has for us........

...i never ever said that i am superior to any other race and would not even come close to thinking of that and when did i ever say in ANY post that i am better than u or called any1 on this FORUM as KAFFIR?....and well if we like burned our flags like u r saying well then tell me what will happen then?...we wont b considered a state..we will b something like refugees....we wont need an army to protect us cause there aint no state.....the muslims were divided intentionally and we cant go back to the old ways until when Imam Mehdi arrives i suppose


New Member
Staff member
Salamu alaykum

looks like this will end up in another argument thread. Please use ur time to memorize Quran hadith learn about the seen etc.

Barakallah feekum

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