promote islam


Junior Member
assalamu alykum brothers and sisters

I've been a part of this site for nearly a year now , it's like my family :hearts:
I think the site is great ! the best i've ever been on!

I would like to make a suggestion: could we make a new section dedicated to ideas ,and planning ways to promote islam.
I think there are enough of us here to be able to organize things!
I live in a place were there is no confrences about islam :girl3: and i would realy like to be a part of something to help promote islam.

Think about it i'm sure we could do something inshallah


striving 4 Firadous
well, i notice you are from France, have you tried organizing a club at your school with other muslims your age or if you are out of school, have you tried to plan event where non-muslims can be invited to learn about Islam.

Angela Hillyer

Junior Member
Salam Alaikom

You know what.... I think that is a really, really great idea!!

I dont no if I will be any good at coming up with ideas but i would sure love to hear some. I definately think there should be a section for new ideas to promote islam!!!


Angela Hillyer

Junior Member
Asaalamu Alaykum Warahamtullahi Wabarakatuhu
Adopting Children LOL,planting seeds LOL,Getting the youth involved,idk very bad ideas
sorry inshallah allah(swa) will help me attain ideas to promote islam
wa alaykum asaalamu warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

Salam Alaikom brother

lol i think they are very good ideas.
