Promoting Zionist Agenda - Spreading Hate Material


New Member
Promoting hate within Muslim Community, to keep them engaged in internal rifts, not to allow them a breathing space to unite and keep them internally disordered is one of the key anti-Muslim agenda on which many Zionist and other organizations are working with deliberation. Its aided by prevailing environments of poor leadership, poverty and lack of justice prevailing within Muslim countries.

I have seen a number of post related to videos of varying nature where Muslims are doing harm to each others and other, in this forum, meant for similar direction (effectively achieving the goals for which these are placed).
Its not to challenge the authenticity or negate deeds of individual actions of certain segments of Muslim to bring harm to their fellows, nor to support such actions, but to highlight that while promoting discussion far / against such material we may keep the aspect of possibility of elements behind such hate material and their goals.

Without going in details of each case, in most cases the authenticity of such material is questionable, if examined critically.
So beware, if you are serving the cause of Islam or falling prey to the ones who are working day and night with a deliberate agenda.