Q/A regarding the Qur'an


Junior Member
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه الكرام ومن تبعهم وسار على منهاجهم إلى يوم الدين أما بعد

Q/A with Shaykh 'Ubaid al Jaabiree Concerning the Quraan

Q: A sisters says that her zawj has left off reading/memorizing the Quraan with the excuse that he doesn't know 'Arabic. He claims that all he is memorizing are mere sounds and he also uses the excuse of living in Daarul Kufr for his inability. (This question is not verbatim).

A: We know of many of our sons and daughters in the West and in Europe and they pay attention and (give) importance to reading the Quraan and they don't know 'Arabic.

Secondly: A person, this person should try and exert effort into reading the Quraan. Whatever he can, whatever is possible to do according to his own capability and he should not leave off reading the Quraan with the evidence or proof that he lives in the land of the Kuffaar. There are Muslim men and women in America and amongst them are people of the Sunnah, and a person can read a part of the Quraan to him or all of it if possible.

Oh sister! Your problem has been solved. A Muslim man or woman cannot leave the Quraan. This is a mistake. Rather, he should read what is easy and possible for him, he should try to come and read what he can. Allaah does not burden a soul with more than what he can bear.

Excerpt taken from the "Open Q & A with Shaykh Ubaid al Jaabiree" (hafithahullaah)
Live Salafi Duroos Pal Talk
*The talks have been archived on www.salafitalk.net

Shaikh Saalih bin 'Abdil-'Azeez Aali Shaikh said, "There is no such thing as "study time" for the student of knowledge! This is because all of his time is spent in seeking knowledge. In the morning and in the evening, his mind is preoccupied with the various issues of knowledge."

Al-Manhajiyyah fee Talabil-'Ilm