Question about Beards????


So what's the deal with beards???

I watched a video on this site that said if a man can grow a beard, it's his obligation to let it grow.

Is this true??? And what's the purpose?? And does the Quran mention this at all??

Something as irrelevant as facial hair seems to be more a matter of cosmetics rather than anything to do with God. And does God actually care that we have facial hair??? I would think that if I had led a good life helping mankind and serving God, that he wouldn't punish me or look down upon me for me choosing not to have a beard.

I personally like beards, but is the hair on my face really that important??? Again I'm not muslim, but I am here to learn. You'll have to forgive my ignorance on this stuff. Thanx!

Um Abdur Rahman

Sclava lui Allaah

U are welcome on this site..may God put love for the true path in your heart..ameen

Beard is a part of man nature..all the prophets of God they had beards and all true belivers....if u shave it u comit a sin..but u are still muslim..if u dont touch it and lett it grow u lesen Allah's order and u get reward for that.

may God guide u

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
hello Luis !
If you look around you'll see many Moslims don't have beards , does that mean they are banned from Heaven or they aren't Moslims ??
No , it doesn't . But it's an order from Allah and males are supposed to obey .
Again as I said in a previous reply of mine , we are not supposed to be perfect , we only do our best and our God can forgive all the sins ( except polytheism ) .

If you convert to Islam you'll have the key of Paradise , I think this is the most important thing not other secondary things :)


Junior Member
First of all, welcome to TTI, and we are glad to hear someone who is eager to learn the truth.

The beard is not something unnatural, its the nature of man to have beard and its sign of manhood.

The main reason behind leaving the beard is to not resemble the non it states in this hadith.

Ibn ‘Umar who said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Be different from the mushrikeen (polytheists): let your beards grow and trim your moustaches.” According to another report: “Trim your moustaches and let your beards grow.”

Also another hadith, it makes clear that imitating the Jews and Christians is like being one of them

Al-Tirmidhi reported that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “He is not one of us who imitates people other than us. Do not imitate the Jews and Christians.” According to another version: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad)

All of this makes clear that the main reason for beard is to not look like a Jew or Christian but to look like the prophets of Allah.

We only following the orders of Allah but in other hand Allah always look to the heart of the person, if its clean and righteous, then Allah will be happy with person. Because its the heart which controls the person, if his/her heart is clean, then they will follow EVERYTHING which the prophet (pbuh) tell them.


Junior Member
Asalamu alaikum, it was important back then for Muslims to look different than the Pagans for both security and cultural reasons. By making it easier for Muslims to distinguish each others easily, it would certainly enforce safety and security among them. Also, by making Muslims be different than everyone else, it would certainly help them to give up their old Pagan traditions that they were raised with, especially when they're different than everyone else.

Something as irrelevant as facial hair seems to be more a matter of cosmetics rather than anything to do with God. And does God actually care that we have facial hair???

Islam calls upon all Muslims to be handsome and beautiful. It goes without saying that a Muslim should always be pure in clothes and body. This purity and cleanliness extends to one's morals and manners. In their words and deeds, Muslims are to be pure and clean avoiding any form of vulgarity or foul speech. Commanding the purity and the cleanliness of the appearance, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says: "Verily, Allah is Beautiful and loves beauty."

Growing beard is a great Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). On growing a beard, it’s important for the Muslim to maintain his physical appearance. Beard should not be let grow in a way that makes a person look disgusting to people. In other words, the Muslim should make sure that his beard adds to his good looking and smartness.


New Revert 2010
As Salamu 'Alaykum,

I liked what Brother Yusuf Estes said about growing a beard. He said that Allah already made men the way they are. Consequently, we are under no compulsion to grow our beards. We are under an incombency to allow our beards to grow. Allah has always commanded that men and women avoid purposely trying to be androgynous in our appearance.Lev. 19; Ps. 133:2;
2 S. 10:4.


So if i understand correctly, we are to let our beards grow so we don't resemble people of other faiths & beliefs??? And if we don't have a beard, that means we're trying to "imitate" other people???

How can you honestly know, by looking at a man without a beard, that he is trying to imitate someone else??? Different men have different perceptions about what looking good is, what being "manly" is, and what cleanliness is.

And every Orthodox Jew I've seen has a beard, many Christians I've seen have beards, & many Atheist I've seen have beards. Beards are apart of many other people's culture. So with that same justifications for making beards mandatory, one could say that by having a beard, we are imitating all these people also.

I would think that as people of God, we would worry less about differentiating ourselves from other people on the outside and worry more about differentiating ourselves on the inside. I would also think God would look to our hearts and not to our faces to judge us as to who we really are as men. But that's just my perspective.

You'll have to forgive me if I still don't understand.


Junior Member
So if i understand correctly, we are to let our beards grow so we don't resemble people of other faiths & beliefs??? And if we don't have a beard, that means we're trying to "imitate" other people???

How can you honestly know, by looking at a man without a beard, that he is trying to imitate someone else??? Different men have different perceptions about what looking good is, what being "manly" is, and what cleanliness is.

And every Orthodox Jew I've seen has a beard, many Christians I've seen have beards, & many Atheist I've seen have beards. Beards are apart of many other people's culture. So with that same justifications for making beards mandatory, one could say that by having a beard, we are imitating all these people also.

I would think that as people of God, we would worry less about differentiating ourselves from other people on the outside and worry more about differentiating ourselves on the inside. I would also think God would look to our hearts and not to our faces to judge us as to who we really are as men. But that's just my perspective.

You'll have to forgive me if I still don't understand.

You have asked for reason, and I gave you one reason, but at end of the day its all the orders of God, and as Muslims we don't say why Allah said this and that, but also we don't go for blind faith, but first we ACCEPT, then we say is there a reason for this, but if we can't find a reason, then we FULLY ACCEPT IT...thats why our religion is called SUBMISSION & SURRENDER (Islam).

It doesn't matter if other cultures have beards but we will have ours.

Allah says in the Qur'an

"The only statement of the [true] believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, “We hear and we obey.” And those are the successful." 24:51

This verse says that if Allah or his messenger decree something or order us something we say "We hear and We Obay"...

but you are not Muslim, so you are not included.

I will advice you to first learn about Allah, His messengers, his book...then move on to the detailed issues, you will understand why certain things were ordered.


New Revert 2010
As Salamu 'Alaykum,

Luis, you are greatly appreciate by me because your questions give me the opportunity, motivation, and direction to further investigate the various areas of Muslim Life.

I also see that you are a sincere person with an excellent mind.

On a forum, when you ask a question that deals with "Why?" often the respondents will answer with the reason that they feel is sufficient; however, there may be several reasons.

I think the further away from the time of Muhammad that passes the harder the "Why questions" become.

Allah made males and females complimentary. They are naturally suited for each other and necessarily, if not opposites, at least different. One of the ways society (civilizations) has been harmed is by transvestites, homosexuals, intentional androgynous individuals, etc.

So, Hijab (clothing), hair length, and beards also are part of an individuals gender identity. And, this is also a reason for beards.

During the time of the revelation of Al Qur'an, a major violation of Allah's Will was Shirk (false worship). So, consequently, emphasis in Islam is placed on correct worship. Since Adam and Eve, obedience to Allah has been the purpose of Islam. All creation naturally acknowledges Allah. Allah's exclusive Divinity and worship of Him is natural. Islam is our Deen' (total lifestyle). Our belief in Allah and Tawheed infuses every aspect of our lives. Islam is the only Monotheistic Ibrahimic (Abrahamic) Religion which preaches pure and unadulterated monotheism that tolerates no compromises with nationalism, racism, trinitarianism, idolatry, binitarianism, polytheism, saint-worship, veneration of images or priesthood, etc.

Tawheed is fidelity to Allah and Allah alone. The Shahada is the first pillar of Islam.

ʾašhadu ʾan laa ilāha illa (A)llāh, wa ʾašhadu ʾanna Muḥammada(n) rasūlo (A)llāh
I testify there is no God other than Allah, He alone is God, and that Muhammad is The Prophet of Allah.

Rebellion, false worship, hypocrisy, deviation and innovation and perversion of the natural submission to Allah has always been the test of life for humans.

Everything a Muslim/Muslimah does in his/her life is to live peaceably and in submission to Allah. The most important aspect of the outward manifestations of Islam are our intentions.

There is a void within Man when the natural expression of our body, mind, heart, soul, spirit is pervert from Islam.

An excellent book is The Book of Tawheed (Oneness of All'ah) and UNDERSTANDING ISLAM by Jerald F. Dirks.

There are several excellent videos by Sheik Yusuf Estes and others available on the web. I feel so very blessed to live in a time when access to so much knowledge is available to us literally from around the world at our fingertips.

With your sincere search of Islam, I hope you are blessed by its' comfort, strength, and purity.





My adopted mother taught me that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

We all care about you and hope you submit to Allah and join the fastest growing religion community in North America.

Subhan'Allah! Alhamdulillah!


Smile for Allah
Mashallah, brother Frank has shown us what a true muslim's attitude should be like and what a perfect way to explain something to someone is. A person can never learn until they understand. And they can never understand until someone explains it to them... And always, a friendly manner is better than a hostile one.


Junior Member

welcome to the forum,

I Hope inshallah that the brothers and sisters on the forum can answer any questions you may have of Islam correctly, please do not hesitate with ANY queries you may have.

The Beard for man is part of the sunnah, the sunnah is the teachings and practises of the prophet Muhammed pbhu, Muslims should NOT deviate from the sunnah, The beard is for man what the hijaab is for women, these are both part of the sunnah therefore obligatory. To say there is choice in the matter is incorrect!!All prophets from Adam(pbuh) through to Muhammad(pbuh), had beards, including Jesus(pbuh), Moses(pbuh), Noah(pbuh) and Ibrahim(pbuh). The beard is part of the identity of a Muslim man and the identity of a Muslim man does not begin and end with the beard.

( Muhammed) Rasulullah (saw) said: "Trim your moustache, and leave your beard alone, be different than the disbelievers,"

And when Rasulullah (saw) asks us to do it, we must do it as the Quran says, "Obey Allah, obey his Messenger"

i can understand that it may seem somewhat trivial no beard= hell
and i also can understand your point that non Muslims too sport the beard, however we must then look at the difference between the two.. why would a non Muslim ie atheist would sport the beard is simply through personal choice nothing more, and especially in this age it is the minority that choose this for themselves, and it is the majority who prefer to remove the beard, however when a Muslim man sports the beard this is to obey god and the prophet Muhammed pbuh, thus when his Muslim brothers and sisters see and greet him they recognise that this man is obedient ,which is the case also for a sister sporting the niqaab. There is no reward for the non believer who stumbles upon a practise of the Muslims if he/she dies without belief but for those who believe and strive to submit themselves to the commands of allah there is GREAT reward.

These are gods commands and he knows best, as someone pointed out earlier as Muslims we say we hear and we obey, god knows well why he has commanded believing men and believing women to dress and act in a certain manner.
Do you see now in this day and age the complete corruption of the human body!!
How perfect is it that we are then taught to respect our bodies and ourselves in Islam.

As muslims we are not allowed to pick and choose bits of the religion of islam we would like to follow, rather we should strive to perfect ourselves and submit ourselves completely to what we have been commanded.

I hope i have answered your question to your satisfaction inshallah if you would like any more information again don't hesitate to ask.