Question about Dajjal


New Member
:salam2: to brother and sisters,

Recently, I read about a book that discuss about the Dajjal. It says that the Dajjal are living in an island between the borders of Russia and Iran, or much exact location is somewhere in a place called Khurasan.

Is there any real evidence to support this such as hadith? Are there an island between it? Can we reach this island if it is true to be existed?

oh, and one more thing, what can we do to prepare for the Dajjal?


zayad abdul

New Member

assalamualiakum the exact location of the dajjal is not but the prophet MUHAMMAD [SAW] that he wil come from the east . some people say that he is in an island somewhere near england .regarding khorasan he wil appear there first along with seventy thousand jews of asfahan[iran] .prophet[saw] said that in order to escape dajjal's fitnah one should recite the first ten ayah of surah kahaf.however there is a contraversy regarding this that in some hadith the last ten ayah of the surah are mentioned