Question about prayer


Hi all,

Sometimes when I pray I get a warm peaceful sensation in my heart, almost a burning feeling. What is this? Has anyone else experienced something similar?


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Staff member
Hello, Pete.

When you pray...the Salaat? Does that mean you've reverted to Islam over the years...?

Hi all,

Sometimes when I pray I get a warm peaceful sensation in my heart, almost a burning feeling.

I don't know about the burning part but yes, This feeling of peace, calmness and tranquility - in other words, Khushoo` - can be found when one is in prayer and standing in front of The Owner of Mercy and Forgiveness, Allaah. It's not something that's easily attained though, and not everyone has it in their salaah, which is why we should strive for that feeling. And All praise to Allaah, we are given 5 chances throughout the day to develop it (as they say, practice makes perfect!).