Question about Qur'an?


New Member
آسفة if this is the wrong place, I could not find one that looked appropriate...

In addition to my own reading, I'm taking Intro to the Qur'an through my university, and this week's set reading is all about the Prophet Moses(pbuh) - I'm clear in understanding of nearly all of it, but I don't understand the significance of this particular verse, and it's in nearly all accounts:

"And he drew out his hand, and behold! it was white to all beholders!" (7:108)

I don't understand...white? Another interpretation I read said "shining" but that doesn't help me, either...I think I understand that it was a way of proving to Pharaoh that he was indeed send by Allah, but...yeah. If anyone can help, :inshallah: I would be very grateful!



Al Mujahid

Habbibi, i think it would be best to ask a person of knowledge. Asking for tafseer here might not be the best idea. Not saying we are ignorant people, but something as important as Qu'ran tafseer should be handled by the Ulema.


New Member
Oh, thank you so much for the link...even if the answer isn't in here, this is really amazing information, and I love the way he explains.
