Question about the Injil


Junior Member
Thank You Muslimah for understanding. I think we kinda got sidetracked in the beginning with the question of prophecies. May I say that you all have succeeded in making me question my own beliefs and seek to learn about some things that I had previously not looked into! :) I think questioning is healthy and can help a person to grow in faith if they are honest in their inquiry. I have been listening to many talks over the past couple days (especially Hamza Yusuf, to whose style I have taken a liking.) I have also been watching Peace TV, Huda TV, and some others. I say all this to say that I am not here to teach you about my Christian beliefs (as my introduction says,) but to learn from you all.

Also you mentioned the Sunnah, is this something I should read with the Qur'an? What is it exactly?

Peace be upon you, friend :)

"Sunnah means the way of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). It includes everything he said, did, and approved of. We know the Sunnah from the statements called Hadiths that have been handed down from the Companions of the Prophet.

Islamic Law is taken from the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Sunnah in this sense both explains the Qur’an, and also gives additional rules and guidance. The Qur’an in many places tells us to obey the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and thus it is wrong—as some deviant sects claim—that the Qur’an is sufficient and that we do not need the Sunnah. "
He was described by his wife as the "walking Qur'an" because he embodied the teachings of the Qur'an in every action of his.

You can read more about it from here:

You asked earlier whether the Qur'an can be proven as the word of God. Yes, it can be. Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an:

Also, May I reccomend certain videos on youtube that may, Inshallah help with your study?
This is a debate between Dr.Zakir Naik, and Dr.William Cambell on the topic, "the Qur'an and the bible in the light of science"

Take care :)


Junior Member
I have realized that many of you will not believe in my interpretations of my own scriptures. By what authority can a Muslim interpret the Gospels? Now Christians have always interpreted John 8:58 as Christ revealing his divinity. Jesus was obviously saying that he existed before Abraham and instead of using the past tense of to be (I was) he used the present saying "I AM." None of the Gospels were ever written in Hebrew they were all written in Greek. So all in all trying to argue Christian scriptures with non-Christians doesn't work, just as I cannot interpret correctly the Qur'an.


It is not our intention or obligation to reinterpret the Bible. We are satisfied to merely verify that Christian interpretations are insufficient, ambiguous, or impossible. Let me quote again;

At John 8:58 it is reported that Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I am". Even if Jesus meant to claim by these words that he was alive before Abraham was, is this sufficient ground to say that he was divine? If Jesus lived in heaven then came to earth it might mean something remarkable, but it would not be enough to establish him as God incarnate. Additionally, it should be noted that these words are open to other interpretation (Did we interpret it, no, we can do so but thats not our intention). Christians do not imagine that the prophet Jeremiah had a pre-human existence and so they find a suitable way of interpreting the words of Jeremiah 1:5 which portray such a situation, if taken literally, Why not apply a similar understanding in the case of John 8:58?

In Exodus chapter 3 (Exodus is a O.T Book), it is reported that God told Moses "I am what I am," as most English Bibles translate the Hebrew text. At John 8:58 Jesus says, "before Abraham was, I am," as most English Bibles translate the Greek text. But here is the key to another deception. The original of the first text (Exodus CH:3) is in Hebrew while the original of the second is in Greek. All but a few of Jesus' words were recorded in Greek.

For two hundred years before the time of Jesus the Jews used a Greek translation of their Hebrew scriptures, the Septuagint. This work translated the key phrase "I am" of Exodus as HO ON. However, the words of Jesus, "I am", have been given to us in Greek as EGO EIMI. If the gospel writer of John 8:58 wanted to tell his Greek-speaking audience that Jesus had imitated God he would have used the familiar words of the Septuagint, otherwise the point would be lost. The evidence of John 8:58 is far from conclusive.

There are explicit statements of Jesus (pbuh) in the bible where he made himself different from God.

We are not interpreting the bible all we are saying that statement you bring forth so are does not prove anything, because there are other text (Jermeiah) which speaks the same, but Christian today now give it a different interpretation. There were amongst early Christains (amongst the disciples) that did not believe Jesus (pbuh) was crucified.

The argument that Jews understood which is an absurd one, Jesus (pbuh) through out the bible has been saying Jews don't understand him, yet Christians now want to insist Jews understood Jesus (pbuh). Who are we supposed to believe, Christian scholars or Jesus (pbuh).


allah is my lord
Hello and Welcome to TT1. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Coming to your questions;

First of all the Arabic version of the Bible was not present at the time of Prophet Muhummad (pbuh). The earliest Arabic version of the Old Testament is that of R. Saadias Gaon of 900 C.E. - more than 250 years after the death of the Prophet (pbuh). The oldest Arabic version of the new Testament was published by Erpenius in 1616 C.E. - about a thousand years after the demise of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Why does the Qur'an refer to the Gospel or Injil as if it is one book.

What the Gospels Mean to Muslims

The difference between Christianity and Islam regarding the BOOK:

Hope that answers yours questions;

Bye for now.

well ya i hope it solves your confusions ameen .may Allah bless or god bless you to the truth as you have the interest to know the right faith
please don"t ignore the truth

bye :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::):):):salam2:
oh you're orthodox? well sorry about the crusader part. when ppl say they are christian, one always wonders which denomination?

in order to get ppl to accept christianity, the Original Message got so distorted that Churches adopted pagan customs and rituals, saying that this is also christianity and that is also christianity etc.

i dont think there is any order in which you read the Quran. there is no "beginning" such as "in the beginning there was....". Regardless of where you start, even at the end, you'll find that it has no chronological order. thats because this is a Book for all times to come. past present n future. you can start at any point, beginning or end, it will seem strange to you.

the first revealed verses of the Quran were in Surah Alaq. (Read in the name of thy Lord who created! Created man from an alaq {clot/embryo/leech-like thing which clings to the womb}! Read and your Lord is Most Generous! Who taught by the pen! Taught man what he knew not! )

but this comes as the 96th chapter of the Quran, not the first chapter. the verses are not in order of revelation priority.

there should be an explanation given for every chapter with scientific proofs explained. However that depends very much on the Quran you ordered. if its the form of a huge book, it'll give more explanations. if its a small one, it'll have less explanations.

if there's not sufficient explanation you can always ask the meaning of the verses from someone here. there may also be an index at the back to help you look up specific topics such as women, inheritance, marriage, Adam, Abraham, Jesus (pbut), etc.