Question to reflect upon!


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
Definitely, as Janaan said, being carefree when indulging in small and big sin, or being unwary and unmindful, almost desensitising yourself to feel okay to be in the wrong. Strong faith, which leads to progressive actions is a cycle. Once you tread the obscured path, it's hard to bounce back, takes time, and in most cases, you're still in the wrong, but only mindful. So, engaging in good leads to more good. And to stay on this path requires our mindfulness, our remembrance, us seeking knowledge, which we then actualise, and the desire to seek it. Ibadah, like every intoxicant, is addictive. You need to immerse yourself in it, actually taste its sweetness for you to unconsciously, and effortlessly eliminate wrong in your life. InshaAllah we attain that rank.


Junior Member
Small or big...insisting on doing sins, and looking for excuses to just remain the same with our bad habits...even if we know that it's haram and harmful in life and the hereafter.... It definitely turn the heart to a rock!!!
May Allah give us a white heart filled with his love...Ameeen.
Jazaki lahou khayran sis:hearts:

Nureyni Amir

Junior Member
Asalamu Alaikum Ukhty Fillah, jazakhillah kheyran khathera for this reminder. May Allah swa make us among those people.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Alhamdulillaah. Just want to say, Sister Mahzala's words really hits home and gave a deep impact.

BarakaAllaahu feekunna, sisters.


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
Alhamdulillaah. Just want to say, Sister Mahzala's words really hits home and gave a deep impact.

BarakaAllaahu feekunna, sisters.

Glad to know :)

And I guess the alternative, what softens the heart, would be detachment from worldly desires, from people we depend on the way we should be depending on Allah and seeking His love and pleasure, not sacrificing those for the sake of the unhealthy attachments we fall victim to on a daily basis. You only need to experience this to truly believe and wholeheartedly appreciate ... that when you, fully, with your heart and soul, give up something for His sake, the abundance of blessings overwhelms you as His servant, you then begin to wonder if you truly deserve it, and are worthy, and are moved when you remember that trials and blessings come to those remembered, and your soul doesn't feel fed until it engages in more remembrance and glorification. Thus the cycle.