

Salaam Brother,

The Mercy of Allah built the path day by day for us to follow. The Beloved of Allah served Allah each second. The Chief of the Sons of Adam humbled himself to serve mankind, He took the responsibility that Allah assigned him.


How did our beloved Prophet(pbuh) used to spend his day?

i had recently seen a video on by shaykh khalid yasin called '' muhammad, a man with a message " where he describes the daily life or activities of rasullah:saw: . it's a great video. i would post a link to it if i knew how. but basically he mentioned that the prophet :saw: would wake up early for fajr, plan his strategic battles, lead in prayer, teach the companions, make negotiations to make peace, and he would stand 4 or 5 hours a night in prayer. the prophet:saw: led an amazing life. a life perfect for all of humanity to follow.