Questioning in Islam, to what extent welcome?


Junior Member
at what point does questioning become disbelief?. I feel that in many cases questioning can increase understanding and improved actions, but I don't want to question the authenticity of Islam.


to Allah we belong
i dont think asking questions can bring disbelief. and Allah knows best

i had few questions in my mind when i started practicing Islam in a better way. but scientific explantions and future events in Quran, miracles of prophet :saw:, Last Hour signs increased the faith that yes - Islam is indeed Allah's guidance to mankind.


Studying Islam...
:salam2: sister.

we can aske all what we wish to know in islam except what no one can answer us about it . except that no one have answers.
except the question about Allah taala how he is like. and many other things that no one know excep Allah taala .

Shaytan( Satan) push many questions in us to mislead us .

there's many Ayats and Hadiths about what to aske and what to not aske.
don't have now exacts references inshae Allah taala some brother or sister can provid detailed answers with quran and sunnah

may Allah taala forgive us guid us and take our souls as mouslims .

wa :salam2:

I fully agree with what brother Abdalillah has posted. Islam is such a beautiful religion. We base on facts, and we are encouraged to increase our knowledge of the religion as much as we possibly can. On the contrary there are many things that we can not answer. For example just as akhi Abdalillah has said, questions about Allah , and the very popular question that a lot of people who are not religious always ask me "who created Allah?" These things only Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala know. Yes, back to the topic, ask as much as you please and inshAllah ta'ala you will find your answer.
khodah faiz
Assalamu alaykum