Questions re: Duaa Khatmil and Duaa Qunut, Taraweeh and a Salat question....

Salam brothers and sisters,
I am a revert and alhamdulilah am still learning a LOT. I am confused a bit by the 2 duaas that are done 1) after completing Qur'an and then 2) done after witr....I believe I named them correctly in the subject heading?

First, is it appropriate to hold our hands up when supplicating?

Second, what are the people saying during these duaas? You can hear them saying things after the Imam says certain I am learning arabic and trying to understand everything, I feel a bit lost sometimes because I feel I don't know what is going on....

Lastly, the other night during Taraweeh, we finished the Qur'an and at one point the Imam was reciting and we were all standing and then suddenly all the women went down to sujood but the Imam wasn't in sujood....when we finished, I asked the sister next to me what happened and why did we do that and she said oh ________ was done and it is customary to immediately prostrate, but the Imam didn't for some reason. ?? I was totally confused....

Oh and I am sorry one more it haram to move our lips in recitation while the Imam is reciting surahs? Not saying the surahs along with him but mouthing them?

Sorry for all the questions....jazakAllah khair for any responses....
