Ramadan 2010 lets be together


Slave of Allah (swt)

Most of the people that have facebook, sorry its just for facebook users

im starting a ramadan 2010 group so everyone can join to increase our iman during ramadan and help each other grow so please join and Inshallah taala have a blessed ramadan

Inshallah i will be adding Quranic videos and lectures and things to share with everyone and others users can do the same to increase our iman


jazakAllah khair :)


good thought.


Most of the people that have facebook, sorry its just for facebook users

im starting a ramadan 2010 group so everyone can join to increase our iman during ramadan and help each other grow so please join and Inshallah taala have a blessed ramadan

Inshallah i will be adding Quranic videos and lectures and things to share with everyone and others users can do the same to increase our iman


jazakAllah khair :)


May Allah swt reward you tremendously for your good thought.

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)