
Junior Member
Hello everyone!!

Dont know who knows who I am and who doesnt but I am a Christian protestant woman (not looking to convert at all) who is about to marry an Algerian muslim man.
He told me ramadan is coming up and well.. basically that I cant even hold his hand! Is this true? How should I be? Probably a stupid question to u all but it all seemed a little (sorry to say) bizzarre to me and I didnt believe it, but yeah ignorance is bliss right..

All kind replies are greatly appreciated.

Thank you ever so much.


Junior Member

Well I think your fiance is probably just being cautious. During Ramadan, we muslims abstain from any ingestation whether it be food or liquid, but we also abstain from any sexual relations as well. Men are allowed to hold hands or kiss their wives, as is doesn't break the fast. But maybe he is distancing himself from any tempations that he might be feeling during this holy month. So even though it doesn't break the fast, it is his decision in the end to do what he feels he needs to do.

Hope this helps,



Junior Member
He's not supposed to hold your hand now since you're not yet his wife! How's that for bizarre? :)
i dont know whats so difficult to understand, I dont know anything abt ramadan, I asked the question because I want to KNOW, whats the point in being rude?
If your view of the world is secular or Western then it's bizarre, but if your view of the world comes from the Quran and the Sunna, you'll start to pay attention to what God and His prophet say and why they say it. I don't know the effect on women when they hold hands with a man, but I know what it does to a man. If you believe that fornication is a sin and therefore is a violation of God's commandments, you'd then agree that anything and everything that leads to it should be avoided and aborted. It's as simple as that, but that is something that you must feel in your soul as well and that's what the Quran instills in a Muslim. Being a non-Muslim you don't get that feeling. Most Christians today believe that fornication is not a sin and even if it is, it's forgiven by the presumed sacrifice of Christ, therefore nothing to worry about. :astag:

Excuse me? I have a western view because I am from a western country but it's definately not secular, I have been brought up to respect others in what they believe (obviously in what i read in this rude comment im a minority in that aspect). My view of the world comes from the Bible and God, I thought I made it clear I am a Christian not intendnig to convert I do not know everything abt Ilsma, thats why im here, TO LEARN.

"Most Christians today believe that fornication is not a sin" , LOL:) :) well this is YOU OPINION and YOURS ONLY.
I remeber reading something one muslim woman posted ehre about rude muslims "scaring" non muslims and I definately understand what she meant now.
Sorry if me myself am being rude, it's not my intention at all, I now see why my fiance didnt want me to visit this page anymore but I do come back just because I want to learn.

God bless and take care!


Junior Member

Well I think your fiance is probably just being cautious. During Ramadan, we muslims abstain from any ingestation whether it be food or liquid, but we also abstain from any sexual relations as well. Men are allowed to hold hands or kiss their wives, as is doesn't break the fast. But maybe he is distancing himself from any tempations that he might be feeling during this holy month. So even though it doesn't break the fast, it is his decision in the end to do what he feels he needs to do.

Hope this helps,


Hi and thank you for your kind reply!
Ok, I do understand a little bit more, after all I am not a man and I do not know what thoughts run thru your heads but yes I just want to correct u when u've written that I am his wife, I am not so that makes everything different right?

Take care and thanks ever so much for your kind reply once again



Junior Member
Salaam Yasmin:hearts: e!
first of all i wanted to let you know that I don't think Ayman1 was trying to be rude at all. I think he was trying to give you a response to the best of his ability.

I believe know exactly the situation you're in. i've seen many guys that only practice islam during ramadan. The truth is a man should not be touching a woman that is other than his wife anytime nor should he be alone with her. but there are many people that feel they should at least take advantage of this rewarding month of ramadan. so they start following the religion more carefully. i think we all do this to a certain extent since ramadan is such a beneficial month regarding rewards towards the hereafter.

Hopefully this makes sense:) ... i will try to get some more information to you.... God willing!

Muhanad Younis

New Member
Hello Yasmine,

I understand your question and where it comes from , but before I reply or try to clarify one thing or two up to your demand I would like to thank you for being so understanding to your ''future husband'' and his beliefs.

And now I get to the point :

In Islam Ramadan month is considered as an especially blessed month that worshiping God is so unique in it because that one of the five bases of Islam is added to , which is as you probably know ''Fasting'' (Sawm or Seyam in Arabic).

Fasting begins from dawn ''Fajr'' and ends by night ''Maghrib'' in this period if one eats or drinks intentionly or has an intimate act with his wife ,
then his fasting is not proper at all (these are things to break the fast).

An addition for what brother Steve said :

Men are allowed to hold hands or kiss their wives, as is doesn't break the fast. But maybe he is distancing himself from any tempations that he might be feeling during this holy month

although a kiss or hand holding is considered as things that dont lead to break the fast they may do if these acts leads to any sexual act then it breaks the fast !

Even if the kiss or the hand holding caused him to get provoked the he is endangering his fasting also !

Therefore I understand his wish and hope you do also after this quick explain .

If something is still ambigious for you , I would be happy to answer your question.

P.S you are in the right forum and hope you find this site beneficial.


Senior Member
Hello yasmin,

Not only during ramadhan u cant hold your future husbands hand,even now also u cant touch him because he is not your husband,it is haraam in Islam.
Its a sin,Thats what we believe.

U can touch your brother or cousins or your father but not your future husband.

We dont let people to judge our religion,this is what we believe,what is can,what is cannot,what is permissable,what is porhibitted,for us as a muslim,we dont questioning scholars or Allah swt why Islam says cant!

Allah swt knows best! He knew what is the good things of the ummah.

u need to learn more Al quran & sunnah,im sure u will find it out.



Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Hello Yasmine, Thanks for coming to TTI and asking about something not concern you but a muslim wife and husband too, but so you know before you get the answer to your question, by now since you been reading on TTI, that its not allowed for Muslim man to have girl friend, he is not allowed to have relation with a woman before marriage, and I think the reason he dosnt want you to come to the site is he afraid that you learn what he is doing is wrong because he knows what he is doing is against his religion but he being ignorant, and dosnt want you to know the truth and learn what he is doing.

so think about it why he dont want you to come here ?... because You might learn what he knows is wrong ?

well now back to your question.. here is an answer from scholars, and i will try to post more answers from scholars of Islam.

A man embracing his wife whilst fasting

i have recently got married and i would like to clarify something that has been on my mind recently during this month blessed month of ramadan. after closing my fast i return to bed, where sometimes my wife is there lying there to. sometimes i embrace her does this means my fast is void. can you enlighten me on what i can do and not do.


Praise be to Allaah.

The Muslim has to protect his fast from things that may invalidate it, and he has to seek reward by giving up his desires for food, drink and intercourse, as Allaah says in the hadeeth qudsi concerning the virtues of fasting: “He gives up his food, his drink and his physical desires for My sake.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Sawm, 1761). But if he can control himself and not slip into that which would cause his fast to be invalidated, by the emission of maniy (semen) or by having intercourse, or would make his fast imperfect by the emission of madhiy (prostatic fluid), then it is permissible for him to embrace his wife in this case, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to fondle ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) but he used to control his desire.

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz said:

A man may kiss, embrace and touch his wife, without having intercourse, when he is fasting. This is permissible and there is nothing wrong with it, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to kiss and touch his wives when he was fasting. But if there is the fear that he may do something that Allaah has forbidden because his desire is aroused quickly, then it is makrooh for him to do that. If he ejaculates he still should not eat or drink for the rest of the day, and he has to make up the fast, but he does not have to offer kafaarah (expiation) according to the majority of the scholars. But madhiy (prostatic fluid) does not invalidate the fast, according to the more correct of the two scholarly views, because the basic principle is that the fast remains valid, and because it is too difficult to avoid. And Allaah is the Source of strength.

Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, part 4, p. 202


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Hello Yasmine, here is another post for you to read I know you dont want to become Muslim but so you know your rights before getting married, and after...

Relations with women according to Islam
Question No 2584

I am in the processing of becoming a truly practicing Musalman and wonder what is said regarding your life previous to the full integration of Islam. I wonder whether any experiences that I have had would limit me from becoming a follower of the straigth path to Allah?
Please forgive my explicitness...but since men and women are not allowed to engage in full-blown relationships, how do I resolve the conflict that prior to it's integration in my life, I have had different experiences and now have read repeatedly that it is forbidden...how can I possibly reconcile the two dichotomous notions? I recognize that you do receive many questions, please accept my sincere thanks for having this site, regardless of whether I receive an answer or not.
May peace be with you...:)


Praise be to Allaah.

We cannot conceal our joy and pleasure at the intention expressed in your question of embracing the true religion, Islam. The confusion and hesitation that you describe are quite understandable, because when a person has been indulging in forbidden relationships and then wishes to move to a religion of purity and chastity, it is natural to feel that his own “nafs” (desires) will defeat him and that he will not be able to do what Islam requires of him in the way of purity and chastity. But we will tell you some things here which we hope will help you to overcome any difficulty that you may be fearing and give a true picture of the situation.

When a person follows the true religion, it is expected to have a far-reaching effect on his personality and behaviour, so that it re-forms him and gives him a fresh start and a new direction in life, completely different from the way he was during his “jaahiliyyah” (days of ignorance before his Islam). This radical change will produce morals and values that were not there before, which will purify his heart and fill him with a sense of chastity, so that the new Muslim looks with revulsion and disgust both at his own former deeds and at the ignorant world of promiscuity, infidelity, nakedness and utter corruption that exists in the society around him. He will come back to the sound nature (fitrah – the natural state of man) and purity of heart of which Shaytaan had robbed him during the days when he was a kaafir and sinner. This new direction in life is undertaken freely, by choice, and is accompanied by contentment and acceptance stemming from his total submission to the commands and prohibitions of Allaah, Who revealed this religion of Islam with all its laws. We have two sources of proof to support what we say here, one from the sharee’ah and one from history.

The shar’i evidence is to be found in numerous places in the Qur’aan, for example (interpretation of the meanings):

“Is he who was dead (without Faith by ignorance and by disbelief) and We gave him life (by knowledge and by faith) and set for him a light (of Belief) whereby he can walk amongst men, like him who is in the darkness (of disbelief, polytheism and hypocrisy) from which he can never come out?…” [al-An’aam 6:122]

“And those who invoke not any other god along with Allaah, nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse – and whoever does this shall receive the punishment.

The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace,

Except those who repent and believe, and do righteous deeds, for those, Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [al-Furqaan 25:68-70]

Concerning the phrase “Allaah will change their sins into good deeds” the mufassireen (commentators) said: their evil deeds will be replaced by good deeds. ‘Ali ibn Abi Talhah reported that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “These are the believers, who before they believed did evil deeds, but Allaah wanted them to do something else, so He changed their bad deeds into good deeds…”

‘Ataa’ ibn Abi Rabaah said: “This is in this world: a man may be doing evil but then Allaah replaces it with good.” Sa’eed ibn Jubayr said: “Allaah changed them from worshippers of idols into worshippers of the Most Merciful, and changed them from those who fight the Muslims into those who fight the mushrikeen (polytheists), and from those who marry mushrik women into those who marry believing women.” Al-Hasan al-Basri said: “Allaah changed them from evil deeds to good deeds, from shirk (polytheism) to ikhlaas (purity of faith), from promiscuity to chastity, from kufr to Islam.” This is the view of Abu ‘Aaliyah, Qutaadah and a group of others. (Ibn Katheer, Tafseer al-Qur’aan al-‘Azeem).

The historical evidence includes a number of stories of Muslims who entered Islam after having been kuffaar (disbelievers), and how they changed and became righteous. Among these stories is the following:

“There was a (Muslim) man called Marthad ibn Abi Marthad who used to smuggle Muslim prisoners-of-war from Makkah (which was the territory of the mushrikeen) to Madeenah (which was the territory of the Muslims). There was also a woman in Makkah, called ‘Anaaq, who was a prostitute. She had been a friend of Marthad’s (before he became Muslim). Marthad had promised to take one of the prisoners from Makkah to Madeenah. He said: “I came to the shade of one of the gardens of Makkah on a moonlit night, then ‘Anaaq came and saw my shadow by the garden. When she reached me, she recognized me and said: ‘Marthad?’ I said, ‘Marthad.’ She said: ‘Welcome! Stay with us tonight.’ I said, ‘O ‘Anaaq, Allaah has forbidden zinaa (unlawful sexual relations).’ She called out, ‘O people of the camp! This man is stealing away your prisoners!’ (i.e., she wanted to take revenge on him because he refused to have unlawful relations with her, so she called the mushrikeen to come and seize him). Eight men pursued me (and he described how Allaah saved him from them).” This event was the reason for the revelation of the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): “Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry any but a woman similarly guilty, or an Unbeliever; nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman; to the Believers such a thing is forbidden.” [al-Noor 24:3 – Yusuf ‘Ali’s translation] (Reported and classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi, 3101).

The reason for telling this story is that it illustrates how this man changed after he embraced Islam, and refused to commit the haraam deed with which he was tempted. Another story describes a woman who embraced Islam and became righteous:

‘Abd-Allaah ibn Maghfal reported that there was a woman who had been a prostitute during the days of ignorance (before Islam). A man passed by her, or she passed by him, and he touched her. She said: “Stop it! (Mah! A word connoting a rebuke or denunciation). Allaah has done away with shirk and had brought Islam.” So he left her alone and went away. (Reported by al-Haakim, who said this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of Muslim, although they did not report it).

If you enter Islam and become a truly practising Muslim, adhering to this pure sharee’ah, worshipping Allaah as He wants to be worshipped, obeying His commands and heeding His prohibitions, then in sha Allaah you will not encounter or suffer the difficulties you refer to in your question. Moreover, you will have the means of keeping chaste, such as marriage, which will help you to refrain from doing haraam deeds; marriage is enjoined by this sharee’ah. The one who chooses a pure and clean way has no need to enter the mire (of illicit relationships). We ask Allaah to guide you and make things easy for you, and to keep evil away from you. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.
Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid



bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq

I guess if y'all are not married then he shouldn't be worried about holding your hand :p When are y'all set to be married?


Junior Member
hejsan Yasmin

Hejsan Yasmin,

hoppas att allt e bra med dig. Please don't be offended by anyone here. I know the brothers and sisters are trying to be helpful and I think it's great that you respect our religion and as a non-muslim trying to find out about what it is going to be like to live with a muslim man.

It's not for us to try to convert/revert you. Only God, Allah, Gud Allmighty guides people. And it's not for us to judge your situation and critisize you. In your eyes you're not doing anything wrong. We can only try to show you the truth about Islam but what religion you are of is your choice entirely. And I don't think you should feel as if have to defend yourself. But sometimes we learn alot through being sincere and through friendly discussions.

As a learned man said... One of the beautiful things about the Koran is that it talks about the different dominations; christianity, judaism, pagan, atheist and Islam. God Allmighty then tells us that he has legislated the religion of Islam for maknind but that it is up to us what path we choose to take. And that we better think about it as we will come to know in the next life.

With regards to your situation, I think one thing that maybe some brothers and sisters are concerned about is the fact that your future husband is doing wrong (based on what Ive understood from your story so far) whether he knows it or not. Either way it's due to his ignorance of what Islam teaches and how he as a muslim should behave. And that he asks you to not come to this webpage to find out about things seems odd to me.

Just wanted you to know that we are more than happy to help you. And when someone seem to come across as rude to you...it's because they probably can't understand what the brother, your future husband, is up to.

Onkskar dig det basta Yasmin,
Wish u the best,
Ta hand om dig



Junior Member
Hello Yasmine,

I understand your question and where it comes from , but before I reply or try to clarify one thing or two up to your demand I would like to thank you for being so understanding to your ''future husband'' and his beliefs.

And now I get to the point :

In Islam Ramadan month is considered as an especially blessed month that worshiping God is so unique in it because that one of the five bases of Islam is added to , which is as you probably know ''Fasting'' (Sawm or Seyam in Arabic).

Fasting begins from dawn ''Fajr'' and ends by night ''Maghrib'' in this period if one eats or drinks intentionly or has an intimate act with his wife ,
then his fasting is not proper at all (these are things to break the fast).

An addition for what brother Steve said :

although a kiss or hand holding is considered as things that dont lead to break the fast they may do if these acts leads to any sexual act then it breaks the fast !

Even if the kiss or the hand holding caused him to get provoked the he is endangering his fasting also !

Therefore I understand his wish and hope you do also after this quick explain .

If something is still ambigious for you , I would be happy to answer your question.

P.S you are in the right forum and hope you find this site beneficial.

Thank you very much, now it all makes more sense to me, definately I respect his wishes, I was just very curious and wanted to know a little what it was all about! :)
Thank you once again for your kind reply!



Junior Member
Hello Yasmine, Thanks for coming to TTI and asking about something not concern you but a muslim wife and husband too, but so you know before you get the answer to your question, by now since you been reading on TTI, that its not allowed for Muslim man to have girl friend, he is not allowed to have relation with a woman before marriage, and I think the reason he dosnt want you to come to the site is he afraid that you learn what he is doing is wrong because he knows what he is doing is against his religion but he being ignorant, and dosnt want you to know the truth and learn what he is doing.

so think about it why he dont want you to come here ?... because You might learn what he knows is wrong ?

well now back to your question.. here is an answer from scholars, and i will try to post more answers from scholars of Islam.

A man embracing his wife whilst fasting

i have recently got married and i would like to clarify something that has been on my mind recently during this month blessed month of ramadan. after closing my fast i return to bed, where sometimes my wife is there lying there to. sometimes i embrace her does this means my fast is void. can you enlighten me on what i can do and not do.


Praise be to Allaah.

The Muslim has to protect his fast from things that may invalidate it, and he has to seek reward by giving up his desires for food, drink and intercourse, as Allaah says in the hadeeth qudsi concerning the virtues of fasting: “He gives up his food, his drink and his physical desires for My sake.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Sawm, 1761). But if he can control himself and not slip into that which would cause his fast to be invalidated, by the emission of maniy (semen) or by having intercourse, or would make his fast imperfect by the emission of madhiy (prostatic fluid), then it is permissible for him to embrace his wife in this case, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to fondle ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) but he used to control his desire.

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz said:

A man may kiss, embrace and touch his wife, without having intercourse, when he is fasting. This is permissible and there is nothing wrong with it, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to kiss and touch his wives when he was fasting. But if there is the fear that he may do something that Allaah has forbidden because his desire is aroused quickly, then it is makrooh for him to do that. If he ejaculates he still should not eat or drink for the rest of the day, and he has to make up the fast, but he does not have to offer kafaarah (expiation) according to the majority of the scholars. But madhiy (prostatic fluid) does not invalidate the fast, according to the more correct of the two scholarly views, because the basic principle is that the fast remains valid, and because it is too difficult to avoid. And Allaah is the Source of strength.

Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, part 4, p. 202

No no you got me wrong, the reason why he doesnt want me to come here is because I get easily upset by rude people posting really rather stupid comments to me here and well... stupid me I tend to take it all out on him :shymuslima1: Thats why he told me not to go here but to ask him or his friends instead.
Well Im not here to discuss my privatelife at all but all I can say is that me as well come from a religious family and that sexual contact is not allowed until after marriage and I have followed that.

But thank you ever so much for your answer, some of you people here are wonderful and very kind. Thank you thank you thank you :)


Junior Member
I guess if y'all are not married then he shouldn't be worried about holding your hand :p When are y'all set to be married?

Oh its you! I remember your post the other day I could see myself in, a quite mad post i remember:) Anyways, we are planning the wedding to be in december.... I think. Oh yes, one more question, do you have to pay a fee to be blessed by the "imams friend" in an "office" and not in the mosque??


Junior Member
Hejsan Yasmin,

hoppas att allt e bra med dig. Please don't be offended by anyone here. I know the brothers and sisters are trying to be helpful and I think it's great that you respect our religion and as a non-muslim trying to find out about what it is going to be like to live with a muslim man.

It's not for us to try to convert/revert you. Only God, Allah, Gud Allmighty guides people. And it's not for us to judge your situation and critisize you. In your eyes you're not doing anything wrong. We can only try to show you the truth about Islam but what religion you are of is your choice entirely. And I don't think you should feel as if have to defend yourself. But sometimes we learn alot through being sincere and through friendly discussions.

As a learned man said... One of the beautiful things about the Koran is that it talks about the different dominations; christianity, judaism, pagan, atheist and Islam. God Allmighty then tells us that he has legislated the religion of Islam for maknind but that it is up to us what path we choose to take. And that we better think about it as we will come to know in the next life.

With regards to your situation, I think one thing that maybe some brothers and sisters are concerned about is the fact that your future husband is doing wrong (based on what Ive understood from your story so far) whether he knows it or not. Either way it's due to his ignorance of what Islam teaches and how he as a muslim should behave. And that he asks you to not come to this webpage to find out about things seems odd to me.

Just wanted you to know that we are more than happy to help you. And when someone seem to come across as rude to you...it's because they probably can't understand what the brother, your future husband, is up to.

Onkskar dig det basta Yasmin,
Wish u the best,
Ta hand om dig


Hej hej, skönt med lite svenska här!!

He is probably most definately aware of the fact that what he does is wrong, well, we dont live together, we dont go on "dates" or whatever, he had told me himself what it says in the quran about this so I know...Its almost the same for me! Well we are allowed to have boyfriends but no sexual contact before marriage and I practice what I preach... but I also think it's really his business how he wants to practice his religion... I dont interfer at all.

But anyways, tack så jätte mycket för ditt svar. Tack you so much for your most kindly answer.
Yes mosy of you guys to have friendly discussions here with me but there are some that doesnt know what thats means, and I only feel sorry for them.

Happy 2BA Muslim

Oh its you! I remember your post the other day I could see myself in, a quite mad post i remember:) Anyways, we are planning the wedding to be in december.... I think. Oh yes, one more question, do you have to pay a fee to be blessed by the "imams friend" in an "office" and not in the mosque??

Hi Sis,

Welcome to TTI!! Sorry it`s a bit late, but was away for a while.

There is no such thing as being blessed by the "imam" or "imams friend" in Islam.

Take care of yourself.


Junior Member
Hi Sis,

Welcome to TTI!! Sorry it`s a bit late, but was away for a while.

There is no such thing as being blessed by the "imam" or "imams friend" in Islam.

Take care of yourself.

Thanks for your reply! :)
I went to the mosque with my fiance just 2 weeks ago to ask about it and he said we can go to his friend in an office and do it anytime we want, then we dont have to sign any papers or so because then it's bigamy and well, I dont want that even though it's allowed in your religion. Im sure he said it because he called him infront of us. Maybe blessed is the wrong word, I dont know anything about this so sorry!


I like ur questions

Salam YasmineSwe

I know u have mixed feelings about the muslims on this site. But I think nobody wants to be rude to you on here but the way they answer your questions makes u believe that.

And also I really like reading the conversations u have with others on this site(even though they may be a little heated up sometimes).
Anyways, Good luck for ur future and keep the questions coming as it is very essential that you know as much as possible about islam before u get married.
And with regards to marriage, all you need is 1 qadhi(who performs the marriage), 2 witnesses and your guardian.

And my advice to you is get married as soon as possible.


Junior Member
Salam YasmineSwe

I know u have mixed feelings about the muslims on this site. But I think nobody wants to be rude to you on here but the way they answer your questions makes u believe that.

And also I really like reading the conversations u have with others on this site(even though they may be a little heated up sometimes).
Anyways, Good luck for ur future and keep the questions coming as it is very essential that you know as much as possible about islam before u get married.
And with regards to marriage, all you need is 1 qadhi(who performs the marriage), 2 witnesses and your guardian.

And my advice to you is get married as soon as possible.

Haha :) :) :) Thank you very much. Your very right I have mixed feelings(the answeres are very rude sometimes but I just feel sorry for those), thats why my fiance doesnt want me to come on here anymore but I do... because Im curious and I want to learn more before I get married.
Ah ok but my guardian is not neccessary in London they said...
Why do u think I should get married as soon as possible, if i may ask?

Thanks alot!

take care


Haha :) :) :) Thank you very much. Your very right I have mixed feelings(the answeres are very rude sometimes but I just feel sorry for those), thats why my fiance doesnt want me to come on here anymore but I do... because Im curious and I want to learn more before I get married.
Ah ok but my guardian is not neccessary in London they said...
Why do u think I should get married as soon as possible, if i may ask?

Thanks alot!

take care

Salam YasmineSwe

As you might know it already that in Islam it is a sin having a relationship with a man before marriage(iam pretty sure its the same in ur religion also) and this is the main reason for asking you to get married as soon as u can so that u can avoid falling into anymore sins unless you guys have some other reasons for delaying it.

Satan leads humans to sin and he doesnt do it by asking u to directly commit a sin instead he leads us towards sinning step be step and convincing us all the way that what we are doing is fine.

Hope I didnt offend u in anyway and i also hope that u got my point and what i wanted to convey to u and trust me i dont want to get into ur "rudes" list.

Good luck and u take good care.