Ramadan Recipes


Junior Member
Salam aliakum. First of all, I want to say, Ramadan Mubarrak to all sisters and brothers on TTI.
2nd, I have problems finding things to eat for suhoor esp on work days. I am not a big breakfast/suhoor eater but I want to be satisfied and have enough that my blood sugar doesnt plummet midmorning as it does. what are some suggestions?


Love Fishing
Salam aliakum. First of all, I want to say, Ramadan Mubarrak to all sisters and brothers on TTI.
2nd, I have problems finding things to eat for suhoor esp on work days. I am not a big breakfast/suhoor eater but I want to be satisfied and have enough that my blood sugar doesnt plummet midmorning as it does. what are some suggestions?

i would suggest that u eat dates,yogurt,chees,fruits which contains water like watermelon and so on...drink plenty of water.start drinking few hour before ur sahur so that u wont get too full

do not eat something too salty or something too heavy..eat something light but nutritive

u may visit these links




Junior Member
Salam aliakum. Jazakallahkhair for your suggestions. I had a good day. Alhumduillah. We were very busy at work and I only thought about my thirst once, in the breakroom during lunch break......when people were having lunch,,,,,,,but I was really ok.......The only thing I was really thirsty for was a coke!! lol cause I have one often at lunch or break. But I really felt good the whole day. Inshallah Ramadan will be easy this year........but then my husband says I have to suffer a little or it's not worth it. *smile*. Alhumduillah Allah Meen.


~Salam to all!


Thank you for these links sister.
~May Allah swt reward you~Amin!

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)