

Junior Member
Assalam alaikum!

This is just me rambling but I have no one to share my feelings with in person, so here I am TTI! It's been nearly a month since I reverted. I just can't explain the feelings that I feel inside because I found Islam!!! I find myself driving down the road thinking about how Allah has guided me and how I put my full trust in Him and I just smile. I probably look like the biggest goober driving down the road with a smile that big but who cares! That's how happy I am!!! I just know that whatever happens, it's okay and I will get through it because I have Allah to guide me. And I everything I have is because of Him. It's just so peaceful. I get butterflies just thinking about it. I started praying a week or two ago and I find myself craving prayer. I absolutely love being in prostration. Does anyone else get that feeling in their forehead? I don't wear hijab yet but I find myself feeling guilty when I'm out in public uncovered. I dress modestly. I'm almost always wearing a hooded jacket and sometimes I'll put my hood on, lol. It's like I'm building up for it. (I have a scarf that I cover with when I pray). Insha'Allah I will wear hijab soon.....real soon because I don't know how much more guilt I can take, lol.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my feelings! Thanks for listening. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!!! :tti_sister:

Al Qassimi

Junior Member
Salam Aliekom,

No problem, matter of fact, sometimes I'm walking and I think of Allah. Step, by step and you will be inshallah one of the best Muslims in this world.


A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Walaikum Sallam ( May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you )

We are all hear for you to listen and it is a pleasure. When a revert writes about his experience and feelings, it freshens and strengthens our Imaan. It is true , the Salah ( Arabic word for Prayers) is more than simply a prayer, and i do understand the peace you get by bowing down in front of Allah. It feels great......

Inshallah i am sure one day you will wear Hijab and you will feel great and proud about it.


Zainudin Jaffar

Strive to be Mukmin

Welcome dear sis

We're all ears here at TTI And a shoulder to lean on ( we're from all over the world infact )

Climb the ladder one step at a time, you'll be there, insha allah,



Staff member


I liked reading your post, it made me smile aswell, thanks for sharing it with us.


Junior Member
Assalamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato

Oh! Dear sister, it is so beautiful to hear what you're experiencing. I reverted to Islam about 7 years ago, and I still feel the same as you do now, Alhamdulillah for that. It's something so hard to describe, it's like a peace that goes beyond any understanding...that is Islam sister.

May Allah keep our heart strong and so fulfilled by His Presence and Mercy, enshaAllah.

Assalamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato



sister :)
Salam sister...

MashAllah thats great...That really is the beauty of islam...when ever anything goes wrong you know that you will definitley get through it with the help of Allah :)


New Member
Alhamdulillah......thank's for sharing your feeling for being a muslim.
Well...I'm born Muslim, and until now I'm so grateful and proud to be a muslim. For me...to be a muslim is the greatest happiness that a person ever have, it can't compare with anything in this world.
Thankyou Alloh for giving this greatest gift for us, please always guide me inthis right path....let us die holding tight in this light.....ameen.


Junior Member

thanks for sharing sister. we all love u and appreciate u. May Allah continue to guide u alright and increase u in knowlege.
is like a baby steps, and insha Allah u will feel happy in whatever good step u take ok.
take care sister



Junior Member
salam alaikom brother

we are really happy for you..:)

(quran 7:43)And We remove whatever rancour may be in their hearts. Rivers flow beneath them. And they say: The praise to Allah, Who hath guided us to this. We could not truly have been led aright if Allah had not guided us. Verily the messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth. And it is cried unto them: This is the Garden. Ye inherit it for what ye used to do. (43)


Junior Member
:hearts: :mashallah: :hearts:

Thanks everyone for you kind responses. It's nice to know that when I feel like "rambling," that I have someone (actually a ton of brothers and sisters from all around the world) who will listen! I hope Allah blesses us all with a wonderful, productive day!