Random Fact


*Fear Allah*
No matter how much we love someone and love their friendship if they are not muslim they are the kufaar.

Salam Amirah80


SolideresS Of Allah
Did you know that cow's milk has a cure for every illness in it?

Yes, it's true! On the authority of 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him), the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:

"Drink cow's milk! For verily it (the cow) eats from all kinds of vegetation, and it (the milk) is a cure for every illness."




فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ


Random Fact # 1: Your nose and chin and ears never stop growing!

Masha Allah! Alhamdulillah! Subhan Allah! Allahu Akbar!

Random Fact # 2: Everyone eats at least 8 spiders in their lifetime while they are asleep! Alhadulillahi ladhi at 'amana wa athqaana wa ja'alana minal muslimeen!

Random Fact # 3: 40% of all statistics and (random) facts are made up on the spot! ;)



New Member
Random Fact: In 2020 there will be more muslims in Britian then Christains (*)

I can't wait to see this day.........12 more years to go...I will be 34 insh'allah
There is no God but Allaah (subhanhu wa ta'ala) and Muhammad (sallaahu alayi wa sallaam) is Allaah's messenger.

So true
Random Fact:
Muslims in Canada are kinder then most muslims in Uae.
(From what I c}

ARe you sure this is a fact and not an Opinion just wondering.......by the way I live in US


New Member
Your tongue can not touch your elbow and it is a fact that somebody will try it...............like I just did again.