Ready to Revert


New Member
welcome and be sure that you have choose the right way; just be patient until you meet allah then he well show you the result = paradise.


Alhamdullilah, what a beautiful decision you have made!! May Allah keep you rightly guided on the straight path, Ameen!:tti_sister: Any questions that you may have, we are here to help inshallah!


Junior Member
Allahu AKBAR! Mashallah! What great news allhamdullilah. Do you know any muslims in the community that you are moving to? I also came to islam 9 years ago , if you need any help feel free to IM me. As the others suggest take you time, we are all still learning everyday, striving to please Allah subhana wa t'ala so dont feel overwhelmed.


New Member
Asalamaykum, welcome sister
Congratulations Laura! mashallah!
My advice would be to listen to muslims, but everything will come step by step, be careful about extremists. No one can judge you only Allah SWT, so take your time to undrstand the Quoran, and the reasons why we fast, pray, wear the hijab...and try not to preach too much, I know how excited it is to discover the truth, but it can actually pull off people ( my own experience)


Junior Member
May Allah (swt) make it easy for u to take shahadah and also make islam easy for u to practise.welcome to the family.



I love Allah
Salam alikum

Hi there I am a revert to Islam, and I hope that the guidance that Allah(swta) has given you, will bring happiness and tranquality as much as Allah's guidance has given me. Please feel free to ask me questions or anyone at this site if you ever need help. May Allah keep you on the straight path, I'll make dua for you.:tti_sister:



sister, please don't hold it off for tomorrow. you do not need witnesses to your shahadah. we don't know what tomorrow will bring, so it's imperative that you do it as soon as possible. that's why we muslims always say inshallah in reference to doing something in the future because we don't know if we'll have a tomorrow.

as far as your family is concerned, don't let them be the reason for you to miss jannah. you will be tested by them, friends, co workers etc. but you must be patient and persevere.


imran pardesi

New Member
Masha Allah very good sister if you revert to islam it means you will complete yourself infact the islam is only the religion near Allah it was the religion of jesus moses abrahim and all other prophets.
jaaak Allah


Junior Member
Masaha Allah we are also excited and glad that we have got another sister in our Muslim family. Advice from sister ayman 1 is really good, take baby steps and practice what you learn. Your family may not be thrilled by your decision now but Insha Allah (God willing) they will when they will see Islam in action. You will have to show patience no matter how much pressure your family force on you to change the decision you made neither you have to feel any burdon or sin if they gets angry with you for being a Muslim. Infact you will have to show them the good example of a true Muslim, who treats her parents with kindness and respect, be they Muslims or non-Muslims. As mistreatment of parents is the Second major sin in Islam. You will have to take extra care of your brothers & sisters and all others who you knows or not. In other words they will have to see major change in your personality after embracing Islam. For that you will have to follow two things, Quran and Sunnah (traditions of our beloved Prophet,pbuh).

Bellow is some thing which you may gonna find interesting:


Some people think that if one succeeds in observing salat (prayer), sawm (fasting), zakat (payment of a certain portion of one’s wealth to the poor) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah), then that person is a perfect Muslim. This indeed is not the case. If observing rituals does not help us to be humble, virtuous and truly God-fearing, then we are not real Muslims.

We can thus summarize the teachings of Islam about the Muslim character succinctly in the following:

Be truthful; don’t be dishonest.

Be humble; don’t be arrogant.

Be moderate; don’t be excessive.

Be clean; don’t be corrupt.

Be reserved; don’t be garrulous.

Don’t be boastful; be soft-spoken.

Don’t be unmindful of others; be loving and solicitous to them.

Don’t be harsh; be considerate and compassionate.

Don’t be insulting and disrespectful to people; be polite and helpful.

Don’t be selfish and miserly; be generous and charitable.

Don’t swear, don’t curse; be refined and gentle in speech.

Don’t be bitter and resentful; be cheerful and magnanimous.

Don’t be greedy; be content, be grateful for what one has.

Don’t be irritable and morose; be cheerful and pleasant.

Don’t be lustful; be chaste and pure.

Don’t be absent-minded; be alert.

Don’t be graceless; be dignified and decent.

Don’t be hypocritical; be sincere and straightforward.

Don’t be cynical or pessimistic; be optimistic and hopeful.

Don’t be doubtful and wavering; be confident and deep in faith.

Don’t be materialistic; be spiritually oriented.

Don’t lose heart or be desperate; always have faith in Allah’s mercy.

Don’t be negligent to your duties; be diligent and vigilant.

Don’t be forgetful of the innumerable blessings of God; be thankful to Him and constantly pray to Him.


*{All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!}*

Brother Farooq


New Member
Thank you for that, Brother Farooq. Those are very helpful teachings for me to remember on a daily basis. Also, thank you to those who suggested that I not put off saying Shahada. I took your advice and said Shahada privately last night. I feel so much more at peace now and am ready to begin my journey as a Muslim.





Its a great news sister, masha-allah. Welcome to Islam and the family. May Allah strengthen your faith and guide you.


Junior Member
Thank you for that, Brother Farooq. Those are very helpful teachings for me to remember on a daily basis. Also, thank you to those who suggested that I not put off saying Shahada. I took your advice and said Shahada privately last night. I feel so much more at peace now and am ready to begin my journey as a Muslim.



Congratulation for you Shahada.may Allah bless and protect you and keep you strong.

wiht lot of Prayers and need same from you.

ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member
I took your advice and said Shahada privately last night. I feel so much more at peace now and am ready to begin my journey as a Muslim.

Assalaamu alaykum,

Alhamdulillaah dear sister, Allaah has opened your heart for His Islam and that is the greatest gift one can get in this life by Allaah.

Allaahu akbar
Allaahu akbar
Allaahu akbar

May Allaah keep you and us all in His straight Path in our life and give you and us the best reward, His Jannatul- Firdaws.
Please hang around when you have time and try to learn the Salah (prayer) slowly and insha Allaah we hear only good from you sister.

salam alaykum.


Junior Member
Asalam Alikoum sister
ALLLAHU AKBAR!!!!!! I was so happy to read your taking the shahda, welcome to islam!

I actually do not know any muslims in the city. Do you have any advice on how to meet local muslims/get involved?

I suggest getting involved with the local masjid, and finding sisters who can mentor you so to speak, if they have halaqas or lectures at the masjid attend those. I jsut want to caution you to not be overwhlemed with two things, learning about islam and proposals for marriage Not to scare you I jsut wish I had known and been prepared so that I had a good answer handy to turn down immediate propositions in a good way as I was still learning and new to islam and wanted to study more

feel free to pm me anytime sister