Receive Books on Islam for free!


Sister in Islam
Assalamu Aleikum

Just wanted to let everyone know they can get free books on Islam if they email : IslamUnveiled Staff *email addresses don't show*

I emailed them and got five free books in English, and Brother Dr Abu Eshy there asked me to spread the word.


UPDATE (Al-Kashmiri): Please use this link to order your free books from the site's catalogue:

This is an excellent resource whether you're Muslim, a new Muslim or merely interested in Islaam and issues such as Jesus in Islaam, Women in Islaam, or you simply want to read the Qur'aan.


Sister in Islam
This is the email I got:

Our Respected Sister,
Assalamu Alaikum,
May Allah reward you for your kind email. What we request from you is to kindly pass information about our FREE services to your acquaintance throughout the world. With the help of Allah, we send books on Islam to people from countries.
Your brother,
Dr. Abu-Eshy


Sister in Islam
The email didn't show up:


Write to Brother Dr Abu Eshy - really good books written by Muslims and Muslim reverts, and I also received a small size English translated Quran - I only had a big one, so this will be useful to carry in my bag, insha'Allah.

I googled "Islam unveiled" when the email didn't show up, and got a few anti-Islam sites , that's why I wrote the email out here.


~May Allah swt reward tremendously you and Brother Dr Abu Eshy

Assalamu Aleikum

Just wanted to let everyone know they can get free books on Islam if they email : IslamUnveiled Staff <islam_cc*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!>

I emailed them and got five free books in English, and Brother Dr Abu Eshy there asked me to spread the word.




Thank you for sharing this information sister
~May Allah swt reward tremendously
you and Brother Dr Abu Eshy
for contributing on benefiting the ummah~Amin!

~May Allah swt shower blesses upon all muslim~Amin!

'Id Mubarak!

Thank you,
Take care,
~Wassalam :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum

I've shared this link a few times here on TTI and I especially recommend it for new Muslims and those who are actually 'interested' in Islaam. Errm, I forgot the link to their site now though lol.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum

I've updated the first post and stuck the thread and may eventually move this to a relevant forum.


Sister in Islam
Wa Aleikum Al Salaam

Thanks, Brother Al Kashmiri. Jazzak Allah Khair insha'Allah. The books were very good, you're right.
I hope some people order some books!


Sister in Islam
And Jazzak Allah Khair to the posters who replied so kindly - please tell your friends to order books!


Smile for Allah
I went to the website mentioned and ordered some books. When I clicked on submit, I got a message on the site saying that the owners of the site would go over my message and contact me about my order. But it's been a week, and I've heard nothing. I wonder if this is actually too good to be true.


Sister in Islam
No, don't worry. It took a few weeks to get mine - followed by an email telling me they had been sent, then a personal email from Dr Abu Eshy himself making sure I'd got them. Insha'Allah you'll get them after a few weeks.


jazakullah kheir for the post.

i ordered some books now. i cant wait to receive them.

salam to all and hope everyone enjoys their books and practices them and inshallah may allah increase our knowledge and bless those who help us in doing so.


Smile for Allah
Oh, no, I'm not complaining at all! I'm just not even sure whether they received my form or not.. it just wasn't specific. But what everyone is saying about how it takes a few weeks gives me reassurance, I could wait for months patiently. :) Just wanted to be sure it would work. But the website is great, nonetheless.


Sister in Islam
No, I understand completely. When I ordered mine, I also sort of wondered if it was for real , or not. When the package came, I had sort of forgotten about it - like, who is this from? But when I noticed it was from the KSA, I was, Ohhh, this must be the books! And then I got the emails, because they like to make sure you actually received them. I thought it was such a great service, and the books were really good. Hope you like yours when you get them, insha'Allah.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I went to the website mentioned and ordered some books. When I clicked on submit, I got a message on the site saying that the owners of the site would go over my message and contact me about my order. But it's been a week, and I've heard nothing. I wonder if this is actually too good to be true.

As-salaamu `alaykum

They contacted me the day after mine arrived, so they're probably processing your order.


salam to all,

Tabassum07 and others

im sorry i misunderstood. lol. no hard feelings while i typed what i said i just thought i put in a reminder to help you and others feel better. so im so sorry about how it sounded. lol. silly me. silly me. lol. forgive me. take care all and salam.

lol. i just read my reply and man it sounds like im attacking. lol. i deleted that part. lol. silly me. forgive me all.


Sister in Islam
Salaam, WithAllahsPowers

No "attack" vibes felt here at all!
Let me tell you something funny to make you feel better - when I got my books, I felt so guilty at first - I thought, "What if this service is only for non Muslims interested in Islam and thinking of reverting, and I've taken advantage of them!! So I emailed Dr Abu Eshy "confessing" that I was already a Muslim - and he sent me that email I posted up there.
You're among your brothers and sisters, WAP. (I'm a sister - I should shave my moustache so people don't keep thinking I'm a brother!! Only joking!!!)
I hope you're smiling a little.



Smile for Allah

WithAllah'sPower, no hard feelings at all - you don't need to apologize or anything! So yes, it's all good and friendly here.

omahmed.. gosh, I could've sworn you were a brother. :lol: I'm so so sorry, I suppose we all think ahmed=brother. Right, I have to admit, I too feel guilty. I feel like I'm ripping off free stuff meant for others. But I thought it would be a good source for dawah, and I'm kinda broke.. well, really broke, to say the truth, lol. So don't feel bad. I suppose we all feel bad, eh? Um.. maybe I'll pass the books on to some non-muslim after I'm done with them? Sighs...