Recent ECONOMIC CRISIS & its impact on world politics


Junior Member

Analysts suggest China and the Gulf will demand a transfer of political power from West to East if they agree to use their significant foreign exchange reserves to boost the IMF, which is dominated by the United States and the G-7 group of industrialized nations.

The IMF & Worldbank are globalization thugs & loan sharks that put developing countries into debt (aka slavery).

Nigeria in 1974 was the 3rd largest oil producing country in the world. Today, Nigeria is still one of the top largest oil producing country in the world, but now U.S. companies like Exxon, BP, Shell own all the rights and they sell it back to the Nigerian government & people under the authority of IMF & Worldbank!


Junior Member

The challenge in the Arab world is to develop a framework that moves from consumption to production, reintegrates work and wealth, replaces politics with policies and focuses on human development. A transboundary process that builds trust and cooperation through collective decision-making can lead to a comprehensive approach toward other political tensions in the Middle East region, including the relations between Israel and Palestine, Iraq and Iran, and Lebanon and Syria. Above all, an intra-regional agreement for cooperation and security should aim at achieving peace, prosperity and human security in the area.


Junior Member

Meanwhile, leading Russian oil firm Lukoil on Wednesday called for closer integration with OPEC a week after President Dmitry Medvedev said cooperation with the oil cartel was a priority, news agencies reported.