Red paper clip


Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

it means there is an attachment in the thread concerned.


Staff member




Staff member

the blue pin means that it's a Sticky thread, regardless of how the other threads move up and down accourding to replies, threads that are stickies remain at the top.

I'm going to have to remove the trash bin. It just means that there are deleted posts within the thread, but you won't see that.



Umm hussain, how about we ask more random question similar to the ones before? Just to be bothersome!

So Samiha, what does the red envelope with the arrow mean?


Staff member

it means that 1) it is a Hot thread and 2) I've posted in it

arrows on top of evelops tell you which threads u've posted in.



Staff member

That is what you click to report a post.

I don't think too many people use that button, although they can. If a post has spam, bad words, wrong message, etc. you can click that button and send in a complaint. This goes to the Moderators and Admin and someone should look into that post concerned.



Staff member

no, it's alright. other people can ask too. then it can be a general telling, rather then specific PM's.



Staff member

most common questions are:

How do I join the Sister's Club?

How do I change my avatar?

How do i edit my posts?

What is a Multi-Quote?

When can i view User Profiles? or Why can't i view User Profiles?

there's more, but take ur pick.
