Reminder: The White Days


*Fear Allah*

I want to fast but I'm confused about figuring out the days. I'm in the USA do I start fasting tomorrow the 17th?:shymuslima1:



*Fear Allah*

Today you guys I am fasting and it has been difficult. I over slept and did not get a chance to eat before sunrise:( The last time I ate was yesterday abot 7:00 pm but Alhumdulilah I am making it.



As Salamu Alekum dear borthers and sisters

The reminder for the new month:
The white days will correspond in the current arabic month (Rajab) to the next wednesday, thursday and friday OR 16, 17 and 18 July 2008 in chaa' Allah.

By the way, it's good to remind you also that we'r in Rajab now, one of the horum (sacred) months. It's very liked and encouarged to fast as much as you can during this month and the following (Sha'ban) in chaa'Allah, as our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was used to fasting most of them, literally it was said that he used to fast ALL of them except FEW days. This should be also a good preparation for the upcoming Ramadan in chaa'Allah.
Try also doing as much good deeds as u can, including night prayers (qyam layl), supplications, alms, reading Quran, etc ...... The reward is doubled many times during these days. Please please don't forget to pray for me

Jazakum Allahu Khyran
Wassalamu Alekum Warhamto Allah


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

I just wanted to remind fellow muslim brothers and sisters that the three white days for the 7th month in the Islamic Calendar, the month of Rajab, will begin tomorrow, from Wednesday, June 15 up until Friday, June 17.

Inform your family and friends please.

Remember us all in your supplications. JazakumAllahu Khayran.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi


Junior Member
I want to fast the three white days insha'Allah but I don't get the whole date/time thing. (I live in America if that helps), so is the 13th according to the Islamic calendar going to be tomorrow (Thursday)?