Rennet, Gluten, Whey


Smile for Allah
As Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi..

If the US grocer store is selling meat of Jews or Christians who slaughter in the name of god, then you can say 'Bismillah' and eat.

If we went around and did a survey on this, I'm sure 95% of Jews/Christians don't slaughter in God's name...


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
I emailed them about this. Will they email me back or just post the answer on their tv show, because I most likely won't be seeing their answer if they do it on tv.

I really wish I could start up my own halaal food business/bank/clothing line/everything else. Then there wouldn't be all these little everyday hassles about "is this halaal?" "can I eat this?" "can I do this/that? "are these clothes islamically ok?" etc etc. I know there are already tons of businesses like this, but they're all sooo expensive. I'll keep my stuff cheap.


Well sister, I know that they answer back by email to people when their questions involve a lot of personal information which is better to be answered privately than on TV like divorce issues etc. I am not sure about the other questions that are actually telecasted on TV.

The brothers at this forum record and post Ask Huda shows, so that is a good resource.

If you paste your question here, I will try to keep an eye out for the answer and perhaps try to post it on youtube and link it here Insha'Allah.

If I hear 'mozzarella sticks' on Ask huda, I will be certain that your question is taken up to be answered.. just kidding



Smile for Allah
^ Well! Lol!

Here is the question I sent them:

"Subject: Cheese Rennet


Recently I saw a fatwa about using rennet in cheese. The fatwa said that if the rennet used to make cheese is from a cow or sheep, but it was not Islamically slaughtered, then the cheese is still halaal to eat. And that the Sahabah used to eat cheese of jews and christians.

So if there is a cheese product which does not contain pork, but it contains animal enzymes from calves/sheep, is it halal to eat?

Jazak Allahu Khayr.

wassalam. "


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

I will keep an eye out for that question and post it here if I am able to upload it on youtube Insha'Allah.



ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salamu Alaikum~~

Aww, all your favorites aren't halal..not fair huh?:) you really made me laugh must've been living on pizza, chips, yogurt and all those tasty little things like i use too:)- and now you CAN'T eat them anymore...:lol: ...sorry, didn't mean to be 'mean'- those were the sane words my sis said to me before, when i use to eat them, and man, was i unhappy?.lol:)
but i'm okay now....and maybe you should try making your own chips, start from peeling the potatoes:)- might be lots of work but it might be tastier and it'll probably save you form the confusion of having to read the Ingredients on the back of chips'.

"yOur religion comes before your desires":)


Junior Member
I know this is from last year, but sister Tabassum, did you get a reply from Ask Huda?

I'm going through a cheese dilemma lol, my family gets soo annoyed when I go around looking at the ingredients on every single thing we buy.. -___-


Smile for Allah

This is a really old thread. No, I never got back the reply from Al Huda. However, I learned how to well research the food subject on my own, and alhamdulillah, I got proficient at locating halal food. Though since I"m not in the US anymore, this is a non-issue for me now. Alhamdulillah :)

You want information on halal cheese?

There you go, little sis. And don't worry - I taught my family what to look for on packages, and what to watch out for. Best bet is to contact companies (just pick a couple brands you see at your local supermarket, go to the company's website, contact them by email and ask if they have any animal derivatives in their products.) InshaAllah, you'll get replies and can loyally stick to some halal brands.
This is a blog by a sister in New Jersey - her blog taught me how to go about looking for halal food. Please go visit it - there's quite a lot of valuable information on there. Even though the sister is too busy with her online hijab business these days and isn't able to frequently update her blog. But its a good start.