rental regulations in the uk


Junior Member
Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu

does anyone of u know anything about the rental regulations?

ie u rent a house, go on holiday for a month, when u get back, 2 rooms are covered in mould and a mouse is in the house...
do u as a tentant have any legal rights in this matter?

Jazak Allahu Khair


obedience to Allah
i dont know what you legal rights are , but i can advise you to call on a citizen advise bureau, i think its free


Trust in Allah swt
Salam sister,

I know that you have rights as a tenant and if the house is not safe (as yours is not if the rooms have mould and a mouse - breaches health and safety) so it is the landlord responsibilty whether its a private landlord or council / housing association!

If the landlord is unwilling to do anything go to citizens advice (you can get ur local number online) and check your tenancy.

If you need anything else just ask :hijabi:

Masalam Saira x


قل هو الله أحد
I'm renting but never been in a similar position. When the washing machine and the boiler stopped working, the landlord sent a man to fix them and actually had to replace the washing machine twice.

My understanding is that the tenant is not responsible for any repairs in the house unless the item belongs to them (e.g. PC). I only replace bulbs in my house and call the landlord for any other repairs.


New Member
assalaamu alykum na'am you have rights as a tenant. if its private landlord letting and hes not fulfilling his obligations then you should get hold of a sloicitor or as one advised go to your nearest ctizenz advice bureau. if it is a council proerty then you should ring them. brakallahu feek. Allah grant u ease in all your affairs. wassalaamu alaykum xsmilex


Junior Member

Re the mouse - you can call Pest Control at your Council and they will come and get rid of the problem for free for you....I suggest you do it ASAP the mouse has prob come in the house as its warm, to make a nest, in which case you will have more than one soon! and they breed very fast with each pregnancy only lasting 6 weeks and producing more than one baby - I know all this cos I lived in a horrible student house that ended up over-run with mice due to my dirty housemates phobia of doing the washing up!

Re the mould on the walls - this is a health hazard and the landlord has an obligation to maintain the house for you in a liveable state that does not damage your health, by law. He can be fined heavily if he doesn't by a court. If he refuses to sort it out then speak to Citizens Advice bureau...or just say you will not pay the rent until he sorts it out - this usually makes them start doing something about it pretty fast! Failing that another option is to just move out with no notice to him and dont look back! By refusing to maintain the house in a liveable state for you he has broken any contract you had..

If the mould is very bad dont sleep in the room where it is unless you have to and dont let anyone with asthma or breahting problems or old people or young children sleep in husband's room in his student house had damp...when he caught regular flu it turned into a severe chest infection that lasted 2 months because of the damp in his room and his snooker cue warped in the damp....

i hope this helps insha'allah....firstly call the Council re the mouse problem and then hassle the landlord...

good luck insha'allah....because you went on holiday has absolutely no bearing on whether its your fault or the landlords - you can sort the mouse out, he HAS to sort the damp out for you.



Junior Member
Jazak Allahu Khair for ur advice! really helpful, MashaAllah

it's not at our house, Alhamdulillah, but at dh's cousins house