reviving the glory days of islam


the other day, i had rented a DVD titled: ISLAM, EMPIRE OF FAITH. this DVD wasn’t made by muslims for muslims. it was made by non muslims, non muslims that told of the great history of islam and the contributions islam has made throughout time. this documentary, was so well put together and amazed me with great amounts of new information that i had never known. i have always been happy or proud to be a muslim, but this documentary really made me HAPPY and Proud to be a muslim.

while learning about the past great islamic centers of learning, science and trade; i began to wonder why we don’t have this glory today with the current muslim ummah. our islamic ancestors had contributed so much, were so dedicated to the islamic cause; it’s hard to believe that we aren’t on that level in many ways.

i was so proud to learn about the role that Baghdad had as the center of islamic learning. or the greatness of islamic spain; while the rest of europe was living in the dark ages. how islam was really spread by merchant traders that left good impressions on the people of india, north and western africa and china.

now, i’m just wondering what i can do or what we can do as muslims, to revive and give glory back to islam. i’m interested in the ideas of others on this issue. we don’t have to look very far that our brothers and sisters in islam are being oppressed throughout so many areas in the world. brothers in Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Bosnia, India and Iraq.

i feel as if we owe it to these people and most importantly to give glory to ALLAH SWT to create or revive the glory that islam once had.


Junior Member
the other day, i had rented a DVD titled: ISLAM, EMPIRE OF FAITH. this DVD wasn’t made by muslims for muslims. it was made by non muslims, non muslims that told of the great history of islam and the contributions islam has made throughout time. this documentary, was so well put together and amazed me with great amounts of new information that i had never known. i have always been happy or proud to be a muslim, but this documentary really made me HAPPY and Proud to be a muslim.

while learning about the past great islamic centers of learning, science and trade; i began to wonder why we don’t have this glory today with the current muslim ummah. our islamic ancestors had contributed so much, were so dedicated to the islamic cause; it’s hard to believe that we aren’t on that level in many ways.

i was so proud to learn about the role that Baghdad had as the center of islamic learning. or the greatness of islamic spain; while the rest of europe was living in the dark ages. how islam was really spread by merchant traders that left good impressions on the people of india, north and western africa and china.

now, i’m just wondering what i can do or what we can do as muslims, to revive and give glory back to islam. i’m interested in the ideas of others on this issue. we don’t have to look very far that our brothers and sisters in islam are being oppressed throughout so many areas in the world. brothers in Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Bosnia, India and Iraq.

i feel as if we owe it to these people and most importantly to give glory to ALLAH SWT to create or revive the glory that islam once had.

I've wondered the same and I am glad others are thinking about that too. After a while it gets boring just talking about it but I like to see that kind of Islam again. The only thing I can think of for the reason Muslims are not the same anymore is due to loving other things more than Islam. In those days, Islam came first and it was doing Islam that was the motive behind the success. In recent centuries Muslims have fallen far away from Islam and it is largely due to foreign occupations. The western colonial powers caused the people much confusion and have given them a different kind of Islam. Muslims can only be successful when we are doing Islam because everything else falls into the proper place. Islam encourages good and forbis evil. With Islam being properly done, there wouldnt be none of the cowboys we have in charge in so called Muslim countries. The dictators and puppets put in power by Kafirs are not doing Islam and they often don't let the people do Islam. Dictatorship, oppression, etc are not Islamic. Keeping people ignorant, persecution, abuse of power are all non-Islamic.

In order for us today to even come close to our acestors, it would take going back to the basics of Islam first. The very basics of the deen which I notice many are lacking proper knowledge of. When we start doing Islam again, the rest will come inshaAllah. Understanding this deen, doing the correct things, being devoted to Allah and none else is the key. It starts from individuals, and then the rest will become influenced. I think it is not only important to call non-Muslims to Islam properly but it is alse important that even Muslims know their deen correctly. There is seriously something wrong when a Muslim nearly faints upon hearing "sharia". This is crazy and strange. Do they know what they are fearing and mocking? Sharia is the way ordained by Allah wa Ta'ala. We are expected to live our lives according to it. It starts with individuals, families, society and the rest. It takes proper Islamic education. There is no way a Muslim can believe that democracy, socialism, communism or any other ism can be more helpful then the sharia.

This is western propaganda and they have created a new kind of Islam which is not good. They have a reason to fear Islam and they have targeted the minds of the Muslims they conquered for centuries. They weren't able to convert Muslims to other religions but they were able to change their thoughts, understanding and made them ignorant. The answer is Islam and it is obvious because all we have to is look at countries that were once the leaders and today are 3rd world countries. Look at Turkey today and look at the one of history. Turks were at one point the leaders of education, technology, and much more. They had a great successful and prosperous emire which included people of various faiths. Today Turkey is supposed to be "free and democratic" yet it is not even considered a developed country. How could this be that after a 100 years and Turkey is worse off than it before? Islam is the key to all of it. We do it and we prosper. If we don't do our job, we will be like this.



Junior Member

I think one of the reasons why the muslim nations are not developed now is due to the aggrasive war policy of the west... only through the colonialization one million muslim civilians lost their lives.... the literacy rate of Algeria was before the occupation 40% higher than the rate of England and France but after it was only 20%...!

but first we are to be blamed of course... we forget about our religion and that what Allah meant for us: to be governer of Allah in this world.. we become to engaged with the world... and Allah punished us with disunity and calamities...

As Omar Ibn Al-Khatab (r.a.) said:
Allah Made Us Prideful With Islam ,And If We Wanted Pride Without It ,, Allah Will Put Us Down ..



Junior Member

One thing we have to understand. Every religious or racial group enters a dark age. So in this current world Islam is in the Dark Age. While the western world were stuck in the dark ages, Muslims were inventing, making new discovery, expanding and etc....

Jews were a looked-down-upon-people once. Noone liked a Jew. They were being prosecuted in Egypt and in Europe to and I think In the US Im not sure. But now those days are over and Jews have attained High status in the world.

Inshallah Muslims will have an Age of Enlightenment and we will be great again. I dont believe Muslims are underdeveloped because muslims have strayed away from Islam,no I dont believe that, its silly.


Junior Member

I believe that when you want to achieve something you have to struggle for it... when the muslims just hope for better days to come and sametime don´t work hard on themselves then their situation will not change.. at least I believe that...

by the way to gain knowledge is also a kind of whorship in Islam, isn´t it?.... there is the hadith saying that the ink of a scholar is more valuable then the blood of a shahid... and another hadith is requesting to us to seek knowledge even if we have to go to China for it.. so it is not surprising that the roots of most of western developments are due to muslims...