Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and the rest


Junior Member
Revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and the rest

Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and the rest
I watch the bloodbath on the t.v. screen
And thank Allah that it’s not me
Or my loved ones
Out in the cold streets
Protesting and being beaten

Struggling for justice
And a voice
Basic needs
A job and security
Prepared to sacrifice
Blood and life eventually

Safely wrapped up
Warm and fully fed
I’m glad we’re ok
Living in the west
As I pity the rest

When things get gory
And serious
I change channels and watch the soaps
Out of sight, and mind
I carry on living my life
Blind to the reality
Of my Ummah

Sometimes I feel anger and sympathy
But mostly glad that it not me in the mortuary
As I go through life busy with my own worries
Mortgage and kid’s education
Holidays and promotion

Sometimes at jummah
I make a dua
For Allah to help
Those less fortunate than me
Empty my pockets of loose change
But is this the help that they need?

I echo their calls for change
Replacement of leaders who are deranged
Never thinking
Of what will come to fill the void
Faces change but the system remains
A revolution and its people betrayed

The pharaohs depart
With the stolen loot
Retirement and life of luxury
But the Ummah has nowhere to turn
Except to return back to Allah
And solutions from the Quran and the Sunnah​


Junior Member
Please dont include Bahrain in to your silly poem. It is well known the the Leader of the Opposition Party Al-Wafaq Ali Salman is an Iranian Spy working for Khamenei. He is the representative of Ayatollah Sistani of Iraq and Ayatollah Khamenie inside Bahrain. He supports Hizbullah and the Syrian Allawi Kaffir Regime.

If you really support these Shias in Bahrain then go and ask any of these filthy Rafidhees if they support the Sunnies in Iraq and Syria who are being massacred, raped and tortured in dungeons by the Shia govt in Iraq or their Cousins the Nusayries in Syria. Then you will get an answer. Why do Rafidhees Support Bahrain Opposition Forces by deny the rights of the Sunnies who are protesting in Syria for their rights? Is the rights of Sunnies in Syria less then the rights of these rafidhees where the King even used to donate food in their filthy Matam rituals.





Junior Member
Assalamu aleykum

JazakAllah for your feedback. I support the Ummah in their struggle to rid their lands of rulers who are oppressors, and their replacement by those who will rule according the Quran and the Sunnah of Muhammed saw.

I do not support sectarianism, nationalism or racism.

Just a Guy

Reinventing Myself
I have a confession:

It was the Arab Spring movement that really opened my eyes to Islam and made me curious about the Islamic way of life. I had to find out more about it. "What makes these people do what they do? Why do they believe what they believe? Why do I believe what I believe?"

It was the search for answers to those and other questions that led me to Islam.