Rise of Islam challenges Church in Italy

Rise of Islam challenges Church in Italy

Oct. 20, 2006 (CWNews.com) - Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the president of the Italian bishops’ conference, asked Church representatives in that country to be on guard against an Islamic revival in Europe.

Speaking in Verona, at the closing of the 4th National Ecclesial Congress, Cardinal Ruini spoke about the “religious, social, and political revival of Islam” throughout the world, and the desire of Muslims to attain a more powerful influence over world affairs. The result, the cardinal said, is a multiplication of the opportunities for conflict– and therefore a more urgent need for active work to preserve the peace.


Tamed Brother

No surprise. If you have idea about the signs of the end of times, then it is very much normal. Muslims will not only be discriminated much more but they will be killed and forced to migrate. This will happen before the last rise of Islam InshaAllah.

Allah Knows the best.
