saddam good or bad?

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New Member
in islam it says killing ANY human is like killing the whole of mankind.Saddam killed thousands.i understand he had the quran in his hand and was praying in his final moments.ive heard many rumours since his death that he has died as a shaheed etc???
God knows best but why would he give him a place in heaven after he killed all these people???

these shias were pathetic at the time of his death.i dont understand why they WORSHIP these warlords.Aint they committing shirk???

most of us have a good heart thats why we feel sorry for the way he died.however, we must look at the innocent people he killed even though he stood up to the west.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum Wa Rahmet Allah Wa barakatu

To be honost i dont care whether he died or not but the timing was bad. He was hanged on Eid which was offensive to all Muslims.
They had a year to hang him but they wanted to shake Muslims by killing him on their holiday.
I as a Muslim felt offended because not only did they kill Saddam but they also killed many innocent Iraqi's on Eid Allah. While Non-Muslims on their holidays Laugh and play, Muslims
CRY and DIE.

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

Assalamu Alaikum, Brother,

I believe that Islam says that killing any Muslim is like killing the whole of mankind.

Honestly, I have to say that: Allah knows best. Is Saddam on his way to the Hellfire or to Paradise? Who can say but Allah SWT?

Did he pray and repent fully before death? Yes, as has been reported by even his Shia captors. Will Allah accept this? No human knows for certain.

When Saddam killed those people, was it for absolutely no reason or was there some element of Justice involved? Again, Allah knows best.

It does seem to me personally that there's something strange going on with the "Shia" situation - I know that I'm a revert who doesn't know a great deal of the history and debates, but I have been paying attention and what I've seen has made me feel uncomfortable with this self-professing "sect" of Islam.


Junior Member
To answer brother Brandon on the whole sect thing...I was just talking to a friend of mine on this subject yesterday...It's america that has divided us up...I have a sunni friend that used to live in a heavily dominated shiite area...Iran...she was sunni though and there was no conflict between them...In fact, she was telling me that it was not odd at all to see shiite and sunni in the same one used to separate themselves by sect...(an Iraqi friend of mine also echoed this same thought a while back) is america that has given us the feeling that we are different and we have just rolled with it...Before it was like are you muslim or nonmuslim? it's are you sunni or shiite?
It should NOT be like this!!!!!!!!!!!! We are playing into the hands of the enemy and they are building the path we walk on through propaganda...So far we have accepted it and changed our views based on their thoughts...:astag: ...we have to be one ummah!!!!!! May allah guide us into forming such a thing...


New Member

saddam was killed by the shia people and the shia people supporting america, jus check out the shia peoples aqeeda. when they were hanging him he was reciting the shahada and then they dropped him. insha allah he is a shaheed

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

So Shiaism did not exist before the agressive foreign policy of America came about (~1950s)?

What of brother Mabsoot claiming that these people killed the Companions? That they've had a history of deviation, with their own set of moral codes and authorities that are distinct from the Qur'an or Sunnah?

Isn't it possible that this group is using America as an excuse, a crime that all Muslim people can relate to, to radicalize and assimilate? That these Muslim brothers and sisters and playing into the hands of two enemies, for "it's better to be close to the devil you know than the devil you don't".

I would never call myself anything other than "a Muslim" - though you might call me "Sunni" - and I assure you that I do not approve of the American policies, which as you say separate and anger us. Allah knows best, and I would like to learn more about this issue. May Allah and you both forgive me if I have gone beyond what is true.


Junior Member
Only allah knows the reality of it all...anything can be made up these days...note to anyone: how do we really know that it was saddam that was killed?...i mean, we only have their word for it and we knew before that saddam had like ten people made to look like him, right? never believed they caught him to be just doesn't fit in for some a thought
Only allah knows the truth about these things...Whether saddam said the shaheeda or what...yes we have a tape...but it's not for us to decide what was going on...Inshallah though, we will all be able to say the shahida when our time comes....


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum.

Allah is the Best and only Judge of people

President Saddam hussein did do many bad things. We do not know exactly what he did. The US and UK governments and the Raafidah Iraqi government certainly exaggerate things. They claim he killed a million people, lol. And they have no evidence of that.

During the Iran and Iraq war the Coalition blamed Iran for using Chemical weapons. Halabja was blamed on Iran, even the CIA concluded that it was Iran using Chemical weapons. Iraq did not use chemical weapons and even in the TWO Gulf Wars against American and British forces, they did not use any Biological or Chemical weapons! - Is there concrete evidence that can stand up in court that Saddam hussein used chemical weapons against Saddam Hussein ?
Answer: No.

There are no mass graves (for killing that amount of people there is a lot of evidence). In Bosnia, the mass graves of Muslims were seen from the Satellite. - Amazingly the perpetrators of these murders and rapes are still free.. Kradzic and Mladic.

Anyway, Saddam husseins last words were that of the Shahada And also one must remember that because he faced capital punishment for the crimes he committed, then perhaps Allah knows best, he will not be punished in the next life. - This is because a murderers expiation for his sins is done through various ways, one of them it to pay with his life.

I never Liked Saddam hussein, but I must say that he was very brave and his last few moments he was calm and strong. I think he should not have been executed the way he was. He was executed by Moqtada Sadr's men. They are responsible for kidnapping and torturing people to death by drilling holes into them!! This is the justice that has been bought into Iraq now?

Also, keep in mind that there is No precedence for trying and hanging desposed Rulers of countries for quelling revolts.. Pinochet, Idi Amin and many others are examples of Dictators with history of human rights abuses who died naturally

it is not for us to judge people, we leave this matter to Allah (SWT). It is true that he was a Baathist communist. Someone who did not believe in God. However, What we do do, is take a person upon the last moments of their lives. And it is clear that President Saddam Hussein said the Shahada (testimony of faith) a few times, and he was saying it when his life ended. So Islamically, he had the best end. In some aspects he was lucky, for he knew his end had come and was therefore able to say Allah's name and remember Allah.

We treat him like we treat any murderer, His crimes against people are expiated (insaAllah) by his execution on this world.

Allah knows best,

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