Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu :)


Junior Member
Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

May this message reach you all in best health and Iman insha Allah.

Insha Allah I would like to introduce myself to you all.

My name is Hiba, I'm orginaly from Iraq but I've been living in the UK over 9 years.

Insha allah I would love to learn more about Islam (Shafi School). I am muslim Alhamdulillah but I don't have much knowlege at all but with Allahs willing I am willing to learn about myu relegion insha Allah.

I love to meet new people and to get to discuse Islam insha Allah or anything I can assist with insha Allah.

Wa Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

Hiba :)


Blessed Muslimah
Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

Sister Hiba nice to have you here inshallah we can all benefit from each other and further each others knowledge about our deen WELCOME SIS and i am your sis Safiyah:hearts:



Junior Member
Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

Sister Hiba nice to have you here inshallah we can all benefit from each other and further each others knowledge about our deen WELCOME SIS and i am your sis Safiyah:hearts:

Jazaka Allahu Kairan Siter Sufiyah

May Allah have mercy upon us all on this life & here after insha Allah.

It's a pleasure to meet you sis Sufiyah insha Allah keep in touch and do pass on any advice you might have insha Allah.

Wa Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

Hiba :)


Junior Member
Welcome to TTi ... enjoy your stay here .. and you got plenty of deeni friends here .. inshallah we all will benefit from one another through this forum .... take care and be safe ...

Allah Hafiz


Junior Member
Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

May this message reach you all in best health and Iman insha Allah.

Insha Allah I would like to introduce myself to you all.

My name is Hiba, I'm orginaly from Iraq but I've been living in the UK over 9 years.

Insha allah I would love to learn more about Islam (Shafi School). I am muslim Alhamdulillah but I don't have much knowlege at all but with Allahs willing I am willing to learn about myu relegion insha Allah.

I love to meet new people and to get to discuse Islam insha Allah or anything I can assist with insha Allah.

Wa Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu

Hiba :)

wa alaikom assalam wa rahmatuallah wa barakatuh
all the members here are your friends
enjoy you stay here on this lovely forum


Muslim Unity...
:salam2: sis
Alhamdulillah :) welcum to the site sis :SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206:
:mashallah: hope u will benefit form the site inshsllah
Enjoy ur stay and May Allah swt increase us ll in knowledge inshallah