Salaam from a new revert (and how I came to Islam)


Salaam to all,

My name is "K" and I'm from the UK. I was born a Christian (although family are not religious), and I became interested in Islam in late 2003. I became more serious and took my Shahaddah in mid-2006. I became INTERESTED in Islam because I was dating a Palestinian Mulsim at the time. Although he wasn't (and still isn't!) a practicing Muslim at the time, I could not help but be fascinated by his upbringing in the middle-east.

Like I said, he's not a religious man, but some of the practices he engaged in seemed a little strange to me, and it was only LATER that I realised that they were a product of being raised in the Islamic societies of Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

After we split in early 2006, I still retained my interest in Islam, and decided that it may be a good idea to revert (Alhamdulillah, it *was* a great idea!). As I was free of my haraam relationship that I had been in (and rid of a no good man, Muslim or not!!), I decided to "go the whole hog" (no swine joke intended, LOL). I had not eaten pork in a looooooooong time which was nothing to do with Islam *at the time*, I had just decided that I did not like the taste (too salty), nor the idea of eating a pig, and also I had not drunk alcohol for a while, and I never was a big consumer of alcohol prior to embracing Islam anyway. So I decided to completely quit both of these vices, Alhamdullilah.

Astaghfirallah I must confess that I found it a little difficult at first, as I felt like I was depriving myself of something, but thankfully (alhamdullillah), God was with me and guided me through this time. I have not looked back since.

Secondly, I began to learn a few Arabic words, and my knowledge spread beyond the little conversational Arabic that I already knew prior to reverting, to an entire glossary of the meanings of all of the important Islamic phrases.

Unfortunately, I still have a looooong way to go with Arabic (I still can not read, may Allah help guide me in my learning), but alhamdulillah I have not let this impede my determination to live as a good Muslima nevertheless, and insha'allah I will be much better soon.

I am still learning hard and find out something new about this beautiful deen/way of life every single day. However, I feel that ALL Muslims, no matter the religion they were raised with, always have something to learn, as we are eternal students.

Your sister in Islam,



La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
welcome sister, may Allah guide you and help you to learn arabic (there is a section on this website where u can find arabic courses), alhamdulillah who guided u to the right path, jazakillahou khayran,
if u have any question or problem just ask, there is a sisters´club where u´ll find many sisters who can help u inshAllah.

American Muslim

Just Another Slave
Assalamu alaykum K,
there are many really good websites that will help you to learn the Arabic. There is also a good section here. Allah Ta'alla guides whom He wills, it's great that He lead you here to TTI. The stories of all of us "reverts" are different but oddly similar. If you haven't watched any of them yet, check out the videos featuring some of our stories. Oh, btw, I gave a little moan at your pork comment. lol