

New Member
Assalamu alaikum to everyone!

I only recently came across this's really great and i'm so happy to be able to introduce myself as a muslim and read other revert stories, it definately gives me a lot of comfort and encouragment to see how other people are dealing with some of the common difficulties faced by muslim reverts. In fact if it wasn't for the internet and websites such as these i really wouldn't know where to turn!

I took my Shahada 5 months ago now..alhamdulilah...the more i read and learn about Islam (even though it's still very little) the happier i become with my decision and reconfirm to myself that i believe it's the truth and the right path. Unforunately though i am struggling quite a bit and feel quite weak and alone at the moment...

the main difficulty is that i live with my mum right now and she is quite a strict catholic..i haven't told her yet and don't feel ready to at all...not only would she be so upset that i have rejected the faith she brought me up in but unfortunately she is also strongly anti-islam and holds lots of negative views about the religion. I already know she would say that i've been brainwashed and would get my whole family onto me and the local priest etc to try and change my mind. It's not that i’m a coward i know i will have to tell her eventually but i don't feel like i have enough knowledge yet to explain things to her properly and try to change her opinions. I would prefer to wait until i am practicing properly so that i can show her that i am happy with my choice and that i haven't joined some strange cult,lol..

the second thing is that i'm living in a small seaside town in Italy...i have never seen a muslim here and there is no mosque nearby either so i literally have no network of support and nowhere to meet muslims or get help to learn prayer etc (this is why i emphasised how great it is to have internet access and sites like this, thank you!)
I'm actually thinking of moving back to the UK as i grew up there and my dad lives there. It will be really hard for me as i'm very close to mum and my sister and niece live here as well, but i'm starting to realise that not having a muslim community nearby makes things so much harder and i'm scared of getting sidetracked and not being able to practice here...

these days i've been spending a lot of time on the internet and have been learning a lot from sites like these...i was working all summer and i didnt really have time for it but a couple of months ago i was involved in quite a bad accident..i was knocked off my scooter by a car and rushed to hospital with a bad head injury...i fell unconscious and woke up in a daze in the ambulance and all i could hear were sirens and the paramedics saying how much blood there was...i was so scared i actually thought i might die...i couldn't really think straight but i just kept saying please Allah forgive me, forgive me...i was so scared that if i died i would be in really bad sin for not saying my prayers or doing enough to learn more about Islam...

well Alhamdulilah i came out of it with no permanent injuries at all and while i was in hospital the doctors actually found a large cyst attached to my spleen (not caused by the accident) which needs to be removed as it could burst and i had no pain there so they said i might have never found out that it was there...
now i'm waiting to have the operation but as soon as i recover inshAllah i'm gonna try and move..even if its somewhere else in Italy where there's a mosque and muslim community...i think this will be the best thing to do

everyday i'm so much more conscious of death and how we never know when it's our time and i thank Allah everyday for the fact that i'm still here and although at the moment i'm probably the world's worst muslim lol as i still don't know my prayers but i know that i love Allah and Islam and i want to become a good muslim more than anything...

sorry this was so long..i hope noone falls asleep reading this, lol
please pray for me..i feel really scared about being led astray from Islam..i don't want that to happen!

i look forward to reading more stories on this website and i just want to say that reading the replies and advice to people just shows how caring, understanding and helpful muslims are to one another..just like brothers and sisters which is how it should be!
take care everybody

Allah Hafiz


Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam Wa Rahmatullah,

Caldo benvenuto
Welcome to the website sister,

Thanks for sharing your story with us, may Allah help you in this life by making it easy for you and ultimately giving you and your family Paradise inshaallah.

Am sorry to hear about your mum, I have heard similar story before from someone from Portugal i know. Just take your time and tell her when you are ready. What is important is that you feel free to practise Islam and are able to do so inshaAllah.

but, inshaAllah, it will work out for you, just have patience. I hope that your family can understand the truth of Islam one day.



Junior Member

Masha'Allah this is such a wonderful news. It always gets me excited when I read about new muslims as you people properly do your research & there is so much we can learn from you.

Im sorry to hear about your accident but everything happens for a reason. Allah knows best. Insha'Allah you will think of it & always remember how close death is to us all.

Italianmuslimah, you donot have to make your reversion public. Its upto you when you want to do this. Remember, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) preached Islam quietly for three years.

Islam is all about your connection with Allah. He created you & only to Him will you be answerable. As long as you have the best intentions at heart & you pray to & for Allah, it should be accepted Insha'Allah (meaning: Allah willing).

You have us brothers/sisters here on TurnToIslam to ask any questions. We will try our best & Insha'Allah together we will pray for eachother. I copy from a post by MrMuslim:

The Prophet (sal Allah `alayhi wa sallam) said:
“Every Muslim is a brother to another Muslim, neither wronging him nor allowing him to be wronged. If anyone helps his brother in need, Allah (swt) will help him in his own need. If anyone removes a calamity from another Muslim, Allah (swt) will remove from him some of the calamities of the Day of Resurrection. If anyone shields another muslim from disgrace, Allah (swt) will shield him from the disgrace on the Day of Resurrection.” Bukhari & Muslim]

Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu `alayhi wa sallam) also said:
“Whoever is in assistance of his brother, Allah (swt) is in your assistance.”



Junior Member
:wink: :salam2: My dear sister

It's so inspiring to hear that someone who lives in a place where there is no muslims, mosques and has a strict catholic mother like you turns to Islam. Congratulations! Now you're a member of a hugee family and you have brothers and sisters all around the world who will be there whenever you need them! May Allah help you with whatever you do...

I am a muslim brother of yours who lives in USA and I know how you feel... But we're never alone believe me. Allah is so great that he fills all your heart and as long as you turn to him he will never let you down, you will always feel his guidance and help, Allah is everything we need!!! I hope one day your mum sees the truth and converts.



New Member
As salamo aleikom dear Italian Muslimah,

I am happy to hear about your conversion to Islam. If you ask me the biggest step has already been performed, and the rest should be easy insha Allah.

Conoso la societa italiana e penso che arrivare ad la verita li e certamente un benedizione da Allah, subhan wa ta'ala.

This is one small sign of the large differences between muslim converts and those born into other cultures.

As an american raised person who was guided to Allah directly here in the US if we can be of any help to you insha Allah we are here to do so.

Allah ma'ak wa Salam aleikom.

Slave Of Ar-Ra7MaN

#Islam #Oreos

:SMILY206: dear sister to TTI site and hope u benefit from it insha'ALLAH ... Dear sis sowwiee to hear about da accident, insha'ALLAH u r goin well?:) Alhamdulilah that :Allah: has guided u to da right path and may HE show da truth 2 ur mama ameen insha'ALLAH

wassalaamu 3aleykom,
ur sister in ISLAM


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum to everyone!

I only recently came across this's really great and i'm so happy to be able to introduce myself as a muslim and read other revert stories, it definately gives me a lot of comfort and encouragment to see how other people are dealing with some of the common difficulties faced by muslim reverts. In fact if it wasn't for the internet and websites such as these i really wouldn't know where to turn!

I took my Shahada 5 months ago now..alhamdulilah...the more i read and learn about Islam (even though it's still very little) the happier i become with my decision and reconfirm to myself that i believe it's the truth and the right path. Unforunately though i am struggling quite a bit and feel quite weak and alone at the moment...

the main difficulty is that i live with my mum right now and she is quite a strict catholic..i haven't told her yet and don't feel ready to at all...not only would she be so upset that i have rejected the faith she brought me up in but unfortunately she is also strongly anti-islam and holds lots of negative views about the religion. I already know she would say that i've been brainwashed and would get my whole family onto me and the local priest etc to try and change my mind. It's not that i’m a coward i know i will have to tell her eventually but i don't feel like i have enough knowledge yet to explain things to her properly and try to change her opinions. I would prefer to wait until i am practicing properly so that i can show her that i am happy with my choice and that i haven't joined some strange cult,lol..

the second thing is that i'm living in a small seaside town in Italy...i have never seen a muslim here and there is no mosque nearby either so i literally have no network of support and nowhere to meet muslims or get help to learn prayer etc (this is why i emphasised how great it is to have internet access and sites like this, thank you!)
I'm actually thinking of moving back to the UK as i grew up there and my dad lives there. It will be really hard for me as i'm very close to mum and my sister and niece live here as well, but i'm starting to realise that not having a muslim community nearby makes things so much harder and i'm scared of getting sidetracked and not being able to practice here...

these days i've been spending a lot of time on the internet and have been learning a lot from sites like these...i was working all summer and i didnt really have time for it but a couple of months ago i was involved in quite a bad accident..i was knocked off my scooter by a car and rushed to hospital with a bad head injury...i fell unconscious and woke up in a daze in the ambulance and all i could hear were sirens and the paramedics saying how much blood there was...i was so scared i actually thought i might die...i couldn't really think straight but i just kept saying please Allah forgive me, forgive me...i was so scared that if i died i would be in really bad sin for not saying my prayers or doing enough to learn more about Islam...

well Alhamdulilah i came out of it with no permanent injuries at all and while i was in hospital the doctors actually found a large cyst attached to my spleen (not caused by the accident) which needs to be removed as it could burst and i had no pain there so they said i might have never found out that it was there...
now i'm waiting to have the operation but as soon as i recover inshAllah i'm gonna try and move..even if its somewhere else in Italy where there's a mosque and muslim community...i think this will be the best thing to do

everyday i'm so much more conscious of death and how we never know when it's our time and i thank Allah everyday for the fact that i'm still here and although at the moment i'm probably the world's worst muslim lol as i still don't know my prayers but i know that i love Allah and Islam and i want to become a good muslim more than anything...

sorry this was so long..i hope noone falls asleep reading this, lol
please pray for me..i feel really scared about being led astray from Islam..i don't want that to happen!

i look forward to reading more stories on this website and i just want to say that reading the replies and advice to people just shows how caring, understanding and helpful muslims are to one another..just like brothers and sisters which is how it should be!
take care everybody

Allah Hafiz

walaikum salam welcome sister to the site!

concerning your mother, i'm sure whenever you decide to tell your mum that you've chose islam, that they will understand, maybe not straight away, since many people dont know what islam is about, but since they will see your character, and what you have gained about islam, they will realise that islam respects Jesus pbuh and many other things e.t.c.

I hope Allah grants you a good husband in the future, because i'm sure that will make things easy for you.


Junior Member


Cara sorella in Islam , è stato piacevole leggere la tua lettera ; "un fratello" italiano nel forum :ma: Sono veramente contento di averti letto , e spero di rimanere a lungo in contatto con te.
Mi spiace molto per il tuo brutto incidente e la per la posizione ostica di tua madre , ma stai sicura che Allah (sobhana wa t'A'la) ti indicherà e spianerà la strada anche in questa via.
Sono sicuro che se avrai la possibilità di frequentare questo forum avrai molto da riceverne , e sicuramente anche da dare , per questo mi auguro e ti auguro di esser spesso qua con noi.
Ho letto che sei della Toscana , io invece scrivo dalla Sicilia. E ti do il benvenuto.
Ricorda di glorificare sempre il tuo Signore , ed Egli ti sarà sempre accanto.
Che Allah sia con te ,

Per qualsiasi cosa puoi contare su di me.

Assalamo alaikoum sister
Lhamdo li Allah praise to Allah you are muslim today. May Allah help you i hope that things will go well with you and your family incha'Allah.
Also Lhamdo li Allah you were safe from that accident.

I like Tuscany and Etrury, i did a talk about it 6 years ago :) it was about the Etrusque civilisation which it was so big and beautiful than the Roman civilisation but the Romans and the Greek "stole" i.e. they benefit a lot from the Etrusque without saying that it was a fact in history (they hid this truth) eventhough the Romans and especially the Greek thought that they were more civilized than the Etrusque, (you know it's like what happen today and what some people say today against other civilisations). Both the Greek and the Romans considered the Etrusque less civilized but it's not true.
The basis of the Roman civilisation were the art and the whole Etrusque civilisation.
Unfortunatelly, today a lot of people don't know this truth and know only the Romans and the Greek .
Anyway The Etrusque were before the Romans and the Romans learned a lot from them and the Greek benefit from they trasanction with them.
The Etrusque were before Romans and the romans took all there know-how and their art...
The Etrusque are famous by their Bucchero's wood, we say Bukero :)

Do you know that there is a project to build a big islamic center in Tuscany ? i don't know if the project still valid or no see this link and you will understand

Good luck sister and may Allah help you in all your life Ameen.



New Member
Salaam everybody...

i just want to thank you all for the replies and the warm welcome, i can't emphasise enough how wonderful it is to see that muslim brothers and sisters are so genuinely concerned for each other and willing to help. It makes me smile!
Take care everyone..look forward to learning from u all..

Allah Hafiz


New Member
Aleikum Selam dear Sister,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. When I read your story I believe Islam is in your heart. And if Allah the Almighty wants it to be in your heart, then nobody will be able to take it out. You may think you are the worse muslim in the world, but I believenthat when your intentions are good, step by step your actions will become more good as well. I became a muslim three years ago, and it's still difficult for me to be completely open towards other people about it. I don't know why, and it makes me feel weak. My mum knows I became a muslim, and I think she told my father to, but he doesnt talk about it, and I don't talk to him about it. I pray everyday for more strenght, and I hope that Allah will InsAllah give all of uss the strenght we need to be better muslims. I wish you all the best sister, and I hope this community will help you to become more strong as well.

Assalamu alaikum to everyone!

I only recently came across this's really great and i'm so happy to be able to introduce myself as a muslim and read other revert stories, it definately gives me a lot of comfort and encouragment to see how other people are dealing with some of the common difficulties faced by muslim reverts. In fact if it wasn't for the internet and websites such as these i really wouldn't know where to turn!

I took my Shahada 5 months ago now..alhamdulilah...the more i read and learn about Islam (even though it's still very little) the happier i become with my decision and reconfirm to myself that i believe it's the truth and the right path. Unforunately though i am struggling quite a bit and feel quite weak and alone at the moment...

the main difficulty is that i live with my mum right now and she is quite a strict catholic..i haven't told her yet and don't feel ready to at all...not only would she be so upset that i have rejected the faith she brought me up in but unfortunately she is also strongly anti-islam and holds lots of negative views about the religion. I already know she would say that i've been brainwashed and would get my whole family onto me and the local priest etc to try and change my mind. It's not that i’m a coward i know i will have to tell her eventually but i don't feel like i have enough knowledge yet to explain things to her properly and try to change her opinions. I would prefer to wait until i am practicing properly so that i can show her that i am happy with my choice and that i haven't joined some strange cult,lol..

the second thing is that i'm living in a small seaside town in Italy...i have never seen a muslim here and there is no mosque nearby either so i literally have no network of support and nowhere to meet muslims or get help to learn prayer etc (this is why i emphasised how great it is to have internet access and sites like this, thank you!)
I'm actually thinking of moving back to the UK as i grew up there and my dad lives there. It will be really hard for me as i'm very close to mum and my sister and niece live here as well, but i'm starting to realise that not having a muslim community nearby makes things so much harder and i'm scared of getting sidetracked and not being able to practice here...

these days i've been spending a lot of time on the internet and have been learning a lot from sites like these...i was working all summer and i didnt really have time for it but a couple of months ago i was involved in quite a bad accident..i was knocked off my scooter by a car and rushed to hospital with a bad head injury...i fell unconscious and woke up in a daze in the ambulance and all i could hear were sirens and the paramedics saying how much blood there was...i was so scared i actually thought i might die...i couldn't really think straight but i just kept saying please Allah forgive me, forgive me...i was so scared that if i died i would be in really bad sin for not saying my prayers or doing enough to learn more about Islam...

well Alhamdulilah i came out of it with no permanent injuries at all and while i was in hospital the doctors actually found a large cyst attached to my spleen (not caused by the accident) which needs to be removed as it could burst and i had no pain there so they said i might have never found out that it was there...
now i'm waiting to have the operation but as soon as i recover inshAllah i'm gonna try and move..even if its somewhere else in Italy where there's a mosque and muslim community...i think this will be the best thing to do

everyday i'm so much more conscious of death and how we never know when it's our time and i thank Allah everyday for the fact that i'm still here and although at the moment i'm probably the world's worst muslim lol as i still don't know my prayers but i know that i love Allah and Islam and i want to become a good muslim more than anything...

sorry this was so long..i hope noone falls asleep reading this, lol
please pray for me..i feel really scared about being led astray from Islam..i don't want that to happen!

i look forward to reading more stories on this website and i just want to say that reading the replies and advice to people just shows how caring, understanding and helpful muslims are to one another..just like brothers and sisters which is how it should be!
take care everybody

Allah Hafiz


Junior Member
Aleikum Selam dear Sister,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. When I read your story I believe Islam is in your heart. And if Allah the Almighty wants it to be in your heart, then nobody will be able to take it out. You may think you are the worse muslim in the world, but I believenthat when your intentions are good, step by step your actions will become more good as well. I became a muslim three years ago, and it's still difficult for me to be completely open towards other people about it. I don't know why, and it makes me feel weak. My mum knows I became a muslim, and I think she told my father to, but he doesnt talk about it, and I don't talk to him about it. I pray everyday for more strenght, and I hope that Allah will InsAllah give all of uss the strenght we need to be better muslims. I wish you all the best sister, and I hope this community will help you to become more strong as well.


Masha'Allah Aminah, beautifully said. You have not only given strength to italianmuslimah Insha'Allah (Allah willing) but also to me :D



New Member
Salaam Aminah..

thanks for your words of encouragement, it makes me feel better to know that others have faced similar difficulties and manage to overcome them or at least do not lose hope and gradually become stronger in faith. InshAllah we will all become better muslims and will be able to help each other in doing so. It's not easy, especially for reverts who have to be careful not to alienate their families once they find the courage to tell them (which i haven't as yet)...but i'm convinced it's the most worth while thing to struggle for and the reward in the end will be greater than we can imagine inshAllah

take care sister...all the best to you

Aleikum Selam dear Sister,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. When I read your story I believe Islam is in your heart. And if Allah the Almighty wants it to be in your heart, then nobody will be able to take it out. You may think you are the worse muslim in the world, but I believenthat when your intentions are good, step by step your actions will become more good as well. I became a muslim three years ago, and it's still difficult for me to be completely open towards other people about it. I don't know why, and it makes me feel weak. My mum knows I became a muslim, and I think she told my father to, but he doesnt talk about it, and I don't talk to him about it. I pray everyday for more strenght, and I hope that Allah will InsAllah give all of uss the strenght we need to be better muslims. I wish you all the best sister, and I hope this community will help you to become more strong as well.


New Member
assalamo alaikum sister

dont worry too much about your mother. leave it to Allah, Hes the best of planners.

br faruk


Junior Member
Salaam alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe,

Dear Sister,

Insha'Allah you are with good health and imaan.
I hope everything will work out fine for you with your family...and i hope you will find lots of muslimsisters and brothers in Italy.
I myself am also a convert (5 years ago). The stuglles and problems you might have (now and in the future) will only make you stronger. The life we have here on this earth is one big test and we should all do our very best and insha'Allah we will be rewarded with Paradise insha'Allah.
May Allah (Subhana wa ta'alla) guide you on the straight path of Islam and may He give you all the knowledge that you need insha'Allah....ameen. May all of your wishes come true insha'Allah. I wish you all the best sister.
And know that all of your questions are most welcome. I will try my very best to help you if you need it insha'Allah.

Wa salaamoe alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhoe
Your sister in Islam, Aicha


New Member
A malaysian muslim

I am new to this website. I am hoping to get to know new Muslimah revert/ convert. I am sincere looking for wife. Anyway i hope all new reverts will be strong to face the challenges that awaiting them. I am really respecting these people. In Malaysia it is free of religion. We just had our Deepavali and Eid fitri. All major celebration we allocated holiday. We live in harmony among races and religion. Eventough christianity small in number we also allocated 25 dec as national holiday. How tolerance Muslim are...can u find eid firti in western country???

Ash patel

New Member
salams welcome 2 da site n congratulations!i hope u enjoy browsin trough dis site n i wna share another bril site wiv ul get lots of info 4rm dis site n u can also watch videos 4 free which include alot of info!


New Member
Assalamualikum WR WB Sister Italian MUslimah

Its really so nice that you have embraced Islam and after reading about your love towards Allah (swt) and Islam. INshallah Sister we all are here to help you, disregard where we are, INshallah we will try our best to help you. I have one suggestion for you as there is no muslims around you, so I would like to suggest you spend your time in Paltalk CHat room , there is one room called "ISLAM ANSWER BACK 0o ", Its UNder social issues and politacal and Human RIghts. INshalah you will find, the good thing about that room is there would be few brothers and sisters from all over the world and every one share their views. and you can also speak them or post your question. INshallah you wil get help. and is also good website to read about Islamic articles about Sharia Law. I hope these things will help you.
JazakAllah kharian