salam alaikum


New Member
salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

hello every one , My Name is amer i was born in pakistan but i came to the united states when i was 2 years old , ive been living in united states since then. I come from a traditional pakistani family many of my family members dont practise Islam like my mother and sister dont put the hijab unfortunaly, and we they dont pray 5 times a day. alhumdulillah i started learning about Islam through the internet about 3 years ago and im studying more about what is Islam and what is tawheed. lol i never heard of this word until 3 years ago. i hope insha'Allah to guide my family as well. as for me im in 3rd year in university and im doing applied math. insha'Allah i will post more later barak Allah feekoum.
salam alaikum.

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Asalaam Alaykum

Welcome brother to this wondeful site...alhamdulillah
Insha-allah you will contribute aswell...Hope you will benefit as much as we do insha-allah..



Junior Member
waalaikum salam brother inshaa allah allah will guide them and i will pray for u .
may allah help u through your studies. ameeeeeeen


New Member
Wa alaykumu assalaamu wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

Welcome brother amer :) Ma sha Allah I'm a 3rd year student too, studying computer science. Maybe we can talk about the university life sometime in sha Allah.

May Allah bless you


Junior Member

welcome brother Amer. May Allah guide you on, and your family inshaallah, to the straight path. Inshaallah you will be successfull in dunya and ackira. I wish you good luck and patience :SMILY346:



알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Salam Alekum brother
Welcome to TTI.. May u benefit from this site InshAllah.. May Alllah guide ur family.. Ameen..

Abdul Rehman ZF

Junior Member
walakum salaam brother

welcome to the forum brother , its great to hear that.
May Almighty Allah bless us all with true knowledge , ameen